Principles and confidence
Michael BURKE
Thursday, June 26, 2014 13 Comments
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PATTERSON… emphasised values and attitudes during his tenure as prime minister, but some people were more interested in shooting the messenger
I have argued time and again that crime and violence is endemic to our country. It goes back to the days of the pirates who were devoid of principles. Henry Morgan, the famous pirate captain, was made governor of Jamaica to control piracy in the late 1600s. He did this by selling land cheaply to pirates and they became the aristocracy.
Michael BURKE
Thursday, June 26, 2014 13 Comments
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PATTERSON… emphasised values and attitudes during his tenure as prime minister, but some people were more interested in shooting the messenger
I have argued time and again that crime and violence is endemic to our country. It goes back to the days of the pirates who were devoid of principles. Henry Morgan, the famous pirate captain, was made governor of Jamaica to control piracy in the late 1600s. He did this by selling land cheaply to pirates and they became the aristocracy.