Originally posted by Islandman
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...that Goetz case had me conflicted as I had street level experience [The University of the Streets

Unfortunately in the New York of that time...and I suppose under any similar circumstance regardless of locality it is a split second decision on gunning down the assailants or no. ...and once there is more than one assailant...once a decision is made to start shooting you cannot stop baring being hit and limit on weapon occurs, unless all the standing assailants flee.
It is just too bad when guns come into play that to terminate return of fire or fire once initiated except for the circumstances above, must be done at one's own peril.
The limits on human physical capability determines decision on terminating fire. -- e.g. range of vision...and time constraints within which to make determination...sensible determination on 'next act' in context of personal danger.
*Had originally written 3. On thinking on the incidents, I recalled 5!