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  • #16
    Originally posted by Jawge View Post
    Are you saying that the Jakan society
    is on par with that of the US? Then one would ask why the cry of no progress? Why the cry of a failing society? The less astute or casual observer would say "but look it's a worldwide thing" (or should we say the current fashion) but you presumably is much smarter, hence I await your response.
    You know, the PNP, in its current dispensation, is fond of invoking the power of the bible in its campaigning.

    One apt quote from said good book demands close scrutiny here Maudib, when dealing with Jawge.

    It goes something like this: Answer not a fool according to his folly, lest ye be likened on to him.


    • #17
      Originally posted by Jawge View Post
      Are you saying that the Jakan society
      is on par with that of the US? Then one would ask why the cry of no progress? Why the cry of a failing society? The less astute or casual observer would say "but look it's a worldwide thing" (or should we say the current fashion) but you presumably is much smarter, hence I await your response.
      Jawge... steady.. steady.. .


      Your response is.. ARE YOU SAYING.... ??

      How much clearer can I be .. let me try AGAIN... fallah me...


      Regional, Global, African, Black Man, 3rd World.. what perspective ?, what standards ?

      I cannot make my request any clearer.. I hope you are able to respond intelligently.


      • #18
        Originally posted by Willi View Post
        Yuh making a logical fallacy.

        WE KNOW the PNP cant do better as we have 18 years of evidence in this dispensation.

        We can think what we want about this JLP, but we dont KNOW.

        Who in their right mind would give up even the remotest possibility of "success" for the certainty of failure???

        This is a no-brainer Karl.

        Your task, if you wish to accept it, is to seek ways to limit your risks with the new people. You can do this by being more vigilant, while still being supportive. In other words, learn from the mistakes of the recent past and reduce avenues of Govt excesses.
        Are these the same set of individuals who were in our parliament in 1980?

        If there are only a few of the same persons why not list all members of parliament at each election 1980 to present?

        The PNP as a party has been in office for 18 years...but, is there any possibility that even 'old members' now have new throughts on 'the way forward'?

        Did PJ rule in the same manner as Michael Manley?

        What then would prevent Sistah P from changing many things from the Michael Manley way or the PJ Patterson way? What would prevent Sistah P from leading along a Sistah P path to prosperty?

        Willi: My friend, I am saying we do not know what a Bruce Golding led JLP would do...but, so my friend we also do not know what a Sistah P led government will do?

        I will tell you that based on what has been happening in the country since Sistah P has taken over has led me to think better days, with Sistah P at the controls, shall come!
        "Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed citizens can change the world. Indeed, it is the only thing that ever has."


        • #19
          Originally posted by Karl View Post
          Are these the same set of individuals who were in our parliament in 1980?

          If there are only a few of the same persons why not list all members of parliament at each election 1980 to present?

          The PNP as a party has been in office for 18 years...but, is there any possibility that even 'old members' now have new throughts on 'the way forward'?

          Did PJ rule in the same manner as Michael Manley?

          What then would prevent Sistah P from changing many things from the Michael Manley way or the PJ Patterson way? What would prevent Sistah P from leading along a Sistah P path to prosperty?

          Willi: My friend, I am saying we do not know what a Bruce Golding led JLP would do...but, so my friend we also do not know what a Sistah P led government will do?

          I will tell you that based on what has been happening in the country since Sistah P has taken over has led me to think better days, with Sistah P at the controls, shall come!
          ... a wha suh? Unuh muss program to rahtid.
          "Jamaica's future reflects its past, having attained only one per cent annual growth over 30 years whilst neighbours have grown at five per cent." (Article)


          • #20
            Originally posted by Karl View Post
            Are these the same set of individuals who were in our parliament in 1980?

            If there are only a few of the same persons why not list all members of parliament at each election 1980 to present?

            The PNP as a party has been in office for 18 years...but, is there any possibility that even 'old members' now have new throughts on 'the way forward'?

            Did PJ rule in the same manner as Michael Manley?

            What then would prevent Sistah P from changing many things from the Michael Manley way or the PJ Patterson way? What would prevent Sistah P from leading along a Sistah P path to prosperty?

            Willi: My friend, I am saying we do not know what a Bruce Golding led JLP would do...but, so my friend we also do not know what a Sistah P led government will do?

            I will tell you that based on what has been happening in the country since Sistah P has taken over has led me to think better days, with Sistah P at the controls, shall come!
            You would think better days are ahead stuck the lower levels of the Titanic after the ice-berg collision if you heard Sistah 'P' had taken over the Bridge.

            You probably thought better days were ahead in 1989, 1993, 1997 and 2002.


            • #21
              Originally posted by Karl View Post
              Are these the same set of individuals who were in our parliament in 1980?

              If there are only a few of the same persons why not list all members of parliament at each election 1980 to present?

              The PNP as a party has been in office for 18 years...but, is there any possibility that even 'old members' now have new throughts on 'the way forward'?

              Did PJ rule in the same manner as Michael Manley?

              What then would prevent Sistah P from changing many things from the Michael Manley way or the PJ Patterson way? What would prevent Sistah P from leading along a Sistah P path to prosperty?

              Willi: My friend, I am saying we do not know what a Bruce Golding led JLP would do...but, so my friend we also do not know what a Sistah P led government will do?

              I will tell you that based on what has been happening in the country since Sistah P has taken over has led me to think better days, with Sistah P at the controls, shall come!

              The JLP has not been in Govt the last several years. The 1980s showed me a lot more progress than the 1990s... a lot more. Just go down to parade and open your eyes. I am a downtown man, and I see the change.

              The problem for P is that she put up with the Govt for so long and even in her 1 year in charge, we see the same old same old.

              I guess its better to live in Hope than die in Constant Spring.


              • #22
                Originally posted by Willi View Post
                The JLP has not been in Govt the last several years. The 1980s showed me a lot more progress than the 1990s... a lot more. Just go down to parade and open your eyes. I am a downtown man, and I see the change.

                The problem for P is that she put up with the Govt for so long and even in her 1 year in charge, we see the same old same old.

                I guess its better to live in Hope than die in Constant Spring.
                I hear you!
                ...but, in terms of the development of families...opportunities for upward mobility - It is the PNP for me.

                Further it is as I said, I do not see Bruce offering me anything that Portia is not now offering - Hope for a great future. That brings me to i) my past biases , ii) the number of ungoing projects Portia since she has become PM has been allowing to run their development courses and iii) the continuing increase in economic activities, iv) the expectation of personel changes and improved delivery of social services...including improved security/reduction and control of crime.

                Let's face facts this election is all about delivery of social services - proper securty, education serives, health services, infastructure in roads, electricity and water, tele-communications - (We currently have first world deliver here as far as telecommunications is concerned. End users need to upgrade.), improving of the lot of pensioners and the elderly and efficient point of contact and actual provision of services by government institutions.

                Can Bruce or Portia deliver in these areas? What gives one the greater belief/greater repository of faith - 'right to greater belief' than the other as being more likely to provide the necessary services?

                In my mind they are dead eeeeks! Portia is new at the controls! Bruce has never been at the controls! In a real sense they are both "newbies". Portia has not done anything in her small 12 months to suggest she cannot deliver! In fact, she has done the opposite...she has shown marked improvement on ability to communicate and have pointed out areas where she shall change - crime, roads, water, health services, education...

                Why change? ...for change sake? ...as I said, my past biases and the few short months she has been at the control demand she gets her mandate to continue on!

                PS: The matter of the island not being "business friendly" and or "does not encourrage business development" or is not "investmetn friendly" is nonsense!

                Just look at the number of foreigners and foreign entities...and, local new delevopments and business start-ups? Look at the investment in housing by private sector persons and entities? Look at investments in the tele-communications sectors? Private sector commercial activities are at an all-time high!
                Last edited by Karl; May 27, 2007, 12:39 PM.
                "Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed citizens can change the world. Indeed, it is the only thing that ever has."


                • #23
                  Originally posted by Karl View Post
                  I hear you!
                  ...but, in terms of the development of families...opportunities for upward mobility - It is the PNP for me.

                  Further it is as I said, I do not see Bruce offering me anything that Portia is not now offering - Hope for a great future. That brings me to i) my past biases , ii) the number of ungoing projects Portia since she has become PM has been allowing to run their development courses and iii) the continuing increase in economic activities, iv) the expectation of personel changes and improved delivery of social services...including improved security/reduction and control of crime.

                  Let's face facts this election is all about delivery of social services - proper securty, education serives, health services, infastructure in roads, electricity and water, tele-communications - (We currently have first world deliver here as far as telecommunications is concerned. End users need to upgrade.), improving of the lot of pensioners and the elderly and efficient point of contact and actual provision of services by government institutions.

                  Can Bruce or Portia deliver in these areas? What gives one the greater belief/greater repository of faith - 'right to greater belief' than the other as being more likely to provide the necessary services?

                  In my mind they are dead eeeeks! Portia is new at the controls! Bruce has never been at the controls! In a real sense they are both "newbies". Portia has not done anything in her small 12 months to suggest she cannot deliver! In fact, she has done the opposite...she has shown marked improvement on ability to communicate and have pointed out areas where she shall change - crime, roads, water, health services, education...

                  Why change? ...for change sake? ...as I said, my past biases and the few short months she has been at the control demand she gets her mandate to continue on!

                  PS: The matter of the island not being "business friendly" and or "does not encourrage business development" or is not "investmetn friendly" is nonsense!

                  Just look at the number of foreigners and foreign entities...and, local new delevopments and business start-ups? Look at the investment in housing by private sector persons and entities? Look at investments in the tele-communications sectors? Private sector commercial activities are at an all-time high!
                  Hmmm. So what if Peter Phillips or Omar had won the presidency ?


                  • #24
                    Originally posted by Maudib View Post
                    Hmmm. So what if Peter Phillips or Omar had won the presidency ?
                    No what if, I am dealing with Portia!

                    ...and, it points to, under Portia, Peter and Omar having to redefine themselves, LEAVE or be FIRED!
                    "Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed citizens can change the world. Indeed, it is the only thing that ever has."


                    • #25
                      You do realize how much of the Budget currently goes to debt and pays civil servants right ?

                      You do realize our current debt is near to 1 Trillion ? Right ?

                      You do realize our economic growth and productivity are one of the lowest in the region .. right ?

                      Delivery of social services.. ???

                      Unnuh will never learn.. "It takes cash to care".. borrowing from Peter to pay Paul will only end in one thing....

                      Di man seh "marked improvement on ability to communicate" LOL !!

                      Let me update you.. there is only 1 reason why Portia is President of the PNP.. that was deemed the ONLY way the PNP could have a chance of winning a 5th Term.. She 'Popular'.. 'Shi love poor people'..

                      The fact that you think Jamaica is business friendly or investment friendly even further demonstrates your disconnect.. if you want an update on that talk to yuh Minister Paulwell...

                      If yuh doubt him ask yuhself why the Informal Sector is so large..

                      Is wha wrong wid yuh ?


                      • #26
                        Originally posted by Karl View Post
                        No what if, I am dealing with Portia!

                        ...and, it points to, under Portia, Peter and Omar having to redefine themselves, LEAVE or be FIRED!
                        Karl you are a die-hard PNP, no need to try and justify your emotions.

                        You just look silly trying to contruct a reasonable argument.

                        Just seh it like yuh comrade friend dem "I cannot and will not live in this country under a JLP Government.."

                        Yuh nuh si how yuh comrade masses dem chop it.. "all di chicken in mi yard a PNP" the only difference is you have the benefit of a decent education.. which is a sad commentary in itself..

