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Nigeria, 336 people killed on Monday

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  • Nigeria, 336 people killed on Monday

    Islamist Militants Kill Hundreds of Civilians in Northeastern Nigeria


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    ABUJA, Nigeria — Islamist insurgents have killed hundreds in a town in Nigeria’s northeast this week, the area’s senator, a resident and the Nigerian news media reported on Wednesday, as more than 200 schoolgirls abducted by the militants, known as Boko Haram, remained missing.

    The latest attack, on Monday, followed a classic Boko Haram pattern: Dozens of militants wearing fatigues and wielding AK-47s and rocket-propelled grenade launchers descended on the town of Gamboru Ngala, chanting “Allahu akbar,” firing indiscriminately and torching houses. When it was over, at least 336 people had been killed and hundreds of houses and cars had been set on fire, said Waziri Hassan, who lives there, and Senator Ahmed Zanna.
    The missing schoolgirls have grabbed the world’s attention, and more offers of help poured in to the Nigerian government on Wednesday from Britain, China and France. But Boko Haram’s deadly attack on Gamboru Ngala was similar to many others in the past several years that drew little or no notice beyond Nigeria. Bodies still lay in the street on Wednesday night, said Mr. Hassan, a cement salesman.

    The town is on the Cameroon border and, as with other Boko Haram targets, many of its youth had joined an anti-Islamist vigilante force and were helping the Nigerian Army. “The young men have been defending the town for quite some time,” Mr. Zanna said. The insurgents have punished other such towns in the region with mass killings and indiscriminate arson.
    People ran into their homes to save themselves, said Mr. Hassan, who heard the attackers chanting. “We were in our rooms four to six hours, and they started razing the houses,” he said.
    Gamboru, a town of perhaps 3,000 people, “is now burned into ashes,” Mr. Hassan said. “I saw it with my own eyes, 171 dead bodies, scattered around.”
    At least 18 police officers were killed, but Mr. Zanna said there were no military forces in the town because all had been drafted in the search for the schoolgirls. Mr. Hassan said no officials had been to the town since it was attacked.
    “Yesterday, people were still trying to pick up dead bodies,” Mr. Zanna said. “It’s really traumatizing.” The senator said the insurgents had used two armored personnel carriers stolen from the Nigerian military several months ago.
    “There is no presence of security men in that area,” he said, and the militants “are having a field day.”
    Mr. Hassan said most of the remaining residents had fled to Cameroon. He has returned — his house is less than a quarter-mile from the border — but he said life had become very difficult there. There is nothing left: The market, one of the largest in Borno State, has been burned to the ground, and so has the principal hospital.
    “We don’t even have drinking water,” he said. “We don’t have shops in Gamboru. We have to run to Cameroon to get something to eat.”
    Winning means you're willing to go longer, work harder, and give more than anyone else - Vince Lombardi

  • #2
    This is a horrible thing going on in Nigeria. I am surprised how little interest there is on the forum. Perhaps its because the evil-doers are West Africans and not from foreign Babylon countries? That is not the kind of plot that generates excitement here. Maybe someone can find a way to tie it to the CIA or KGB, that would help the interest level around here. Throw in Exxon somewhere and then we are really cooking.

    My heart aches for the families who are going through these atrocities.
    "‎It is easier to build strong children than to repair broken men" - Frederick Douglass


    • #3
      You see it. A tell you.
      • Don't let negative things break you, instead let it be your strength, your reason for growth. Life is for living and I won't spend my life feeling cheated and downtrodden.


      • #4
        No one cares, including us. A Nigerian brethren said radical islamists have been slaughtering his Ibo people for generations, and he is at the point of advocating the break up of his country into three major regions, Ibo, Yoruba, and the northern Muslim Hausa. His Ibo tribe tried to breakaway from Nigeria in the late 1960s and establish their own country, but all the other tribes joined forces and defeated his tribe.
        Winning means you're willing to go longer, work harder, and give more than anyone else - Vince Lombardi


        • #5
          As a young boy I remember when "Biafra" used to be in the news regularly... I didn't understand the issue but that was the name of the state or he name given to the part of Nigeria that tried to secede in the late 60s.

          The abduction of these girls is tragic no doubt, but it looks like the Nigerian state either doesn't really care much, or they have no idea how to deal with the issue. I really feel for the girls who must be scared like hell, and for their families too.
          Peter R


          • #6
            This thing is serious. I know Barack does not like deploying troops but I think it would be the right thing to do. Africa is about to explode!

            Time for the African Union to take a stand against all Islamic factions that threaten the security of the entire continent.

            There are so many countries that could get embroiled in this "Islam against the rest" conflict.

            The sad thing is, I'm not even sure US inclement cab stop it. Just too large a place with unforgiving terrain, from dense jungle to sweltering desert. And there may just be too many sympathisers given the large Muslim populations in so many African states. But the world should not just sit back and watch the developments.


