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Cocktail gossip

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  • Cocktail gossip

    The hottest topics on the cocktail circuit
    published: Thursday | May 17, 2007

    Governor and Minister
    1. If all goes well, the plan is the current governor would resign; the present minister would assume the role of governor, and the banker now trying to find a seat would become the new minister! Don't know yet where the governor would go; talk is he could pick up an international assignment or commission.
    Is she a deportee?
    2. She's been romantically linked with one former minister of government, and that's while she was still married to his party colleague; fell out of political grace and fell on hard times. She then took up with the well-known dealer and they both headed off our shores. True to her colours, she started seeing a top person there, displacing the dealer who returned home. She later fled. So in fact she is a deportee!
    Migration plans
    3. Seems all bets are off on the outcome of the next elections as the don is now talking about possibly migrating if the election should go against his party. And there are choices - [COLOR=orange! important][COLOR=orange! important]Canada[/COLOR][/COLOR] or the United Kingdom? On the other hand, the talk from one well placed within the ranks is that if the party is not triumphant at the polls, he won't be sticking around either.
    Rush to pay debts
    4. In anticipation of earlier general elections, a lot of the indebted in the political world went and paid up way outstanding [COLOR=orange! important][COLOR=orange! important]debts[/COLOR][/COLOR]. Some others have made verbal commitments to take care of theirs, others even have stated that they weren't aware that they were expected to repay the millions they borrowed! What is clear here though is that indebtedness is no respector of persons, or party affiliation!
    The late don and cops
    5. Why did the funeral of the Jamerican don killed in South Jersey a few weeks ago attracted so many of the police top brass from the area? And what is the status of the investigations of the ex, who flew into [COLOR=orange! important][COLOR=orange! important]Jamaica[/COLOR][/COLOR] to attend the funeral? What is the involvement of the [COLOR=orange! important][COLOR=orange! important]police[/COLOR][/COLOR] here?
    All for the children!
    6. So deep was the mistrust, everything was left in trust for the children, the wife a mere bystander!
    Prized baby
    7. The much publicised baby that was reportedly fathered by the legal one out West, may have been a case of in vitro fertilisation.
    Stealing husband
    8.The wife of the Pine-Apple-face one has got to stop going around accusing everyone of trying to steal her husband! Such public displays of insecurity and the common language that accompanies the accusations are not befitting the aspirations!
    Name-dropper resurfaces
    9. He is the supreme name-dropper, passes himself off as chef and a close friend of the rich and powerful and then uses his supposed connections to solicit favours. The act had grown stale in Kingston, as one highly placed lady who came to his rescue when he was supposedly launching one of his pet schemes, was left holding the bag to the sum of half-a-million dollars. And with the police and bailiffs seeking him out, he went underground, only to resurface in another part of the country where he is now busy plying his trade once again.
    Who's the letter-writer?
    10. No sooner had news broken here about the cooperation between one high foreign office and the leading agency, than someone fired off a letter to the office seeking to derail the memorandum of understanding by accusing the head of the agency of being a hate-filled homophobic bigot who promotes shows in Jamaica, using artistes known for their hate-filled anti-homosexual lyrics! With some of his closest friends known to be out of the closet, that argument did not wash, but the question still remains: Just who authored the letter?