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Video - Police shoot driver in Hanover

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  • #16
    From where we picked up the "story" on the video, the cop had every right to defend himself, which includes shooting at the man. He was 2 feet away from the man so, I would like to think if he wanted to kill him, he could easily have done so. Not to mention, the man could have disarmed him. Then what?!?

    What concerns me though is how did it get to that? Cops in Jamaica do not know how to take control of a situation, how to not allow it to get out of control, how to quickly subdue suspects or troublemakers, the way US cops do. It may look excessive at times but before you know it, in the US, there would 2 or 3 knees in your neck and you'd be in the back seat in yuh wife-beaters on your way to the station. Not our Jamaican cops. Dem out deh a argue wid yuh, allowing the crowd to participate, everyone voicing an opinion.

    Without knowing or seeing what happened before the start of this video, I can bet it could have been handled a lot better and did not have to get to this.



    • #17
      Is somebody going to tell him that we are in agreement, or am I gonna have to do it? :snicker:


      • #18
        Yuh sure? A Karl dat unnu! Yuh undastan weh him just say?



        • #19
          Touch a cop in the US and see what happens. Open your car door when they pull you over and see what happens. Mosiah I'm thinking just as how the cop should have not let it escalate so too the taximan...It is about time they start respecting the law and police officers. I'm pretty sure if he wasn't arguing with the cop or obeying the cop it wouldn't be escalated...I'm also sure if this wasn't caught on video there would be a cry of police brutality


          • #20
            Originally posted by Hortical View Post
            Karl you are a joker.
            You are typically hostile to civilians who use firearms to defend themselves against criminals.
            That above is great advert for the 'Use of English' post.
            No where on this forum or elsewhere have I been hostile to civilian use of firearms to defend selves.

            I have stated that if our society had a ban on firearms save only being allowed for the security forces we would have less harm done by guns and less 'gun crimes'.

            How you have taken that to mean I am hostile to the use of guns to defend selves shows total misunderstanding of what I have been saying through numerous posts.

            The only times an Afro-American who was assaulted got away (from a lynching) has been when he had a gun and used it in self-defense. -Ida B. Wells
            I suppose the above broad statement means that you have a record of or can point to such a record where only African-Americans using guns when attempts were being made to lynch them has escaped lynching?

            You do know that it has been said that escaped slaves were often under threat of a lynching if caught? ...and I assume, your knowing that a number of slaves annually attempted to 'run-a-way' and escaped that they
            got away (from a lynching)
            without using a gun?

            You do understand that the imposition of slavery on a human is an assault on that human?

            If you agree with the foregoing response to your post then maybe your are receptive to consideration of other circumstances that must have occurred whereon African-Americans escaped a lynching. That would mean Ida B. Wells' point should not be taken literally.
            "Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed citizens can change the world. Indeed, it is the only thing that ever has."


            • #21
              Originally posted by Mosiah View Post

              What concerns me though is how did it get to that?

              Cops in Jamaica do not know how to take control of a situation...

              Without knowing or seeing what happened before the start of this video, I can bet it could have been handled a lot better and did not have to get to this.
              First: Any situation can always be handled in a number of ways.

              Could this be handled in a more efficient way i.e. a way that led to a 'better' outcome? If the cop used an alternate method I suggested when addressing use of the gun - that is, 'run away' - then that might be considered more appropriate by some.

              Then: ...the thought is; if 'run away' is a preferred method when does thinking on cop's preservation of life and the refusal to insist on being obeyed when giving a lawful order morph into creation of a society where cops are disobeyed or totally disregarded when unlawful acts are occurring under their noses and Jamaica descends into 'a Wild West nation'? Would we end up with a nation where 'might makes right' is 'the law of the land'?

              Finally: Why is it I get the impression that your statements ignore the very thought of the taxi-man having a responsibility to not escalating the interaction between the cop and self and his attendant assault on the cop and his being shot.

              That 'no sah, his di wiked chupid cop attempt fi prevent mi fram brukin di law han fram park innah di 'no parking zone' dat cause dis' troubles me.
              "Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed citizens can change the world. Indeed, it is the only thing that ever has."


              • #22
                Originally posted by Karl View Post
                Finally: Why is it I get the impression that your statements ignore the very thought of the taxi-man having a responsibility to not escalating the interaction between the cop and self and his attendant assault on the cop and his being shot.

                That 'no sah, his di wiked chupid cop attempt fi prevent mi fram brukin di law han fram park innah di 'no parking zone' dat cause dis' troubles me.
                Why would you get that impression?! Are you becoming like me and not reading all of the post? I already said I had no problem with the cop discharging his weapon. Looks like a clear case of self-defense to me. Implicit in that is for the taxi man to not do anything to bring about such a reaction.

                But I maintain that our cops need to handle these situations better, for everyone's safety. We know di taxi man dem nuh have nuh behaviour, so I would not be surprised if it was the taxi man who refused to "stand down", and brought this where it did not have to go. But cop training needs improvement. For one, maybe he should have called for back up right away instead of trying to deal with this on his own?

                BLACK LIVES MATTER


                • #23
                  calling for back up? do you know how it escalated?!

                  i am saying all that you arwe saying is most likely true but this is the case to make that point.

                  as a general rule, taxi man dem behave like alien! they have no regard for any of the road traffic laws, none for the authorities and absolutely none for any other road users.

                  radliffe lewis once said that when himstop them, if him ask them to spell cat them run off, illiterate most likely and therefore never read a road code.

                  Infidelity does not consist in believing, or in disbelieving; it consists in professing to believe what he does not believe. Thomas Paine


                  • #24
                    Actually this is the first incident that I've seen where the police and someone got into a "wrassling" match. Usually Jamaican police shoot first and no badda ask no questions. I am surprised. Him muss be a likkle prentice Babylon bwoy.
                    Hey .. look at the bright side .... at least you're not a Liverpool fan! - Lazie 2/24/10 Paul Marin -19 is one thing, 20 is a whole other matter. It gets even worse if they win the UCL. *groan*. 05/18/2011.MU fans naah cough, but all a unuh a vomit?-Lazie 1/11/2015


                    • #25
                      it was caught and there was a cry ... yuh nuh har one lady in the video a cheer when dem a scuffle and then when the policeman shoot the taximan she declared how the policeman "wicked"....too much people a hug up lawlessness and slackness. society has a role to play and we losing that fight ...

                      Infidelity does not consist in believing, or in disbelieving; it consists in professing to believe what he does not believe. Thomas Paine


                      • #26
                        Originally posted by Mosiah View Post
                        Why would you get that impression?! Are you becoming like me and not reading all of the post? I already said I had no problem with the cop discharging his weapon. Looks like a clear case of self-defense to me. Implicit in that is for the taxi man to not do anything to bring about such a reaction.

                        But I maintain that our cops need to handle these situations better, for everyone's safety. We know di taxi man dem nuh have nuh behaviour, so I would not be surprised if it was the taxi man who refused to "stand down", and brought this where it did not have to go. But cop training needs improvement. For one, maybe he should have called for back up right away instead of trying to deal with this on his own?
                        I heard backup was there (It was two cops not one. Was one in plain clothes?) Also hear that taxi man pulled a machete on the cop.
                        The same type of thinking that created a problem cannot be used to solve the problem.


                        • #27
                          Gamma and Time, none of us know what happened before the video began. All I'm saying is, in the same way we can agree dat taxi man nuh have nuh behaviour and it is quite likely he brought all this on himself by his dumb actions, I'm simply adding that our police don't deal with these situations the best way they could, generally.

                          What's so wrong about that statement?!

                          BLACK LIVES MATTER


                          • #28
                            Originally posted by Mosiah View Post
                            Gamma and Time, none of us know what happened before the video began. All I'm saying is, in the same way we can agree dat taxi man nuh have nuh behaviour and it is quite likely he brought all this on himself by his dumb actions, I'm simply adding that our police don't deal with these situations the best way they could, generally.

                            What's so wrong about that statement?!
                            The general statement is fine. However, the reason may be that the JCF don't have the resources to respond to a situation properly. If a US police transmit an officer need assistance call then everybody in the area coming because they have the transport to respond.
                            The same type of thinking that created a problem cannot be used to solve the problem.


                            • #29
                              and i am saying the rolling and tussling with the policeman is not in the taxi man's favour especially if he is parked illegally and thus in this instance THIS taxi man's behaviour would seem to be more in question than the GENERAL behaviour of the police men.

                              Infidelity does not consist in believing, or in disbelieving; it consists in professing to believe what he does not believe. Thomas Paine


                              • #30
                                Perhaps! However, maybe if the cop dealt with it the right way from the very beginning...!

                                BLACK LIVES MATTER

