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Anniversary of Braeton 7 Killings

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  • #16
    maybe you should read the report of the case instead of prattling on You want me send it to you)...forensics showed that eleven shots were fired from the guns recovered in the house...including that of the constable that was killed at Above Rocks...you can't have it both ways...you claim that contamination blah blah blah does not matter as long as they get to the truth...yuh figget...so who cares if a bunch of murderers were told to lay down on the ground and get dem skull bore? right Mosiah? snicker...


    • #17
      Which gun?

      If you are willing to take the police version of what happened that morning, why can't you take the police version of what happened in the Kartel case? At least one was given under oath!

      That's HYPOCRISY for yah!



      • #18
        Originally posted by Mosiah View Post
        Which gun?

        If you are willing to take the police version of what happened that morning, why can't you take the police version of what happened in the Kartel case? At least one was given under oath!
        The police officer in the Kartel case admitted that there are criminals in the police force and that an unauthorized member of the police force tampered with evidence in the case...dem did seh dat in the Braeton trial?
        Last edited by Bricktop; March 24, 2014, 01:16 PM.


        • #19
          Originally posted by Bricktop View Post
          maybe you should read the report of the case instead of prattling on You want me send it to you)...forensics showed that eleven shots were fired from the guns recovered in the house...including that of the constable that was killed at Above Rocks...you can't have it both ways...you claim that contamination blah blah blah does not matter as long as they get to the truth...yuh figget...so who cares if a bunch of murderers were told to lay down on the ground and get dem skull bore? right Mosiah? snicker...
          Forensics?!? Conducted within hours of the murders?!? LOL! Wooiiee, mi grey matter!

          Send it to me, please. In fact, don't bother, cause I have no time to waste.

          The TRUTH as it relates to the 7 boys is that none were proven to be criminals of any sort. That's the TRUTH I'm working with here.

          We would not be having this conversation if the police had decided to just kill Kartel and his 4 kriminal kronies instead of bringing them to JUSTICE.



          • #20
            It would be nice if you mentioned the amount of guns that were recivered but then that would force you to ponder why so many were killed.
            The police accounts of that infamous incident is rejected,misconceptions surrounding the forensic reports is likely,the police fired those weapons after the fact.
            The youngsters were escorted outside and and searched then taken back inside to be killed.
            Very inlikely those legally found guilty would ever get executed,the end results are not even the same,ergo it is an invidious comparison.


            • #21
              Tell me about the level of tampering and contamination in the Braeton case, please and thanks!

              BLACK LIVES MATTER


              • #22
                there was none...hence the not guilty verdict...or is ongly Kartel yuh have strength for...remember getting to the truth no matter what...yuh switch up yuh argument now


                • #23
                  And why were four constables tried and not Adams himself?!


                  BLACK LIVES MATTER


                  • #24

                    Maybe the DPP was correct. Finally, the justice system worked the way it was intended. You bring in suspects and you have them tried in a court of law.

                    BLACK LIVES MATTER


                    • #25
                      what don't you understand about getting to the truth no matter what...you need clarification from Mosiah...the police wiped out seven murderes...how they did it is irrelevant...right Mosiah? :snicker:


                      • #26
                        the justice system allows fabricated evidence to be introduced to the jury? might as well just bore dem skull in di streets and save the bother


                        • #27
                          We agree! Dem should did done Kartel dem!

                          BLACK LIVES MATTER


                          • #28
                            you going to Kern party tonight?


                            • #29
                              But must!

                              Kern is mi St. Bess neighbour and fellow MC alumnus. We have more in common than there are differences. Now he's able to represent the people of the parish again, many of whom never doubted his innocence. It was all a Kingston conspiracy against a humble, up-and-coming rural MP.

                              Gwaan Kern!
                              Last edited by Mosiah; March 24, 2014, 01:49 PM.

                              BLACK LIVES MATTER


                              • #30
                                As D.K. Duncan said then

                                And I have said this to my friends, many of whom are my children who are sitting over there, that I could have been in that house in Braeton. I personally know that, not through some abstract thing, but through practical reality.

                                I was a Member of Parliament who mix-up with everybody ­ mi neva skin up ­ because every man have a right fi him own destiny. And I can envisage myself in the 1970s or 1960s when I was in the Black Power movement, sitting down in a room with some set of youths saying 'Listen, we have to reason out how dis ting go, what we can do wid wi life.'

                                Because this thing don't work through no public meeting and no whole heap a thing, we have sit down and reason, you have to reason, it's one on one, it's likkle small groups - that's where you get to the minds and to challenge the youth and thing of this country.

                                You cyaan just come down and spend half an hour and say 'I was there, and they look poor.' So I could have been there reasoning with them and Mr. Adams could have walked in there and sey, 'See it deh, see the b_ _ _ h deh', and just shot wi! That's exactly how it would go, that's exactly how it would have gone. And I want to put it as starkly as possible, because I want you to know that you face 'a clear and present danger.'

                                And I was very disappointed when we went down to the funeral that Sunday afternoon, and saw the chairs, set out in anticipation of civil society, empty. I don't want to interpret Edward Seaga, but I felt like how I think he felt, when a question was put to him on the Breakfast Club and he answered by saying, 'My heart tells one thing, but my head tells me another.' Nutten nuh lef fi sey afta dat.

                                I don't even want him explain it to me - don't you know when you're fed up and yuh feel like sey 'What in the name of God, why people cyaan see that something is wrong? What is it going to take for people to know that something is wrong?'

                                The South African Constitutional Court in 1995, when they were dealing with Truth and Reconciliation, said:

                                "It is only if there is a willingness to protect the worst and the weakest amongst us that all of us can be secure that our own rights will be protected." That's from a court sitting in a country which has reason to hate - good reason to hate and good reason to retaliate.

                                So to bring up all kinds of irrelevancies, either of the past, the present or the future, when you are dealing with a reality of the moment, to me, makes no sense. It shows, and I don't want to judge too much, but I have to come to certain conclusions. I was very disappointed and I would appeal to people to see these people as human beings.

                                These few words that I've tried to put together this evening are dedicated, not to New York, but to West Kingston where I want to see the flag fly half-mast. More people died there in three days than the four weeks of the 1938 uprising. But, who are these people?

                                As the Member of Parliament explained, hand-cart man, rum-head - what I hear they call now in certain places of the inner-city, 'Waste man'. That's what they call them now, that's what we have come to. And we have come to that because we have allowed the institutionalisation of repression to continue to satisfy our immediate gratification in the hope that if them kill ten now, then everything will be solved. Well, mek I tell you if you kill ten now, a hundred going come up.

                                And where as in a particular point in time the Suppression of Crime Act allowed them to just kick off the door, come in and gun butt yuh and tek yuh to jail, now dem come in, gun butt yuh and shot yuh in yuh head. That is what it has come to, and we sit by and talk about why yuh nuh go policeman funeral and go dis and go dat. Of course, everybody is sorry when anybody dies. But as James Baldwin said, 'If they come for me in the morning, they are going to come for you in the night.'

                                And in paying respect to those people, we have a Commission of Enquiry, like so many other Commissions of Enquiry into another crisis in the country - a Commission of Enquiry which just in an instant can't see the sense in getting up immediately from their chairs and going down to West Kingston and look, immediately. Sometimes I feel like 'Yuh mad', if a man sey 'a shot from here so to there so', doesn't it suit you to go look to see if there is a wall in front of it. And the Reverend Garnett Brown of the church, he can go down dere by himself, him don't have to wait for the di commission meeting.

                                Don't anyone of dem can tek a taxi down there and go look? It doesn't have to be a formal look. Go look where Tivoli Court is and where the man dem fire the gun from.

                                I'm not making any judgement on what happened in any fullness thereof. But what I am saying that any State security operation which ends up with 28 people being killed, no matter how they died is an abject failure and must be seen as that. And I would love Jamaican people to understand that each human life is important.


                                See also - The Preacher is lying

                                Life is a system of half-truths and lies, opportunistic, convenient evasion.”
                                - Langston Hughes

