Recognizing the victims of Jamaica's horrendous criminality and exposing the Dummies like Dippy supporting criminals by their deeds.. or their silence.
No...his statement was that he dropped Lizard off at the guest house in Portmore and took Chow to Havendale...Chow opened the gate was attacked by the pitbull and Kartel tried to pull the dog away...the dog bit Kartel and he and Chow went to the hospital in a taxi...that version insomuch as it relates to Lizard, is substantiated by the cellphone tower data...Lizard's phone was in Portmore when he is supposedly being killed in Havendale...but the judge tells the jurors they should disregard timelines in the case?
the text messages between Lizard and his girlfriend that he was being taken to Havendale...other than that Chow is the only person claiming to have seen Lizard at the Havendale house...
The text messages corroborate what Chow said and raise serious questions about the driver's claims of dropping Lizard off in Portmore.That statement also confirms Lizard was in the car on the day in question.
I see you are selective,one of the clan members claim said he saw Chow entering the yard...,even though Chow's account is entirely different.
That is a sign of picking sides,objectivity is disregarded.
Nobody denied that Lizard was in the car that what if someone said they saw Chow entering the Havendale yard...who is denying that Chow was at the Havendale house?
It was selective,two accounts of the dog bite but you chose one to run with.
Kartel summoned both...but only one was delivered?
You arebeing selective again,Lizard not only believe he was on his way to Havendale,he described places in his texts on his way there..
He saw all that from Portmore and lied to his girlfriend.....
try and follow along please...Gamma said that Shawn Storm in his statement said that he took Lizard to the Havendale house...I was clarifying what Shawn Storm actually you get that to be me getting selective?