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To Be Poor and Living in Singapore, A Real Shame

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  • #76
    Dem can move across the bridge to Malaysia.. then they will be happy..

    Wallah !


    • #77
      Rockman is clueless. He believes there is some evil hand setting the price of real estate in San Francisco , nothing to do with the the economic success and wealth being created in the area.

      It would be funny if it was not so tragic. God knows how many Jamaicans have that mindset.
      Last edited by Islandman; March 4, 2014, 10:52 PM.
      "‎It is easier to build strong children than to repair broken men" - Frederick Douglass


      • #78
        If you think the success of people like Koum have nothing to do with real estate prices in the Bay Area, then your understanding of economics is woefully lacking.

        That is all I have to say about that.
        "‎It is easier to build strong children than to repair broken men" - Frederick Douglass


        • #79
          Isn't it along the line of we were better off under slavery?Who benefited from the schools during the era ending in 1970?
          I always wondered why the school pictures of earlier students(classes) of StGC looked nothing like my time.
          In terms of debutants,who were the politicians of that time again?
          Could that have something to do with Kingston becoming worse?
          There were rhode scholars back then as they are now,but can you honestly say the academic accomplishments today have not surpassed those of yesteryear,who are the students today?


          • #80
            Islandman,myguess is when Willi opens the thread he is going to wonder why I called his name,he was never active in this discussion.My reason is to solicit two responses;yours and his.
            This way I could compare both.
            It it just a discussion between two ites on a specific issue,never personal.
            I see where you have ended further discussions,I guess that was for yesterday because we gwaan always hold a reason pon dis issue cause a nuh nuttin.


            • #81
              Slavery ? hmm.. it took long enough.. what happend.. the S card got stuck in yuh pocket ?

              Who benefitted from schools ? From what I understand nuff pickney..

              <By the late 1960s Jamaica had achieved universal primary education. This can be regarded as a major accomplishment of the independence education reform. It reflected not only the provision of more school places, but more importantly the motivation of all parents to seek basic education for children. The fact is that the amount of primary school positions was insufficient compared to the demand. Notwithstanding limited primary school capacity, parents enrolled their children in record numbers. There can be no doubt that this higher level of participation in the school system was engendered by the higher levels of expectations released by the independence process.>

              Kingston became worse because of Capital flight..

              Every other country on the effing plant has developed academically.. that is like jumping of a buiiding and falling to earth... it is a law of nature..

              The only difference is that we have developed the slowest and have set records in the area of slow development..

              Entertain me by trying to explaining that....
              Last edited by Muadib; March 5, 2014, 09:23 AM.


              • #82
                LOL, yes that was just for yesterday. The debate will continue I am sure.

                Seriously though, there will always be some unwanted side effects that go along with progress. You just haffe werk wid them and do the best you can to mitigate against them.

                It is like taking a prescription, is the side effect manageable or is it worse than the original ailment? If it is worse, don't take it! If it is not take it and control the side effects as best as possible.
                "‎It is easier to build strong children than to repair broken men" - Frederick Douglass

