Maybe they will, but not in the short to medium term, that is all I am saying.
Like most things futuristic, we have very little clue how it will play out in the long term. Maybe if things get sticky we will time travel back to an earlier era like John Connor
Or maybe we will just shut down the damn machines before we lose control. Nothing is set in stone , we have some control over our destiny.
Anyway, those are problems for our grandpickneys, right now me more focused pon trying to help a few youth inna JA and elsewhere fe see the light. Unfortunately it look like you already give up pon dem.
Like most things futuristic, we have very little clue how it will play out in the long term. Maybe if things get sticky we will time travel back to an earlier era like John Connor

Anyway, those are problems for our grandpickneys, right now me more focused pon trying to help a few youth inna JA and elsewhere fe see the light. Unfortunately it look like you already give up pon dem.