Check this: Robots will be smarter than us by 2029
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Robotics article for 1Don
Robotics article for 1Don
"Only when you drink from the river of silence shall you indeed sing. And when you have reached the mountain top, then you shall begin to climb. And when the earth shall claim your limbs, then shall you truly dance." ~ Kahlil GibranTags: None
I warned about this on the site for many years now (using Bill Joy's essay; "why the future doesn't need us"). It's not so much the intelligence but the speed at which they make decisions; this speed is beyond our capacity in thought. This puts their thought capacity in somewhat another dimension.
Algorithms are already doing high frequency trading. I'm sure the IMF decisions are done by business intelligent bots/algos. Transhumanism will be real in the not so distant future. Who will be chipped that's the question (only those with certain skills and qualification?)
I think the door is already closed on countries such as Ja that took too long to reform its education system for all its people. It's now time for the consequences.
Yes Moores Law is taking us to a place now where machines are capable of more and more of what our brains are. Computers already are better than humans in intellectual games like Chess (Deep Blue) and Jeopardy (Dr Watson) and this will continue.
However there are certain careers which will be around for some time, those that require a high degree of either fine motor skills (lower paying jobs) or emotional intelligence/skills (higher paying jobs) . Smart machines have a way to go to master those.
I am not as pessimistic about it as you though. The good news is that it is becoming easier and cheaper to gain new knowledge and skills, IF one makes the decision to do so and has the basic skills required to know where and how to find it.
For those who choose to be deers in the headlights and do nothing, well, be prepared to face the consequences. I don't think its too late for JA yet, but its getting close.
BTW I recently finished reading (well listening really cause me is a audiobook man these days) a book titled The Second Machine Age:Work, Progress, and Prosperity in a Time of Brilliant Technologies which covers this issue very well.
Seriously though Jawge, we need more people like you who get it to help preach the message, even if its just the message. I have been at it for a while now and what is clear to me is that we need more people shouting these things though the many hills and valleys."It is easier to build strong children than to repair broken men" - Frederick Douglass
Not pessimistic but being real. If there is high frequency trading (trade beyond the scope of human thought) then there must be high frequency strategy too. That means nations with these capacity will make decisions that we wont understand until 50 years later.
It's too far gone for Ja. Look at the "logistic hub" it's set to colonize Ja. All the island resources (cultural, natural etc) will be sucked in. BTW Willi had asked the question and no one answered. Japan needs the rare earth mineral as China (who had the largest reserve) played hard ball with them on it. If Ja really has what Japan wants then Ja will become the next chess board.
Time does not permit because I'm busy (really want to say more). Will check on the book.
Check this link:
Recognizing the victims of Jamaica's horrendous criminality and exposing the Dummies like Dippy supporting criminals by their deeds.. or their silence.
D1 - Xposing Dummies since 2007
True, those are the kind of fine motor skills which are still very difficult to engineer a robot to do. Him, LeBron and a few others will be OK for now, as will hair weavers, acrobats and dancers.
Unfortunately, most of us nuh mek our living that way."It is easier to build strong children than to repair broken men" - Frederick Douglass
you simply don't understand. That's in your dimension within the capacity of your thoughts. now when the bots kick the ball in the opposite direction and it still ends up in your goal before you could say wow, then you will wake up. The bots are already making decisions that affects you in Ja (they don't give a hoot as they are emotionless). Watch di ride laugh now pay later.
Would you prefer machine that flap its wings to carry you to China or the jet. It's the same; flight is flight but how is it executed. Intelligence is intelligence but how is it executed. Maybe you can convince these bots to give you the cure for diabetes, cancer, aids et al but according to Bill Joy they may just not see a need for humans in the future (can't keep up, just added baggage) and where they are going.
Air Flight is easy to engineer now Jawge, as is moving fast on the ground in a relatively open and flat space.
Many other physical activities are more nuanced than that and remain a technological problem, for now."It is easier to build strong children than to repair broken men" - Frederick Douglass
Talk to the guy that back in the days was a master spray painter on the factory floor. I could go on with surgeons. We keep missing the point : elegance is within our thought process but what about the final outcome.
I'm sure no one asking why the airlines can't glide as birds to the preferred destination.
You were going well until this...
Originally posted by Jawge View Post
I think the door is already closed on countries such as Ja that took too long to reform its education system for all its people. It's now time for the consequences.
You're correct about the door closing but as Bob said...when it closes many more open
In this Age of Innovation with ubiquitous, low cost, global connectivity the main ingredient to progress is in our head space. This is why it's VITAL to give kids the tools to apply the knowledge that's so readily available... in practical but innovative ways that solve problems.
Once there are problems to's never too late for innovation to drive progress. Jamaica has numerous problems that are common to billions around the world.... so we must focus on creating solutions for ourselves which can scale globally
What Jamaica needs is less yappin (especially from dumb politicians) and more making & doing AKA.... especially in Applications for Software & Hardware
Natty cyaan afford fi get weary inna BabylonTIVOLI: THE DESTRUCTION OF JAMAICA'S EVIL EMPIRE
Recognizing the victims of Jamaica's horrendous criminality and exposing the Dummies like Dippy supporting criminals by their deeds.. or their silence.
D1 - Xposing Dummies since 2007
Ah but was it in the 19th century? Most were thinking along the way birds flew. Iman it's done deal the only hurdle now is to fuse humans with the micro chip. Some really believe this will put them on a god like status.
The physical nuances you speak of are aesthetics within our thinking capacity.
So are you saying there is a robot existing today that can choose a weave, and weave it into a woman's head better than a human can do it?
Is there a robot that can cook an oxtail or curry goat the way a good chef can do it?
I am not saying those tasks will remain impossible , I am saying the technology is not there yet to do them without significant human intervention. These skills require neither great physical force nor massive processing power, but rather a certain emotional connection to humans which smart machines are not yet able to simulate."It is easier to build strong children than to repair broken men" - Frederick Douglass
Ja needs a revolutionary kind of leadership. These leaders must be able to see above caste, race, religion and other mechanisms that holds the island back. Who do you see in this capacity? Andrew H? He is more worried about P's flight path.
Ja needs a serious reform in education with special attention to math; this will at least keep the door ajar. Is this happening on the island? I could go on.
Iman they will bypass it by fusing with the machine. The concept of food as a source of energy will take a new meaning then (at least I'm trying to exist in the fifth dimension). The point is that humans aren't guaranteed a future in the long run.