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In tribute to Richard Hart

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  • In tribute to Richard Hart

    In tribute to Richard Hart


    Sunday, January 12, 2014

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    HART… had great faith in the regenerative powers of the people of the Caribbean

    "Our life is a story"

    — Don Miguel Ruiz

    The Voice of Knowledge

    THE textured expressions of sorrow and encomiums offered by friends, colleagues, well-wishers and the media since the passing on December 21 last year of Richard Hart speak volumes of his character, sense of decency, refined sensibility and unrelenting defence and advancement of the interests of those Jamaicans referred to by the late Rex Nettleford as "the people from below", who happen to be predominantly black and Afro-centric.

    Brown man or not, Hart is credited with magnificent work in the interest of the working people of the Caribbean throughout his long and dynamic life via the People's National Party (PNP), the People's Freedom Movement (PFM), Caribbean Labour Congress and the Caribbean Labour Solidarity (CLS/UK).

    He was also involved in the trade union movement, did serious political work in Guyana, Grenada, and Britain, and authored numerous books, articles, speeches and lectures which distinguished him from many other leaders in the region, whose fear of ideas was aimed not only against so-called progressives and radical positions, but also against much of the thinking that would put the Caribbean on its own side for a change.

    He was, without doubt, a great teacher, who was 'on' and 'of' the Left. What he proved to me in our relationship and others of my generation whom he mentored, was that social analysis could be probing, tough-minded, critical, relevant and scholarly.

    By experience and temperament, and perhaps because he was a trained lawyer, he taught that ideas should be handled with both care and passion; and that one can be committed without being dogmatic. For him, being radical was no substitute for hard thinking.

    One of his great attributes was his ability to demonstrate great generosity of spirit in the magnanimous way he chose to settle old scores with certain of those in the nationalist PNP who made no bones about expelling him -- along with Frank Hill, Ken Hill and Arthur Henry -- from the movement he loved and to which he dedicated a great deal of energy and time.

    Those expulsions were carried out on the flimsy excuse that they were Marxist subversives.

    But in the years that followed this episode of public humiliation, Richard Hart was to quietly provide lessons aplenty in the art and capacity of personal growth, given the opportunity and respect. He persisted on the confidence many placed in him and successfully challenged not only his party but the entire Caribbean to rethink its position on the profiles of power relations in their respective hard-won democracies.

    He drew on all his powers of intellect and oratory to challenge the region to finding solutions to what are chronic indulgences of inequities. His powerful oratory, especially during the height of the struggle in defence of the black working-class movement in Britain against the onslaught of institutional racism and oppression in the 1970s and 80s, impressed roots-conscious audiences on mainland England and elsewhere. They gradually came to understand that they were the valid products of an irreversible process of cross-fertilisation stretching over half a millennium.

    In a very real sense, his migration to Britain in 1965 can be viewed as a political act. For it was there that he found his 'second wind' for the expression of his political beliefs in the West Indian Independence Movement, the movement against colonialism and the post-slavery plantation economy in the English-speaking Caribbean, and the British trade union movement.

    His political involvement in the 'Mother Country' deepened as a result of his admiration for the work of Walter Rodney among the workers, peasants and lumpen proletariat of urban Kingston, Jamaica, which subsequently led to Prime Minister Hugh Shearer banning the young radical intellectual from returning to the island to teach at the UWI, Mona, after his attendance at an academic conference in Dar-es-Salaam in 1967.

    In light of this, Hart's path crossed with stalwart Caribbean political activists John La Rose (founder of New Beacon Books/ publisher); Eric and Jessica Huntley (founders of Bogle-L-'Ouverture Bookshop/publishers, later renamed the Walter Rodney Bookshop after the death of Rodney in 1980); CLR James; Cleston Taylor; Darcus Howe; Ricky Cambridge; Gus John; Margaret Busby and Clive Allison (of Allison and Busby publishers); and a host of other politically active Caribbean migrants, members of the English liberal establishment, and British trade unionists.

    Hart and his comrades-in-arms provided sterling leadership to the umbrella organisation, CLS, which was formed in 1974 to unite support for equality, democracy, justice and social progress in the Caribbean from which there was never any detachment or loss of contact on the part of the exiled radical.

    As the name suggests, CLS comprised political activists from the Caribbean community in Britain and the wider labour and trade union movement, and for decades functioned in a self-supporting capacity -- which included publication of The Cutlass newspaper -- from the family dining room in the loving home of former Jamaican trade unionist, the late Cleston Taylor and his wife Feli, in the north of London.

    Although Marxism was never a realistic option for serious political management and organisation in Jamaica and the wider Caribbean for that matter, this should not jaundice our appreciation of Hart's legacy.

    For he was first and foremost the genuine product of that awesome creolising process which he shared with every Jamaican of whatever race, class, or national origin in the western hemisphere; and he contributed to the region much thought and reflection, determination and commitment to Caribbean ideals of self-determination, social justice, cultural certitude, and economic self-reliance.

    While he lived, he spoke for all those who would wish to have their respective societies operate or function in the interest of the vast majority of their inhabitants rather than of a few; and we in Jamaica and those of us in the diaspora should know that this is a fundamental problem of development facing not only us but others in the Caribbean.

    In the final analysis, Richard Hart's life story betrayed a level of sophistication and civilised engagement with his society and the diaspora that set him apart from most of his peers in the region. Despite his privileged upbringing and pedigree, furthermore, it is safe to say that he earned all that came to him through hard work, determination, industry and belief in self.

    His indefatigable spirit has left us at a time when the region needs a voice of its own. In his lifetime, Hart gave us the feeling that this was possible. We can rest assured that he had great faith in the regenerative powers of the people of the Caribbean who struggled over three centuries through sugar, the plantations and colonialism yet managed to survive.

    Richard Hart's life and deeds contributed greatly to that survival.

    "Good things come out of the garrisons" after his daughter won the 100m Gold For Jamaica.

    "It therefore is useless and pointless, unless it is for share malice and victimisation to arrest and charge a 92-year-old man for such a simple offence. There is nothing morally wrong with this man smoking a spliff; the only thing wrong is that it is still on the law books," said Chevannes.

  • #2
    Richard Hart, Marxist and historian

    Michael BURKE

    Thursday, January 09, 2014 1 comment

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    HART... stood by his convictions and he was prepared to act

    RICHARD Hart, who died nearly three weeks ago, was a great historian. He was an unrepentant Marxist who never denied what he believed in, even when he was arrested and imprisoned. His greatest strengths were that he stood by his convictions and he was prepared to act rather than talk. While he never served in the Jamaican Cabinet or legislature, he did serve as attorney general in Grenada during the time of Maurice Bishop.

    The great thing about the long life of Richard Hart (96 years) is that he was able to put the missing pieces of Jamaica's modern political history together. Someone with a shorter life span might not have the opportunity to do so, and for this we should all be grateful. His published writings should be best-sellers and his family should be the benefactors, unless he has willed otherwise.

    Last week Thursday, in my first column for 2014, I wrote that this year marks 70 years since Jamaica gained Universal Adult Suffrage and self-government from England. Prior to that, only those who had land or paid at least ten shillings in taxes could vote in elections for the legislative council, which at best was an advisory body to the governor.

    It was around the time of the Morant Bay Rebellion that the ideas of self-government and Universal Adult Suffrage were mooted in the famous Underhill meetings organised by the Englishman Edward Underhill. In later years, Marcus Moziah Garvey would push for full adult suffrage and self-government. Incidentally, the word suffrage simply means the right to vote.

    Things started to get organised in this direction in 1935, when Ken Hill founded the National Reform Association. One such member of the National Reform Association (NRA) was the bricklayer-turned-trade unionist Hugh Buchanan. And Richard Hart, as a young law student, made common cause with Buchanan. And Hart joined the NRA with Buchanan some time during or after 1935.

    The National Reform Association was the forerunner of the People's National Party (PNP). But it is not as if the NRA simply evolved into the PNP, since the PNP included far more groups of persons who were not in the NRA, such as the Jamaica Agricultural Society, the Jamaica Union of Teachers (forerunner of the Jamaica Teachers' Association) and others.

    It was O T Fairclough who got the various groups together, along with others like Norman Manley who was not a part of any of the associations that comprised the original membership of the PNP.

    Richard Hart, the Marxist, never relented. It was understood in the PNP that, no matter what one's personal ideological position was, as long as one accepted the programmers and principles of the PNP, then one was eligible for membership, and in this vein so was Richard Hart. Indeed, he was the only real Marxist of the Four Hs (Ken Hill, Frank Hill, Arthur Henry, and Richard Hart) who was expelled from the PNP in 1952.

    Carolyn Cooper wrote a good article about Richard Hart in last week's Sunday Gleaner, but unfortunately it was spoilt by wrong dates. What a pity that, for research, she relied on Wikipedia with all its legendary wrong dates rather than more reliable sources. In the best of times Wikipedia can only be relied on for a lead, but not as the final authority.

    The Four Hs were expelled from the PNP in 1952 (not 1954) and Richard Hart was re-admitted into the PNP in 1998 on the occasion of the PNP's 60th anniversary (not 2001). It is a pity even more so because some students, even at the university level, are bound to rely on Carolyn Cooper's column as safe to research because it was published in The Gleaner and because, in her own right, she is an eminent professor at UWI, though not in history.

    We are all human and we all make mistakes. But because I know that students quote newspaper columnists, even those of us who might not be university professors, I try to correct whatever mistakes I make as soon as possible.

    As far as Norman Manley was concerned, a communist belonged to a communist party and therefore Hart was a Marxist, not a communist. Indeed, it was not until Wills Isaacs and Glasspole convinced the PNP Disciplinary Committee that the Four Hs had joined an organisation opposed to the PNP that they were expelled.

    But it does appear that the Four Hs were expelled as a part of a power struggle. To begin with, Ken Hill was a first-class political organiser who was also charismatic and rising in popularity. Ken Hill, who lost his first bid for the West Kingston seat in the House in 1944, literally chased Bustamante out of West Kingston and into Clarendon by 1949. He was that formidable. And it was just not possible to single out Ken Hill on ideological grounds without singling out others, including Richard Hart.

    In 1942, when Richard Hart was a lawyer for a year, a law student (called an articled clerk in those days when apprenticed to a lawyer) was in Richard Hart's office and seated in front of him on an errand from Noel Nethersole when he got arrested. The law student's name was Keith C Burke, my father (many years later president of the Jamaica Bar Association). I inadvertently omitted this piece of information in my tribute to my father at his funeral in November 1999, so I make reparation today.

    I always knew that flush toilets improved the health of people anywhere in the world that they were installed, but, thanks to Richard Hart, I now know that they contributed to the preservation of written history. Toilet paper was invented to be used in flush toilets. Prior to that, just about any form of paper was used, but with old newspaper being the preferred choice of many.

    Richard Hart, in one of his historical treatises about his expulsion from the PNP along with the other three who made up the Four Hs, quoted words on paper that, according to Hart, he retrieved from the latrines at the offices of the Trades Union Congress. One can only imagine the amount of important historical sources that were lost before the advent of flush toilets.


    "Good things come out of the garrisons" after his daughter won the 100m Gold For Jamaica.

    "It therefore is useless and pointless, unless it is for share malice and victimisation to arrest and charge a 92-year-old man for such a simple offence. There is nothing morally wrong with this man smoking a spliff; the only thing wrong is that it is still on the law books," said Chevannes.

