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The secret to China's emergence..

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  • The secret to China's emergence..

    The propped up state strikes again !

    <In the 1960s and 1970s, Singapore was berated in the Chinese media as a lackey of the American imperialists. The Malayan Communist Party (MCP) backed by China refused to recognise Singapore’s independence. This changed after Deng Xiaoping visited Singapore in November 1978. It marked a dramatic change in Singapore’s relations with China, and also China’s relations with Southeast Asia. Deng visited Bangkok and Kuala Lumpur before he arrived in Singapore. He personally saw that China had fallen behind these supposedly backward cities. Also, he concluded that China had to stop supporting insurgencies in Southeast Asia if he wanted ASEAN to support the resistance to Vietnam’s invasion of Cambodia.

    In 1985, Dr Goh Keng Swee retired as Singapore’s Deputy Prime Minister. He was invited to be Economic Advisor to the State Council on the development of China’s coastal areas and tourism. China, a huge nation with an ancient history, was willing to learn from a tiny city-state.

    Deng Xiaoping kept abreast of developments in Singapore and Southeast Asia. During a tour of southern China in February 1992, he said, “there is good social order in Singapore. They govern the place with discipline. We should draw from their experience, and do even better than them.” Vice Minister of Propaganda Xu Weicheng led a delegation to Singapore for 10 days that same year. Since then, exchanges between Singapore and China have grown. Hundreds of Chinese officials continue to be trained in Singapore. Since 1996, we have trained over 16,000 Chinese officials.>

    Meanwhile Tufton is told to tek wheh himself wid him Singapore suggestions..

    lol ! woiee ! Not even if dem mek a movie to rath... Yard truth beat all fiction !

  • #2
    "Meanwhile Tufton is told to tek wheh himself wid him Singapore suggestions.." Muadib, most of those people who don't want to hear anything about Singapore, have never visited that place..I wonder if Singapore have any ditch in there streets, at least not while I was there, and most of all no ZINC fence.


    • #3
      The people who don't want to hear about Singapore are trying to preserve their 'babylon a hold wi back' crutch...

      Lee Kuan Yew sight dat rake lang time.. call a spade a spade.. only tek him 2 weeks...

      It is what it is..


      • #4
        Originally posted by Muadib View Post
        The people who don't want to hear about Singapore are trying to preserve their 'babylon a hold wi back' crutch...

        Lee Kuan Yew sight dat rake lang time.. call a spade a spade.. only tek him 2 weeks...

        It is what it is..

        "Nicholson, who was rejecting a suggestion from his opposition counterpart Dr Christopher Tufton that Singapore be looked at as model for doing business

        "You have talk-show hosts and others who everyday get up and talk about Singapore. That's a geopolitical strategy of the United States of America. So don't bring the example of Singapore when you are dealing here," Nicholson said, in admonishing Tufton."



        • #5
          Such statements "sell" well among people trapped in a 1960-70s time warp of what the world looks like.
          "‎It is easier to build strong children than to repair broken men" - Frederick Douglass

