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Observer EDITORIAL: Tessanne Chin: What Mr Adam Levine knows

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  • Observer EDITORIAL: Tessanne Chin: What Mr Adam Levine knows

    Tessanne Chin: What Mr Adam Levine knows that Jamaicans don't

    Thursday, December 19, 2013

    No one can deny us this extraordinary moment of national self-satisfaction and even back-patting after Ms Tessanne Chin's awesome coronation on NBC's The Voice on Monday night in Los Angeles.

    Yet, while we savour this historic victory, if it is to mean anything more than our well known predilection for slipping right back into complacency after achieving world-beating performances, then it must also mean a call to serious reflection.


    We must, for example, recognise our profound debt of gratitude to the people of the United States of America for the opportunity they provided to Tessanne. Every sensible Jamaican will acknowledge that if Americans had held steadfast to a spirit of parochialism and voted overwhelmingly for one of their own, Tessanne would not have won.

    Then we must 'big up' in no uncertain way Mr Adam Levine, her coach, who saw something in Tessanne that we fear Jamaicans had missed for many years, much to our chagrin. Mr Levine went out on a limb Monday night to say: "In my heart, I know you have won" after Tessanne's mind-bending performance of Whitney Houston's classic, I have nothing. It was a courageous move on his part, because he still had another competitor, in Mr Will Champlin, who was to perform next.

    But it is clear to us that Mr Levine has discovered what Jamaicans apparently did not. For years Tessanne was "boxing about", in a manner of speaking, with a super talent that was getting her nowhere. Jamaica sat on her talent until, thank God for him too, Mr Shaggy Burrell found the inspiration to introduce her to The Voice. Unlike Mr Levine, we did not believe in our heart that Tessanne was a winner over all those years.

    We share the view of Mr Kingsley Cooper, the head of the Entertainment Advisory Board, who said elsewhere in today's edition, and we commend it to readers, that: "There are a number of Tessanne Chins in Jamaica, many just needing a chance to shine. We have to help provide these opportunities and to create an environment in which our people flourish — both to their individual benefit as well as ours, as a people and country. Once again congratulations to Tessanne and also to Shaggy who, it is reported, helped to facilitate her Voice audition. Otherwise, this wonderful Jamaican triumph might never have occurred."

    We may also need to consider this other Jamaican phenomenon, which is that too often we have to wait until our most talented compatriots are recognised overseas before we recognise them locally. Do we need to mention Mr Bob Marley or any of the many others? When will our prophets have honour in their own country?

    Moreover, we must ask ourselves, where is that latent energy in us that comes out so rarely to galvanise us in the most stupendous way, as demonstrated in the support of Jamaicans from every corner of the world for Tessanne. We last saw this outpouring of national pride during the 2012 Olympics which were lit up by our team led by Mr Usain Bolt and Mrs Shelly-Ann Fraser-Pryce.

    Is there no way of bringing that out much more often to propel our country forward? Is it not possible, for example, to put this kind of energy behind the Vision 2030 objectives that are meant to make Jamaica the place of choice to live, work, play, and do business?

    Read more: http://www.jamaicaobserver.com/edito...#ixzz2oQ357xk5
    "Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed citizens can change the world. Indeed, it is the only thing that ever has."

  • #2
    Oooh ye of little faith! Talent Abounds!

    ...but what of it if it is not nurtured? What of it if the shapers/teachers/coaches are themselves ignoramuses?

    It never sees the light of day!
    ...but it is there! Just hidden!

    Talent Abounds!
    "Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed citizens can change the world. Indeed, it is the only thing that ever has."


    • #3
      Dated - Observer EDITORIAL: Tessanne Chin: Pure gold

      Editorial: Tessanne Chin: Pure gold

      Tuesday, December 17, 2013

      REGARDLESS of the outcome tonight, Ms Tessanne Chin is a winner in our books, by leaps and bounds.

      We make that unequivocal statement with the full knowledge that public votes for talent contests don't always reflect the truth of the ability of those being judged.

      What we can say, however, without fear of being successfully challenged, is that Ms Chin has, throughout her journey on the NBC Television show The Voice, displayed to the world a talent that is extraordinary.

      Many people are still marvelling at her rendition of the Simon and Garfunkel hit Bridge Over Troubled Water two Mondays ago. The vocal range and dexterity that she displayed were simply majestic and justified her place in the finals.

      It's difficult not to imagine her landing a recording contract when the contest ends, realising one of her dreams as a professional singer.

      But, even as we take pleasure in Ms Chin's success, we must congratulate her for being a superb ambassador for Jamaica ever since she appeared on the blind audition on September 24.

      The positive exposure that her involvement in The Voice has given to Jamaica is immeasurable, particularly in the United States, which still accounts for more than 70 per cent of our tourists.

      Director of Tourism Mr John Lynch put it quite well when he said at the Jamaica Observer Press Club last week that "what Tessanne is doing now is like gold".

      And who could deny that, especially when one considers that the December 9 show was watched by 13.2 million people, according to the US television rating firm TV by the Numbers.

      Many tourist destinations relish that kind of viewership in a market that responds to the lure of a vacation that will be enhanced by exposure to vibrant cultures and people who are warm and hospitable.

      Ms Chin, of course, personifies our culture and the characteristic of the average Jamaican. We, therefore, wish her every success as she moves forward with her career. We also thank her for joining the long list of Jamaicans who have signalled to the world that we are a great and talented people who can match strides with the best of the best.

      As Mr Blake Shelton, one of the coaches on The Voice, said after Ms Chin's performance on Monday, December 2: "You're a world-class vocalist. You can sing with the best vocalists in the world. I haven't seen anything quite like you on this show."

      That, dear reader, is a huge endorsement.

      Read more: http://www.jamaicaobserver.com/edito...#ixzz2oQ5ohDKr
      "Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed citizens can change the world. Indeed, it is the only thing that ever has."


      • #4
        Originally posted by Karl View Post
        ...but what of it if it is not nurtured? What of it if the shapers/teachers/coaches are themselves ignoramuses?

        It never sees the light of day!
        ...but it is there! Just hidden!

        Talent Abounds!
        ...............if a tree falls in the forest--and no one was there to....

        Yuh, know what?.................. faggettaboutit!!
        The only time TRUTH will hurt you...is if you ignore it long enough



        • #5
          Originally posted by HL View Post
          ...............if a tree falls in the forest--and no one was there to....

          Yuh, know what?.................. faggettaboutit!!
          You are so right!
          Merry Christmas to you and your wonderful lady!
          May 2014 be one of joy and great happiness!
          "Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed citizens can change the world. Indeed, it is the only thing that ever has."


          • #6
            You tu King Karl
            The only time TRUTH will hurt you...is if you ignore it long enough


