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Its about Time Obama!

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  • Its about Time Obama!

    He finally does something for the small man, and not his rich powerful friends!

    Obama Commutes Sentences of Nonviolent Drug Offenders

    December 19, 2013, 2:40 pm ET by Sarah Moughty
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    In 1992, Clarence Aaron began serving three concurrent life sentences for conspiring to distribute crack cocaine — despite the fact that he did not buy, sell or supply the drugs, nor did he have a previous criminal record.
    Today, President Obama commuted the sentence of Aaron, along with seven other inmates, saying they had been convicted under an “unfair system.”
    “If they had been sentenced under the current law, many of them would have already served their time and paid their debt to society,” Obama said in a statement. “Instead, because of a disparity in the law that is now recognized as unjust, they remain in prison, separated from their families and their communities, at a cost of millions of taxpayer dollars each year.”

    FRONTLINE told Aaron’s story in the 1999 film Snitch, which explored how informants became a key part of prosecutors’ strategy in the war on drugs.
    A 23-year-old college student from Mobile, Ala., Aaron was attending classes at Southern University Louisiana in Baton Rouge. Aaron agreed to introduce some of his high-school friends and his cousin, who were involved in selling drugs, to people he knew in Louisiana who were also selling drugs. He drove them from one city to the other and was paid $1,500 for his help.
    When the friends were caught dealing drugs, they all, including his cousin, turned informant, and testified against Aaron. Each had a prior criminal record, and each would have faced life in prison. Aaron was the only one with no record and no hard evidence to convict him of a crime.
    Under the mandatory minimum sentencing laws in effect at the time, the lowest-ranking person in an alleged crime could be slapped with the maximum sentence, designed for a kingpin.
    In 2012, President Obama ordered a review of Aaron’s case. The move came after ProPublica and The Washington Post reported that in recommending that the White House deny a clemency request, the government’s pardon attorney had misrepresented the facts of Aaron’s case, failing to disclose that both the prosecutor and the judge had recommended commuting his sentence.
    Margaret Love, Aaron’s attorney, told The New York Times that her client was “absolutely overcome,” upon hearing the news. “He was in tears. This has been a long haul for him, 20 years. He just was speechless, and it’s very exciting.”
    Winning means you're willing to go longer, work harder, and give more than anyone else - Vince Lombardi

  • #2
    Presidential Pardons Heavily Favor Whites

    Presidential Pardons Heavily Favor Whites

    In multiple cases, white and black pardon applicants who committed similar offenses and had comparable post-conviction records experienced opposite outcomes.
    An African American woman from Little Rock, fined $3,000 for underreporting her income in 1989, was denied a pardon; a white woman from the same city who faked multiple tax returns to collect more than $25,000 in refunds got one. A black, first-time drug offender -- a Vietnam veteran who got probation in South Carolina for possessing 1.1 grams of crack - was turned down. A white, fourth-time drug offender who did prison time for selling 1,050 grams of methamphetamine was pardoned.

    Winning means you're willing to go longer, work harder, and give more than anyone else - Vince Lombardi


    • #3

      Time to work on the Cuban Embargo!


