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Amidst Good School Yappin.. 30%-50% of kids malnourished

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  • Amidst Good School Yappin.. 30%-50% of kids malnourished

    Hunger Pains: Underfed Children Fill Public Schools - In-Need Students Take Lunch Home For Dinner
    Published: Monday | December 16, 2013

    Minister of Education Ronald Thwaites. - File
    Erica Virtue, Senior Gleaner Writer

    The Government, through the Education Ministry and Ministry of Social Security, is currently saddled with a heavy financial burden to provide at least one meal per day to hungry children within the island's public school system.

    For this year, the Government has budgeted $4 billion to feed public school students, 30 per cent of whom often count the State-sponsored meal services their only chance to eat.

    Addressing members of the media and stakeholders last week, Education Minister Ronald Thwaites said many of the children, especially at the primary levels, were eating only half of the meal at school while taking home the other half for dinner.

    "You will see from the progress report that we have extended the school-feeding programme. We feel that we have thousands of early-childhood students who are coming to school hungry. The estimate is more than 30 per cent," said Thwaites.

    "We understand that in these hard times, one third of the daily diets of the children at the primary level is simply not enough. We see students, not one, plenty of them, wrapping up piece of the bulla or piece of the lunch to carry home," added Thwaites.

    lunch from path

    Those currently being fed include 136,000 children who get meals through Nutrition Products Limited; 175,000 across all school types who get cooked lunches; and a further 211,000 who get Programme for the Advancement Through Health and Education nutritional support.

    Currently, 5,000 of the students getting nutritional support from the State are in early-childhood institutions, with 206,000 in primary, all-age, and secondary schools.

    Nutrition Products Limited has been given a further $66 million to provide breakfast for an additional 3,740 basic schoolchildren in St Thomas, Clarendon, and St Catherine, who will join the programme in the Easter term in 2014.

    In addition, a pilot breakfast programme was also implemented in 37 schools in the Corporate Area and included 8,156 students.

    That meal is supported by locally produced foods such as ripe bananas, plantains, potatoes, carrots, and liquid eggs.

    And as the requests for help come fast and furious, the ministry disclosed that it also provided support for a breakfast programme in St Elizabeth involving 17 schools and benefiting 252 students.

    In a move that is expected to support Jamaican farmers, Thwaites said the basic-school pilot would utilise local produce from the local agro industry.

    Bananas are to be used for baked products and discussions are under way for sausage or chicken to minimise the use of imported chicken back, corn beef, and mackerel.


    Recognizing the victims of Jamaica's horrendous criminality and exposing the Dummies like Dippy supporting criminals by their deeds.. or their silence.

    D1 - Xposing Dummies since 2007

  • #2
    MPs get $1m Xmas gift from PM, Cabinet

    Wednesday, December 18, 2013 | 8:41 AM

    KINGSTON, Jamaica -- Members of Parliament (MPs) will each receive $1 million, between now and March 31, next year, to assist vulnerable constituents.
    In making the announcement in the House of Representatives, Tuesday, Minister of Labour and Social Security, Derrick Kellier, said that the programme was approved by Prime Minister Portia Simpson Miller and her Cabinet on Monday.
    “Seventy five million dollars will be made available, within current budgetary provisions, and will be directed towards easing the plight of those vulnerable groups and empowering them to be more productive,” Kellier told the House.

    Derrick Kellier


    “These funds will be provided through the Ministry of Labour and Social Security, which will have administrative and accounting responsibility for the implementation of the project, which will be undertaken during the period December, 2013 to March, 2104,” he said.
    He said that the money will finance projects such as: the beautification of public spaces; entrepreneurial ventures; and provision of compassionate grants.
    “The Ministry will collaborate with each Member of Parliament for the identification of beneficiaries and projects. Each MP will be allocated $1 million, and will make their recommendations directly to the Permanent Secretary in the Ministry. The recommendations will be investigated by the Ministry’s social workers to ensure that the projects are productive, meaningful and viable,” Kellier stated.
    Approximately 3,500 beneficiaries are being targeted for assistance under the programme. The amount allocated to each will be determined by the “pertinent details of individual projects”, he explained.
    Each MP received a letter Tuesday giving details of the programme, along with the prescribed form for submitting the names of beneficiaries and projects.
    Kellier asked for the full cooperation of all MPs, to that the project could, in a significant way, “redound to the benefit of the people and the country on a whole”.
    Balford Henry


    • #3
      "It Takes Cash to Care"


      • #4
        Originally posted by Muadib View Post
        "It Takes Cash to Care"

        Really? So what went so horribly wrong in the "prosperous " but Education Cyaan Nyam 1960s and 1980s?

        It seems to me the key is a commitment to making education a priority...the JLPNP have not done that

        Recognizing the victims of Jamaica's horrendous criminality and exposing the Dummies like Dippy supporting criminals by their deeds.. or their silence.

        D1 - Xposing Dummies since 2007


        • #5
          Yuh can mek eating a priority all yuh want.. when yuh pocket bruk yuh belly still growl..

          Prosperous 1980's ?

          I see you prefer a disingenuous propoganda approach to critical analysis.. cyaan blame yuh.. a Rum Bar wi deh..

          Lemme know when yuh sober up...


          • #6
            Did they get the dates wrong ?


            The 70:30 system was introduced to provide more spaces in public high schools for students coming from primary level schools, as most of the students who were awarded spaces in these schools were from preparatory schools

            A Five-Year Independence Plan was introduced. The plan recommended the establishment of comprehensive high schools. Two pilot schools were established based on this proposal: Trench Town and Frankfield Comprehensive Schools.

            The Education Act, the first post-independence legislation which outlined the statutory and operational aspects of the education system was introduced.
            The Institute Board for Teacher Training, a statutory body was established to certify teachers in the Bahamas, Belize and Jamaica, following an agreement with these countries. It was later renamed the Joint Board of Teacher Education (JBTE).

            The New Deal for Education was introduced to provide school space for every child at the primary level. Forty (40) primary schools with accommodation for 16, 800 students were created.>


            • #7

              The 70:30 system was introduced to provide more spaces in public high schools for students coming from primary level schools, as most of the students who were awarded spaces in these schools were from preparatory schools
              This system was formulated and implementation commenced under Norman Manley..that's common knowledge


              A Five-Year Independence Plan was introduced. The plan recommended the establishment of comprehensive high schools. Two pilot schools were established based on this proposal: Trench Town and Frankfield Comprehensive Schools.
              Plans have only an academic interest for me.. real achiements matter


              The Education Act, the first post-independence legislation which outlined the statutory and operational aspects of the education system was introduced.
              The Institute Board for Teacher Training, a statutory body was established to certify teachers in the Bahamas, Belize and Jamaica, following an agreement with these countries. It was later renamed the Joint Board of Teacher Education (JBTE).
              See above response


              The New Deal for Education was introduced to provide school space for every child at the primary level. Forty (40) primary schools with accommodation for 16, 800 students were created.>
              The JLP Govt was granted a huge World Bank loan for education.... unfortunately the money was substantially squandered in MASSIVE corruption and only HALF the intended schools were built... see the National Integrity report for more on this scandal

              After all... Education Cudden Nyam in di "prosperous" 1960s

              Recognizing the victims of Jamaica's horrendous criminality and exposing the Dummies like Dippy supporting criminals by their deeds.. or their silence.

              D1 - Xposing Dummies since 2007


              • #8
                But your only comment ont 60's is Busta 'Education Cyaan Nyam'..

                I would say you are engaged in a propaganda campaign since it warps the reality at the time...

                Now the only question is motive..


                • #9
                  Education Cyaan Nyam was a primary Bustamante philosophy. The JLP venerates all things Busta as the creator of that party (he created the entity in his image) and has never publicly repudiated that philosophy to my knowledge

                  What took place in education in the 1960s with its so called booming economy was a travesty...but entirely in line with that Bustamante philosophy

                  Recognizing the victims of Jamaica's horrendous criminality and exposing the Dummies like Dippy supporting criminals by their deeds.. or their silence.

                  D1 - Xposing Dummies since 2007


                  • #10
                    What should have taken place in the 1960s ?

                    When you speak of 'Travesty' do you have a reference point ?

                    Is the 'Travesty' what occurred in the 60's or what occurred after 1972 ?

                    This is another IQ Test..


                    • #11
                      What should have taken place in the "prosperous" 1960s was a revolution in education to set the stage for economic transformation... to enable moving up the value chain from primary production, tourism and assorted high & low higglering/merchandising to greater value adding activities

                      Instead what the 1960s reflected was a low regard for education ...encapsulated by the Education Cyaan Nyam Busta philosophy which was very comfortable with Jamaica's abominable socioeconomic status quo

                      Recognizing the victims of Jamaica's horrendous criminality and exposing the Dummies like Dippy supporting criminals by their deeds.. or their silence.

                      D1 - Xposing Dummies since 2007


                      • #12
                        What is your reference point ?

