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Mo, could this be our biggest problem?

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  • Mo, could this be our biggest problem?

    The poor can suffer more
    published: Wednesday | May 9, 2007

    Delroy Chuck
    "There is no pleasant way to say this," commented Clive Williams, an [COLOR=orange! important][COLOR=orange! important]auto [COLOR=orange! important]mechanic[/COLOR][/COLOR][/COLOR], "but the poorer the areas and the more depressed the people are, the more they love the PNP." A PNP supporter, in Monday's Gleaner, added: "Things are bad everywhere and if we are going to suffer, let us suffer under Sister P." They are both right, especially if they think of south west St. Andrew, Sister P's constituency, where poverty, crime, hopelessness and injustice embrace the poor, suffering people, everywhere.
    Clive Williams is quite perceptive. I, too, have noticed that the poorest parishes and constituencies vote for the PNP. Within any constituency, the poorest division votes for the PNP. In truth, wherever there is poverty, the PNP reigns - together, they are like a [COLOR=orange! important][COLOR=orange! important]horse[/COLOR][/COLOR] and carriage, but going nowhere. The five poorest constituencies in [COLOR=orange! important][COLOR=orange! important]Kingston[/COLOR][/COLOR] and St. Andrew are bedrocks of PNP support and garrison communities. In my constituency, the poorest of the poor in Grants Pen, Sandy Park and Barbican cling to the PNP's coat-tails, waiting for hand-outs, charity and [COLOR=orange! important][COLOR=orange! important]seasonal [COLOR=orange! important]work[/COLOR][/COLOR][/COLOR].
    I don't want to be unkind but, I dare say, the greatest enemy of the poor is the poor. The poor undermine one another and succumb to false prophets and cunning leaders. The poor swallow the preaching, promises and pronouncements of every Jack and Jill who are usually insincere and don't mean a word they say, but tell poor people what they want to hear. The poor need straight-talking, no-nonsense leaders to tell the truth, that there is no need for continued suffering and there is a better way forward, if only the opportunities can become available to use their minds and hands to lift and help themselves. Poor people need to reject the so-called champions of the poor who speak out against the rich, the business sector and the class society that merely foster jealousy, hatred and more poverty.
    Immediate gratification
    "The poor can take a lot more suffering," is the familiar retort of my friend, an architect/contractor, who works occasionally in poverty-stricken areas such as Rose Town, JonesTown and Lower St. Andrew. He understands the poor. Sadly, poor people want immediate gratification, quick money and are easily satisfied. Suffering, hardship and hunger are daily battles and the perennial struggle to survive continues from day to day.
    Enter the professional politicians who understand the psyche of the poor and are only interested in gaining and retaining power. They know that the poor can be neglected for the better part of the five-year term but close to general elections, bring out the fertilisers, the chickens, the big breed goats and the bundles of money for a short period of feel-good and the long suffering poor people are hoodwinked into believing salvation has finally come. Moreover, bring out the demagogic speakers, the sweet-talkers, the spin doctors and the public relations specialists to convince the poor people that their suffering has passed and the next term, the third or even the fifth term, is their term. Why do poor people allow themselves to be used and treated with such contempt?
    Self respect The poor people need not suffer more. If we love Jamaica, teach poor people to have self respect and to dismiss those politicians who seek to purchase their votes. The churches can play a seminal role and instead of getting into partisan politics, as so many have done, the true Christians and God-fearing pastors should urge their congregation to expose those politicians who hand out money and gifts in exchange for votes and support. If our churches want to play a meaningful role, encourage their congregations to elect representatives who put Jamaica first instead of their parties and themselves. Yes, if we truly want a better Jamaica, teach our people to reject poverty and suffering as a part of their lives.

  • #2
    Re: Mo, could this be our biggest problem?

    This is why I say I "HATE poor people", in opposition those who "love" them. If I had my way I would eradicate poverty from Jamaica. Apart from the suffering, it holds us back materially, psychologically and spiritually.

    Freedom cant truly exist in such an oppressive situation, as choice is either severly limited or even eliminated altogether. How can people grow spirtually in such circumstances???


    • #3
      Re: Mo, could this be our biggest problem?

      Is Delroy Chuck telling us something we don't allready know and have not known for years ?

      I give you a lecturer at the University of Miami Law Dept, Mr. David Rowe:

      Addressing a dinner organised by the ruling People's National Party with patriotic and "compassionate" business persons last Friday night, Rowe, a legendary defence attorney renowned for representing Jamaican nationals in the United States, said that in a society where wealth was still controlled by racial minorities, Simpson Miller was the best option for the majority of Jamaicans for whom the "dutty is still tough".

      "Portia is the greatest hope for Jamaican labour in 70 years as she is the modern Bustamante in a regal female form. She leads usin a fight for independence, not political independence of the 1960s, but independence for women, independence for the poor, independence for the neglected children," Rowe observed.

      Dem likkle b(*)(** mek mi sick. The poor only have one use fi dem.. avenue to power.


      • #4
        Re: Mo, could this be our biggest problem?

        Blessed are the poor, theirs is the kingdom of heaven.

        or was that poor in Spirit ?

        Hmmm.. So Dark the Con of Man...


        • #5
          Re: Mo, could this be our biggest problem?

          This is party hack talk, not news material. What is this independence for Poor people talk based on???

          If you "love" poor people, then you dont want them to stop being poor, or you will lose the basis for your love...right?

          Unless the love is for people...all people, then we know its a 3 card trick.


          • #6
            Re: Mo, could this be our biggest problem?

            It's all so depressing. I don't know what to say.

            If I hear Portia say one more time dat she love poor people...



            • #7
              Re: Mo, could this be our biggest problem?

              She needs to stop talking and start doing...

              The mere fact that she has kept Omar tellls me bundles...


              • #8
                Re: Mo, could this be our biggest problem?

                But she does love poor people.. so easy to manipulate..

                Poor people have been good to her..

                Just suh long as they remain poor... wi will ease the burden every 5 years with a crash programme or 2.. but remain poor...

                Don't forget:

                'Blessed are the Poor for theirs is the Kingdom of Heaven'

                ALLELUJAH !!


                • #9
                  Re: Mo, could this be our biggest problem?

                  “Life is a system of half-truths and lies, opportunistic, convenient evasion.”
                  - Langston Hughes

