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Fox News anchor - Jesus and Santa Claus were white
"Good things come out of the garrisons" after his daughter won the 100m Gold For Jamaica.
"It therefore is useless and pointless, unless it is for share malice and victimisation to arrest and charge a 92-year-old man for such a simple offence. There is nothing morally wrong with this man smoking a spliff; the only thing wrong is that it is still on the law books," said Chevannes.
What nationality was Jesus (Humor)
Scholars have long debated the exact ethnicity and nationality of Jesus. Recently, at a theological meeting in Rome, scholars had a heated debate on this subject. One by one, they offered their evidence……..
THREE PROOFS THAT JESUS WAS MEXICAN: 1. His first name was Jesus 2. He was bilingual 3. He was always being harassed by the authorities
But then there were equally good arguments that…. JESUS WAS BLACK: 1. He called everybody “brother” 2. He liked Gospel 3. He couldn’t get a fair trial
But then there were equally good arguments that…. JESUS WAS JEWISH: 1. He went into His Father’s business 2. He lived at home until he was 33 3. He was sure his Mother was a virgin, and his Mother was sure he was God
But then there were equally good arguments that…. JESUS WAS ITALIAN: 1. He talked with his hands 2. He had wine with every meal 3. He used olive oil
But then there were equally good arguments that…. JESUS WAS CALIFORNIAN: 1. He never cut his hair 2. He walked around barefoot 3. He started a new religion
But then there were equally good arguments that…. JESUS WAS IRISH: 1. He never got married 2. He was always telling stories 3. He loved green pastures
But perhaps the most compelling evidence….. THREE PROOFS THAT JESUS WAS A WOMAN: 1. He had to feed a crowd at a moment’s notice when there was no food 2. He kept trying to get the message across to a bunch of men who just didn’t get it 3. Even when He was dead, He had to get up because there was more work = to do….."It is easier to build strong children than to repair broken men" - Frederick Douglass
Caesar & Pontius Pilate born from immaculate conception + rise from di dead? If you strip away the supernatural acts nobody would care...he wouldn't have died for our sins...it's like the Tessanne thing...build a hype and a bag a man run come follow yuh...without the story he isn't JC...capiche
Originally posted by Bricktop View PostCaesar & Pontius Pilate born from immaculate conception + rise from di dead? If you strip away the supernatural acts nobody would care...he wouldn't have died for our sins...it's like the Tessanne thing...build a hype and a bag a man run come follow yuh...without the story he isn't JC...capicheTIVOLI: THE DESTRUCTION OF JAMAICA'S EVIL EMPIRE
Recognizing the victims of Jamaica's horrendous criminality and exposing the Dummies like Dippy supporting criminals by their deeds.. or their silence.
D1 - Xposing Dummies since 2007
The color of Jesus is a mere curiosity to me, nothing else. I do wish black churches would use a sub-saharan image of Jesus though. I mean if you going to worship a human as God then at least make him look like your father. The rastaman was way ahead of the rest of us in this regard.
Jawge some of us look at research, data and statistics before coming to a conclusion on an issue. That is the scientific method which you often preach but sadly rarely practice"It is easier to build strong children than to repair broken men" - Frederick Douglass
Citizen Khan: why Muslims love Christmas
Citizen Khan: why Muslims love Christmas
The sitcom star would like to make it clear that Muslims think it's a wonderful celebration almost on a par with Ramadan – and that Father Christmas is Pakistani
Adil Ray as Mr Khan in Citizen Khan: 'We can charge time and a half for taxi rides on Christmas Day.' Photograph: BBC
Asalaam Alaikum. My name is Mr Khan, community leader. You know, at this time of year, a lot of people are saying to me: "Mr Khan, do Muslims in the UK celebrate the Christmas?" Well, to these peoples I say: "Don't be such silly billys – of course we celebrate Christmas!"
All right, so it's not strictly speaking a Muslim festival. But wasn't Jesus a Muslim prophet, too? OK, so he is not the best one, but he can still have a birthday party, isn't it! Christmas time is wonderful; the food, the singing, the party games. It's almost as crazy as Ramadan! Here are my top five reasons why we all love Christmas:
1 Christmas Day is one of the happiest days of the year for Pakistanis up and down the country. We can charge time and a half for taxi rides and ours are the only shops open selling kitchen foil. Also, our off-licences stay open all day so English peoples can get into the Christmas spirits.
2 Father Christmas is Pakistani. Think about it: he has big bushy beard, travels half way around the world to get here and he works on Christmas Day!
3 The roads are very quiet. It's an ideal time to let Mrs Khan visit her sister in Bradford, because she can safely drive the Mercedes and I can stay at home and watch the cricket! Last year she reversed up slip road of the M6 and car wasn't even scratched!
4 The Queen's Speech. We love to all sit around TV and watch Her Majesty. It's wonderful to hear from fellow immigrants with large, extended families all living under one roof, doing so well.
5 We love Turkey. They got nice mosques there.
But above all, the Christmas message of peace and love is one that we can all agree with, regardless of whether you are Muslim or one of the not-so-good religions. In this world it is easy to become selfish, greedy and thoughtless, only thinking of ourselves. But at Christmas time we should try to be more giving and sharing. Of course, we do this, symbolically, by the giving of presents. And what better present then the Citizen Khan DVD! Series 2, out now! Go and buy it, what are you waiting for? Also, watch my Christmas special on BBC1, 20 Dec at 8.30pm. Thank you and may Allah guide you, I mean Christmas Mubarak!
Originally posted by Islandman View PostMegyn Kelly is dreaming of a white Christmas.
The Fox News star has stepped into a holiday hornet’s nest by insisting on her show that both Jesus and Santa Claus were white — and that anybody who believes otherwise needs to get over it.
“For you kids watching at home,” Kelly said during her prime-time show on Wednesday, “Santa just is white. But this person is arguing that maybe we should also have a black Santa.”
Then Kelly, a Fox franchise player, dug herself in further by saying that Santa couldn’t be anything but Caucasian because he’s like Jesus.
“Just because it makes you feel uncomfortable doesn’t mean it has to change,” Kelly said. “You know, I mean, Jesus was a white man, too.”
Kelly was reacting to a Slate.com piece by Aisha Harris, who had made the case that maybe, as the U.S. becomes more diverse, it was time to “ditch Santa the old white man altogether, and embrace Penguin Claus.”
“People love penguins,” Harris wrote.There was no immediate response from Kelly to the uproar, but a Fox News spokeswoman said she would address the controversy in the coming days.While it is true that both Jesus and Santa Claus have been depicted by European painters as white for centuries, many scholars say the historical figures probably weren’t the kind of white that would have passed muster with a segregated 1950s golf club.
Jesus was a Jew born in Bethlehem, a Semitic town in what is now the West Bank.And the New Testament does not describe his appearance.
Read more: http://www.nydailynews.com/entertain...#ixzz2nMv2stUJ