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Keep your rot to yourselves!

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  • #31
    The very fight that is needed is not unprecedented,we know what happened to Manley.
    Barbados benefited by proxy,India has a large population(consumers).We saw whay happened to Panama when it dare tried to exercise its rights.
    If we are faulting Janaica we have to know what the solution entiles,this is why having the correcy perspective reagarding the T&T matter is crucial.


    • #32
      Islandman, Israel did not become powerful just from working hard. Their respect was not earned.



      • #33
        An afterthought,the question isn't why Obama exchanged handshake with Raul(Cuba was pivotal in fighting the apartheid..but why Raul....?
        Misconception is a heck of a thing.


        • #34
          No Israel became powerful due to the powerful economic and political influence of Jews outside of Israel. Do you disagree?

          Jews have a culture of prosperity and wealth. I strongly believe this.

          If Africans in the diaspora were to earn some serious wealth, things would change in Africa, trust me.
          "‎It is easier to build strong children than to repair broken men" - Frederick Douglass


          • #35
            Man gets 15 years for shooting another over TT$10 debt

            Friday, December 20, 2013 | 7:28 AM

            PORT OF SPAIN, Trinidad (CMC) – High Court judge, Geoffrey Henderson has sentenced a 35-year-old man to 15 years in prison after he shot a man over a TT$10 (One TT dollar = US$0.16 cents) debt.
            But Jason Braithwaithe will spend seven years in jail as the sentences on the gun-related charges will run concurrently.


            Justice Henderson said that firearm offences had become a cancer in the society telling Braithwaithe that his act was “unacceptable in a civilised society. That cannot work”.
            The court heard that on October 17, this year Braithwaite approached 36-year-old Leslie Williams, to repay a 10-dollar debt.
            Williams told the court that as he walked away, Braithwaithe pulled out a gun and fired at him, shooting him in both feet.
            Braithwaithe was found guilty on November 7 for shooting with intent to cause grievous bodily harm and possession of a gun and ammunition.
            Justice Henderson said, in considering the sentence, he had to remember the serious injuries Williams had sustained, the prevalence of such crimes in society and Braithwaithe’s previous conviction.
            He also said that he had to consider the principles of rehabilitation, deterring the accused from wanting to commit such an offence again, and also deterring others,
            Henderson said that Braithwaithe could have faced a murder charge had he shot Williams elsewhere and that from the evidence, the shooting appeared to be an unprovoked attack.
            “There are many people who come from difficult childhoods who have gone on to become great men,” the judge said, dismissing a plea from Braithwaite’s attorney Subhas Panday.
            The judge told Braithwaithe that he had "a lot of time to reflect" and to be an example to others when he is released.


            • #36
              The first letter in the thread suggesting that violence in T&T is being perpetrated by Jamaicans is just a pile of bullsh!t !! Trinis only have themselves to blame for being so follow-fashion. There is absolutely no acceptable reason for the level of crime in this country... what is true is that everybody want bling (people still use that word?) and dem want it now! Working for an honest day's wage don't cut it!
              Peter R


              • #37
                Originally posted by Lazie View Post
                THE EDITOR, Sir:
                It seems The Gleaner has made itself the moral compass for the Caribbean, especially Barbados and Trinidad.
                I am a Trinidadian. Those who encourage Jamaicans to boycott Trinidad-made products, do you ask why Jamaicans are not wanted in many countries?
                I fully agree with our minister of national security, Gary Griffith, in taking a stance against lawless Jamaicans. Keep your rot for yourselves! We have Jamaicans for hire in contract killing in our country and many are into the drug trade and other crimes. Is this your precious export?
                It is better for us to do without your trade than to become like Jamaica. You fail to realise that 17,000 Jamaicans are here illegally. If Jamaicans are a people of great pride in their country, why go where you are not wanted? Your pride and social standing do not mesh. Trinidad and Barbados are First-World nations.
                MICHAEL LALLO
                michritalallo@yahoo.comSan Fernando, Trinidad


                Racial profiling?

                Published: Sunday | December 22, 2013 4 Comments


                1 2 >
                Nation of Islam leader charges that T&T is refusing Jamaicans because they are black
                Erica Virtue, Senior Gleaner Writer
                Black activist and Muslim leader in Trinidad and Tobago, Imam David Muhammad, has accused the Kamla Persad-Bissessar government of overtly and covertly stoking the fires of racism by its refusal to accept some Jamaicans and others of African ancestry into the country.
                According to Muhammad, the recent detention and repatriation of 13 Jamaicans was not singular to this country as blacks from other Caribbean islands and Africa have been refused entry in recent time.
                The claim has been rubbished by Trinidad's Minister of National Security Gray Griffith, who pointed out that 96 per cent of Jamaicans, predominantly blacks, have been allowed into T&T without issues.
                Griffith told The Sunday Gleaner that those who have been refused entry are the ones who failed to prove to immigration officials how they would survive during their visit to the twin-island republic.
                sinister plot
                But that has not convinced Muhammad, who last week claimed that the refusal of immigration officials to admit blacks was part of a sinister plot by the government to maintain the Indo-Trinidadian population as the dominant ethnic group.
                "I have done a couple public lectures on this (immigration) matter. But to make a long story short, it is not Trinidad and Tobago that is in an impasse with Jamaica. It is the government of Trinidad and Tobago.
                "It is not representative of the entire population, and it is specifically an Indo-Trinidadian Hindu government that does not relate to the black population," charged Muhammad.
                With the population of the country being approximately 1.3 million and blacks listed at 460,000 and 'mixed' at 150,000, Indo-Trinidadians now make up the largest ethnic group and, according to Mohammad, every effort is being made to maintain this ratio.
                "Dark-skinned Indians are called Indians. Light-skinned Indians are called Indians. Dark-skinned Africans are called Africans, but light-skinned Africans are called mixed.
                "You have cases where there are African siblings, some dark-skinned and some light-skinned, and some are (called) Africans and some are mixed. So we are caught up in this grey area of ethnic classification," charged Muhammad.
                He argued that the detention and deportation of Jamaicans and other Caribbean nationals was in stark contrast to the easy acceptance of nationalities from Asia, especially China and India.
                "The Indo-Caribbean in general has always been opposed to Caribbean regional integration. What is happening now with these unwritten immigration laws is a reflection of those sentiments.
                "It is purely an issue of racism and Trinidadians are incensed over this matter," stated Muhammad, who is also the manager of the Trinidad and Tobago national football team and who hosts 'The Black Agenda' programme on 91.9FM radio.
                "The people of Trinidad and Tobago are enraged and it's embarrassing. Trinidad and Tobago and Jamaica are cultural partners. We probably listen to more reggae than you do in Jamaica. There is a love, a passion, a cultural relationship between Trinidad and Tobago and Jamaica and we are very angry that that is being tampered with."
                According to Muhammad, "Indians from India are never turned back, but CARICOM nationals are the largest group of individuals denied entry."
                He was supported by a caller to his programme, who last week claimed that his 14-year-old Jamaican granddaughter was denied entry into the country two Saturdays ago.
                The caller said he lived in Jamaica and went to Windward Road All-Age School, and was sad that his granddaughter was not allowed to enter Trinidad.
                That position was endorsed by Muhammad, who argued that while Trinidad has a right to secure its borders, the unwritten immigration rules were profiling individuals who were black, and especially those from the Caribbean, to keep the Indo-Trinidadian group the largest.
                But Griffith, the recently appointed national security minister, shrugged off the charge as he pointed to several black persons, including a Jamaican lawyer, in his ministry who are playing key roles in the administration at this time.


