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'Ah done mi done'

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  • 'Ah done mi done'

    'Ah done mi done'

    Small farmers devastated by thieves, pregnant and lactating goats killed
    BY RENAE DIXON Observer staff reporter dixonr@jamaicaobserver.com
    Monday, December 09, 2013

    WATT TOWN, St Ann — When Winston Dixon decided to raise goats in his backyard in Retirement, Watt Town, St Ann, he never imagined that praedial thieves would be so daring as to strike so close to home.

    But Dixon has since been a victim of praedial larceny, not once, but twice in the last twelve months after thieves made off with seven of his goats.
    Distraught, Winston Dixon laments his loss.

    Distraught, Winston Dixon laments his loss.

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    Dixon was among three small farmers who recently lost a total of 13 goats, after thieves made off with the animals tied just a stone's throw from his back door and slaughtered them in nearby bushes.
    Now the small farmer says he is convinced that the time has come for him to give up farming.
    "Ah done mi done same way," a distraught Dixon told the Jamaica Observer North East.
    The recent attack on the small farmer's livelihood was devastating for him as he was still recovering from a similar incident which occurred last December, when five of his goats were slaughtered.
    At that time, the criminals spared the young kids, allowing him to make a fresh start, but this time it was not to be.
    The bodies of three young kids were left lying in pools of blood.
    "If you even tief the goat, leave the kid so mi can try wid dem," a very upset Dixon said.
    But what was even more disturbing for Dixon, and the others affected, was that pregnant and lactating goats were also among those killed.
    "One of the goat heavy in kid," Dixon stated.
    At least two of the goats taken had given birth recently, one on that same day.
    "When you look and see the kid was born yesterday and dem gone wid the mother," Dixon lamented.
    "Mi no want no goat meat," one woman from the neighbouring Scarborough community stated.
    A knife was reportedly left at the area where the goats were slaughtered in Retirement.
    In the meantime, the Watt Town police said the matter was reported to them but that they have had no leads. Contact was reportedly also made with police outside the community to look out for persons in possession of meat they cannot account for.
    The Watt Town police say persons have been refusing to report matters of praedial larceny to them and so the police have not been able to act to help in reducing the occurrences.
    According to Sergeant Neil Brown, officer in charge of the Watt Town police, since the killing of the 13 goats, persons have been coming forward to say they have been victims of praedial larceny. However, those matters were never reported to the police.
    "The people refuse to make reports when these things happen," he said. Sergeant Brown said this makes it difficult for the police to carry out effective policing.
    He noted further that a recent meeting was held with the residents urging them to report matters to the police.
    The police are also urging persons with information which may assist them
    in their investigations to come forward

    Read more: http://www.jamaicaobserver.com/news/...#ixzz2n1lnzxOB
    • Don't let negative things break you, instead let it be your strength, your reason for growth. Life is for living and I won't spend my life feeling cheated and downtrodden.

  • #2
    These wikkid thieves should be hung by their balls; or send a bow and arrow straight through the YEYE!!

    Rob a man of his livelihood and cut off the source to start a fresh!
    Life is a system of half-truths and lies, opportunistic, convenient evasion.”
    - Langston Hughes


    • #3
      you see it??? These kind of things that happen both to the big businesses and small businesses in Jamaica everyday.

      This is one of the reason why I can't blame IMF etc. for our problem. How are we going to have growth when we taking away people's livelywood? How do we get growth and encourage investment in Jamaica if people don't just have to concern themselves with profit and lost and regular expenses????

      They took all the man goats, now in two years time, he would have two times the amount of goat he has now, coulda sell two and spend some money locally and continue his growth.

      What you think Karl saying, "he should have known the environment before he invested"? ah bwoy!!!
      • Don't let negative things break you, instead let it be your strength, your reason for growth. Life is for living and I won't spend my life feeling cheated and downtrodden.


      • #4
        X asked a great question earlier.

        X's question was "what is the greatest threat facing Jamaica?"

        As usual, the question went of at different tangents.

        But I answered UNEMPLOYMENT. The need for more job creation.

        Last week-end i saw the usual idle hands all around. Everyone want to start the same business of selling. Everyone is putting up a little bar or restaurant at the side of the road.

        Thank goodness for the "exploitation" of the all-inclusives hotels. These hotels employ every strata of labor, skilled and unskilled.

        Jamaican leadership needs find ways of increasing job creation. Cheap labor market is just one option.
        The only time TRUTH will hurt you...is if you ignore it long enough



        • #5
          Brethren we can hide all we want but until we address basic humanity and stop hate and "redeye " and demand government play their role "nothing nah gwaan", instead we have a complex society where government want to be everything to everyman just to get into office, government and banks crowding out private investors, people a take what nuh belong to them and government not afraid of making wrong moves as they will still get some support.

          Remember the garment industry was also "slavery" in disguise, now how many people would take one of those jobs??? How many people now in the wider society have had some work experience at that "exploitation" All-Inclusives, and are doing ok?
          • Don't let negative things break you, instead let it be your strength, your reason for growth. Life is for living and I won't spend my life feeling cheated and downtrodden.


          • #6
            Really terrible what happened to thhis hard working man.
            A thief by dynamics is without conscience.
            Regarding the IMF,it created the circimstances of a goat is worth more dead than alive,goat milk....
            And what of the Govt reimbursing the victim,that is deterred by the IMF.


            • #7
              This has been going on for a long time, and all we get is idle chat from the authorities. Roger Clarke gave up on his farm years ago, after complaining about theft.
              Winning means you're willing to go longer, work harder, and give more than anyone else - Vince Lombardi


              • #8
                When I grew up inna country. We all had goats. My grandmother gave all her grand kids who lived close by a goat. It was easy to take care of goats because they eat bush so you tie them or cut bush and give to them.

                Now most of people don't bother because them say them a grow the goat for the thieves. Govt can't re-imburst the people, them need to stop the criminals. Because of this and other factors, Jamaica is importing goat meat.

                It easier for government to collect import duty.
                • Don't let negative things break you, instead let it be your strength, your reason for growth. Life is for living and I won't spend my life feeling cheated and downtrodden.


                • #9
                  It was the norm for warring gangs aligned to both political parties to burn down chicken farms....,I witnessed that.
                  Govt acts like it is agrarian yet it signs agreements that discourage farming.
                  Hortical,I think I know you.

