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In Mandela, the seeds of a new world

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  • In Mandela, the seeds of a new world

    In Mandela, the seeds of a new world


    Monday, December 09, 2013

    ONE of the best responses to Nelson Mandela's passing was a comment on social media from Jamaican MP Julian Robinson: "My tribute to Madiba is to live a life honouring his legacy of peace, reconciliation and a commitment to uplifting the lives of all peoples." Actually, this is the job description of an honest politician but, whenever I use these two words together, I am told that it is an oxymoron. However, Nelson Mandela is proof that such politicians do exist.

    As we hear the numerous tributes from leaders here and abroad, recounting the courage and magnanimity of Mandela, we wonder how many will listen to themselves, will take the time to ponder the nice words, perhaps written by others.

    International icon Nelson Mandela (left) greets then Prime Minister Michael Manley on his arrival in Jamaica, July 1991, after his release from prison.

    Read more: http://www.jamaicaobserver.com/colum...#ixzz2n1CuUBrG


    International icon Nelson Mandela (left) greets then Prime Minister Michael Manley on his arrival in Jamaica, July 1991, after his release from prison.


    "Real leaders must be ready to sacrifice all for the freedom of their people," said the great Madiba. If we use this as a yardstick to measure our political representatives, then we need to also look at the people they say are their constituents.

    No one is asking any of our leaders to spend 27 years in jail protesting against injustice by an evil regime. Our national heroes have already sacrificed their lives and braved the authorities to win us basic rights. What we are asking of today's leaders is to win for every Jamaican the right to enjoy a safe and just society.

    I am heartened by the position taken by Member of Parliament Dr Dayton Campbell as he called for penalties for those musicians who incite violence: "What good comes to Jamaica by singing about murdering people & gunslinging & killing informers?" he wrote in social media. "People wake up." Why on earth would anyone describe such dangerous lyrics as 'freedom of speech'? As the Senior Supt Steve McGregor pointed out, in a radio interview last week, "Step up! ...You need to say what side you fall on; people must take responsibility".

    We are saying to our leaders, let us see the Mandela in you. Let us see the unflinching courage, the perseverance, the passion to free our people from crime and illiteracy. Let us see the Mandela in our teachers, who will insist on the highest professional standards and have no fear of evaluation or certification because they know how good they are. Let us see the Mandela in our church leaders, who will take Christian activism beyond the walls of their churches into communities; like Dr Henley Morgan who preaches, teaches, and provides employment for inner-city residents. Let us see the Mandela in our public servants, so that they will not push around paper on their desks, but will read them and act on them, so that plans can go forward and employment can be created. Let us wake up the Mandela in our spirits so his great life can continue in our raised consciousness; so we can refuse to accept the status quo, be ready to forgive, promote harmony, and nurture others to do likewise.

    Jamaica -- anti-apartheid leader

    Big thanks to the media for sharing so much of Nelson Mandela's history. I remember going to the National Stadium, with colleague Janet Mowatt, to listen to Mr Mandela in July 1991. We were overwhelmed to see this great man in person and to hear him express his love for Jamaica -- the little country that stood in the forefront of the international struggle against apartheid. Indeed, South African artist Thembani Hastings Mqhay,i who had a hand in the design of his country's flag, said it was inspired by that of Jamaica.

    In an address at a special meeting of the General Assembly of the UN in October 1978, to observe International Anti-Apartheid Year, Michael Manley, then prime minister of Jamaica, shared Jamaica's history of active opposition to apartheid: "In 1921, Garvey petitioned the League of Nations about the rights of black people throughout the world. It is both pointed and ironic that, in 1928, Garvey petitioned the League of Nations again, contending that South Africa was unfit to exercise the responsibilities of a mandatory power in south-west Africa. His catalogue of South Africa's racist crimes in 1928 could stand, virtually without amendment, as a definitive submission to the Security Council 50 years later."

    Mr Manley continued: "We in Jamaica are proud that our Government in the 1950s, under the leadership of another National Hero Norman Manley, joined the Republic of India, led by the immortal Nehru, as the first States in history to ban all trade with South Africa as a mark of common protest and indignation."

    In the person of PM Manley, Jamaica was one of the most vigorous participants in the formulation of The Gleneagles Agreement, which was unanimously approved in 1977 by the Commonwealth of Nations at a meeting at Gleneagles, Auchterarder, Scotland. The Commonwealth presidents and prime ministers agreed, as part of their support for the international campaign against apartheid, to discourage contact and competition between their sportsmen and sporting organisations, teams or individuals from South Africa.

    In the early 80s, the organisers of a squash tournament sent our company the names of participants for a press release we were preparing for the sponsor, Ting, then owned by Guinness Jamaica Limited. We promptly went to the UN office here to check if they had played in South Africa, and found out that two of them did. Our client thanked us and said that under no circumstances should those individuals be allowed to participate, despite the murmurs of some less-enlightened folks.

    Ten tips after 35 years

    Our company PROComm, last week, celebrated 35 years in business — working through interesting times, and grateful that we could do our part to promote some of Jamaica's most excellent organisations. Thankful for the lessons, we would like to share these ten tips to help weather the storms of business:

    1. Your business must be customer-driven — as Tessanne would say, "They are your bread and butter". Clients must be able to trust you to deliver on your commitments.

    2. Ensure that you get good legal advice regarding contracts and intellectual property.

    3. Put efficient reporting and accounting systems in place and have a strong board.

    4. Value your team. Ensure proper human resource management. Prepare job descriptions, have regular evaluations, team meetings.

    5. Develop processes to ensure quality control.

    6. "The most important customer is the one you already have." Do not be distracted by fancy offers at the expense of your faithful clients.

    7. Protect your reputation. Honesty is indeed the best policy. Resist all underhanded overtures.

    8. Regardless of your size and resources, contribute to community/nation-building projects.

    9. Make your brand positive and cheerful, by maintaining an attitude of gratitude.

    10. Plan for succession — anything can happen at any time. Protect the livelihood and future development of your team.

    Food for the Poor 'Christmas for the Classroom'

    This Friday, Friends of Food for the Poor, led by Frank and Michele Chalifour, will be having a memorable evening at Hope Zoo to raise funds for the organisation's 30th anniversary school furniture drive. Hope to see you there.



    Read more: http://www.jamaicaobserver.com/colum...#ixzz2n1BnqiCX
    "Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed citizens can change the world. Indeed, it is the only thing that ever has."