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Nelson Mandela: How US conservatives viewed him then – and

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  • Nelson Mandela: How US conservatives viewed him then – and

    Nelson Mandela: How US conservatives viewed him then – and now (+video)

    Conservatives once saw Nelson Mandela as a communist and a terrorist. Today, most across the political spectrum are lauding the African leader, although some on the right are still critical of him.

    By Brad Knickerbocker, Staff writer / December 7, 2013

    Mourners celebrate the life of Nelson Mandela in the street outside his old house in Soweto, Johannesburg, South Africa. Flags were lowered to half-staff and people in black townships, in upscale mostly white suburbs and in South Africa's vast rural grasslands commemorated Mandela with song, tears and prayers while pledging to adhere to the values of unity and democracy that he embodied.
    Ben Curtis/AP


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    The world press is filled with encomiums for South African leader Nelson Mandela, laudatory statements by President Obama and other world leaders, editorials praising his courage in fighting against and then leading his country out of racial oppression.

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    “My first political action, the first thing I ever did that involved an issue or a policy or politics was a protest against apartheid,” Mr. Obama said when Mr. Mandela died this week. “Like so many around the globe, I cannot fully imagine my own life without the example that Nelson Mandela set.”
    But it wasn’t that long ago that many elected officials and political leaders in the United States –conservatives, mainly – were outspoken in their opposition to what Mandela represented, which to them was socialism (or worse yet, communism) and borderline terrorism since Mandela had advocated armed resistance to South Africa’s white minority regime.
    RECOMMENDED: Remembering Nelson Mandela: How much do you know about his legacy?

    With Soviet influence spreading to parts of Africa, the stability of South Africa had become a Cold War issue related to US national security. In 1981, President Reagan described it as “a country that has stood by us in every war we’ve ever fought, a country that, strategically, is essential to the free world in its production of minerals.”
    Later during the Reagan administration, the debate centered on the effort to impose tougher economic sanctions on South Africa because of apartheid. Mr. Reagan argued against sanctions, advocating instead “constructive engagement” with the white regime.
    Reagan vetoed the Comprehensive Anti-Apartheid Act of 1986, but Congress – Republican moderates as well as Democrats – overrode that veto.
    Dick Cheney, then a congressman from Wyoming, voted against sanctions. But it was another Republican – southerner Mitch McConnell of Kentucky – who saw things in the context of America’s own history of racial oppression and inequality.
    "In the 1960s, when I was in college, civil rights issues were clear," Sen. McConnell said in explaining his vote to override Reagan’s veto. "After that, it became complicated with questions of quotas and other matters that split people of good will. When the apartheid issues came along, it made civil rights black and white again. It was not complicated."
    Within a few years, apartheid officially ended in South Africa, and Nelson Mandela walked away from the prison that had held him for 27 years to become the country’s first freely-elected president.
    In retrospect, writes Peter Beinert on thedailybeast.com, it’s important not to “sanitize” Mandela’s history. “Mandela’s leftist ties did sometimes blind him to communism’s crimes,” Beinert writes.
    At the same time, he could be unsparing in his criticism of the United States – on the US invasion of Iraq, for example, just as Martin Luther King, Jr. was on the Vietnam War.
    “As with King, it is this subversive aspect of Mandela’s legacy that is most in danger of being erased as he enters America’s pantheon of sanitized moral icons,” Beinert writes. “But it is precisely the aspect that Americans most badly need.”
    Commentators on the right have been taking a decidedly unsanitized view of Mandela’s legacy.
    “The bulk of his adult life, Nelson Mandela was a failed Marxist revolutionary and leftist icon, the Che Guevara of Africa,” begins the Wall Street Journal editorial noting Mandela’s passing.
    After a detailed review of Mandela’s accomplishments and failings, the editorial concludes: “Mandela became the biggest of African men by refusing to act like a typical African ‘Big Man.’ He transcended his party's history of Marxism, tribalism and violence. The continent and world were fortunate to have him.”
    Writing in the Atlantic, senior editor Ta-Nehisi Coates finds such phrasing condescending and racist.
    “It is certainly true that ‘most African rulers’ do not willingly hand over power,” he writes. “That is because most human leaders do not hand over power. What racism does is take a basic human tendency and make it the property of ancestry. As though Franco never happened. As though Hitler and Stalin never happened. As though Pinochet never happened. As though we did not prop up Mobutu. As though South Carolina was not, for most of its history, ruled by Big Men as nefarious and vicious as any ‘African ruler.’”
    Some prominent conservatives have used Mandela’s passing to score domestic political points – former US Senator and Republican presidential candidate Rick Santorum likening the “great injustice” of apartheid to the “great injustice” of the Affordable Care Act.
    But almost without exception, Republican elected officials have been as laudatory of Mandela as have Democrats. “From prisoner to president, Mr. Mandela demonstrated a lifelong commitment to justice and human rights, and his legacy should serve as an example for all of us,” said House Majority Leader Eric Cantor (R) of Virginia.
    But the problem for many of them (as noted in blog post comments here and here) – and it’s a problem for the Republican Party generally as it seeks to attract black voters – is that many of their supporters come across as racist in their comments about Nelson Mandela.
    RECOMMENDED: Remembering Nelson Mandela: How much do you know about his legacy?


    "Good things come out of the garrisons" after his daughter won the 100m Gold For Jamaica.

    "It therefore is useless and pointless, unless it is for share malice and victimisation to arrest and charge a 92-year-old man for such a simple offence. There is nothing morally wrong with this man smoking a spliff; the only thing wrong is that it is still on the law books," said Chevannes.

  • #2
    I believe Obama did not push the issue of visiting a hospitalized Mandela because whereas his activism justifies it,is a whole different ballgame being the head of state.
    The CIA is believed to be pivotal in the capturing of Mandela.Mandela and members of his Govt were on THE list until recently,they had to get a waiver to travel to the US.They were on THAT list because of a promise the US made to the apartheid Govt that it would not ligitimise Mandela Govt..The typical backlash wasn't forthcoming when Mandela said the US Govt does not care,only due to Obama.
    Last edited by Rockman; December 8, 2013, 08:27 PM.


    • #3
      They seem to intentionally leave out the context in which he said it , such is revisionist history.

      "Good things come out of the garrisons" after his daughter won the 100m Gold For Jamaica.

      "It therefore is useless and pointless, unless it is for share malice and victimisation to arrest and charge a 92-year-old man for such a simple offence. There is nothing morally wrong with this man smoking a spliff; the only thing wrong is that it is still on the law books," said Chevannes.


      • #4
        they say that one perfect man walked the face of this earth, his reward? CRUCIFIXION ....

        Infidelity does not consist in believing, or in disbelieving; it consists in professing to believe what he does not believe. Thomas Paine


        • #5
          CIA Helped Jail Mandela

          Ex-official: Cia Helped Jail Mandela

          Chicago Tribune
          June 10, 1990|By Joseph Albright and Marcia Kunstel, Cox News Service.

          WASHINGTON — For nearly 28 years the U.S. government has harbored an increasingly embarrassing secret: A CIA tip to South African intelligence agents led to the arrest that put black nationalist leader Nelson Mandela in prison for most of his adult life.
          But now, with Mandela en route to the U.S. to a hero`s welcome, a former U.S. official has revealed that he has known of the CIA role since Mandela was seized by agents of the South African police special branch on Aug. 5, 1962.

          The former official, now retired, said that within hours after Mandela`s arrest Paul Eckel, then a senior CIA operative, walked into his office and said approximately these words: ``We have turned Mandela over to the South African security branch. We gave them every detail, what he would be wearing, the time of day, just where he would be. They have picked him up. It is one of our greatest coups.``

          With Mandela out of prison, the retired official decided there is no longer a valid reason for secrecy. He called the American role in the affair
          ``one of the most shameful, utterly horrid`` byproducts of the Cold War struggle between Moscow and Washington for influence in the Third World.
          Asked about the tip to South African authorities, CIA spokesman Mark Mansfield said: ``Our policy is not to comment on such allegations.``
          Reports that American intelligence tipped off the South African officials who arrested Mandela have circulated for years. Newsweek reported in February that the agency was believed to have been involved.
          Mandela, now 71, arrives in the United States June 20 as part of an international tour to bolster the anti-apartheid movement. The deputy African National Congress president, widely regarded as the world`s pre-eminent political prisoner when he finally was released in February, is due to be honored by a ticker-tape Broadway parade and to address a joint session of Congress.

          But in 1962 the CIA`s covert branch saw the African National Congress as a threat to the stability of a friendly South African government. At the time, that government not only had just signed a military cooperation agreement with the United States but also served as an important source of uranium.

          The CIA knew of Mandela`s whereabouts because it had put an undercover agent into the inner circle of the African National Congress group in Durban, according to Gerard Ludi, a retired South African intelligence official.

          Mandela was being sought as a fugitive for his anti-apartheid activities. The morning after a secret dinner party with other congress members in Durban, Mandela, dressed as a chauffeur, ran into a roadblock. He was immediately recognized and arrested.
          Winning means you're willing to go longer, work harder, and give more than anyone else - Vince Lombardi

