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Senate smacks down filibuster

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  • Senate smacks down filibuster

    After years of Republican obstructionism, Senate Dems have had enough.

    The upper chamber of Congress voted on Thursday to deploy the so-called “nuclear option” to change the rules of the Senate. The move now clears the way for Obama’s judicial nominees who were being blocked by Republicans.
    On a 48-52 vote, the Democrats voted to officially go nuclear. A “no” vote was a vote to change the rules.

    Just three Democrats sided with the Republicans, including Sens. Carl Levin of Michigan, Joe Manchin of West Virginia and Mark Pryor of Arkansas.

    On the Senate floor, Reid said the “need for change is obvious,” pointing to the GOP’s pattern of filibustering on matters that should be routine, like green-lighting judges.

    “In the history of the Republic, there have been 168 filibusters of executive and judicial nominations. Half of them have occurred during the Obama Administration – during the last four and a half years,” said Reid.

    Before the vote, the Nevada Democrat declared it was time to “change the Senate before this institution becomes obsolete.”

    Meanwhile, Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell called the move “utterly absurd” and accused Democrats of setting up “one set of rules for themselves and another for everybody else.” He told Democrats “you may regret this a lot sooner than you think.”

    The vote comes as Senate Republicans blocked – for the third time in three weeks—Obama’s latest pick, Robert Wilkins, to be a judge on the powerful D.C. Court of Appeals.

    The filibuster rules will now be overhauled in this Congress so that the continual GOP threat of filibuster doesn’t effectively require 60 votes to confirm judicial and executive nominees. There is still an exception for Supreme Court nominees.

    Over the summer, Reid threatened to go nuclear after Republicans blocked a number of executive nominations, including Richard Cordray as permanent director of the Consumer Financial Protection Board. But Republicans eventually hammered out a deal and approved the nominations in exchange for Democrats agreeing not to alter the rules.

    This time was different, however. There was never any deal on the horizon and some Democratic senators like Dianne Feinstein of California and Tom Harkin of Iowa – who had been holdouts in the past – voted in favor of the nuclear option.

    Vice President Joe Biden, who once opposed the rules change when he was senator, said on Thursday that he was now in favor of the nuclear option.

    There are clear incentives – Republicans in the upper chamber could no longer block Obama’s nominees. But there are drawbacks, too. After all, Democrats won’t always hold a Senate majority – they may well lose it next year – and by setting a reformed-filibuster precedent, Dems could find themselves without a key tool when they’re inevitably in the minority again.

    Republicans, meanwhile, have argued that the court’s workload does not justify three more judges and said Democrats are merely trying to distract Americans from the troubled rollout of HealthCare.gov.

    GOPers warned earlier in the day that if Dems go through with the change, they’ll reciprocate when they have the majority, including for Supreme Court picks.

    Republican Sen. Chuck Grassley of Iowa released a statement saying: “It appears the Majority Leader is now trying to convince his caucus that somehow he’d be able to change the rules on judicial nominees, but limit the change to only lower court nominees. This is a difference without a distinction. If he changes the rules for some judicial nominees, he is effectively changing them for all judicial nominees, including the Supreme Court.”

    Perhaps, ironically, the history of the nuclear option traces back to Richard Nixon. When he was vice president in 1957, the Republican argued that the Constitution allows the presiding officer of the Senate to override Senate rules by making a ruling that is then voted on by a simple majority vote.
    Last edited by Karl; November 21, 2013, 02:39 PM.
    "Jamaica's future reflects its past, having attained only one per cent annual growth over 30 years whilst neighbours have grown at five per cent." (Article)

  • #2
    The Senate needs to move post haste to confirm every one of the President's nominations that it has the power to so do.

    ...and the Dems need to get out across the country and run FULL BLAST on ObamaCare. Hey...use the numbers. It is a numbers set of facts! ...all on the morally right side of good conscience and good governance.
    "Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed citizens can change the world. Indeed, it is the only thing that ever has."


    • #3
      Yup. The Democrats have a history of not promoting the many good things done under this president. ObamaCare in principle is a very good program that needs some serious PR.
      Hey .. look at the bright side .... at least you're not a Liverpool fan! - Lazie 2/24/10 Paul Marin -19 is one thing, 20 is a whole other matter. It gets even worse if they win the UCL. *groan*. 05/18/2011.MU fans naah cough, but all a unuh a vomit?-Lazie 1/11/2015


      • #4
        It needs PR and a whole lot more than that.

        First of all it needs to function in the most basic way. Eventually that should happen. Second of all it needs to regain the confidence of those who fought for this thing and are now feeling like fools with all this ridicule.

        I don't think you will get too many elected Democrats sounding the trumpet for Obamacare until they have some confidence it will not cost them their seats.

        Obama is looking like he has aged 5 years in the last 6 months. Must be a tough time for him. I really hope he can turn this around or it is going to be a long 3 years ahead.
        "‎It is easier to build strong children than to repair broken men" - Frederick Douglass


        • #5
          I hope Obama end up among the famous presidents--like Lincoln, Washington , Roosevelt....

          This healthcare initiative is a massive undertaking!

          I clearly recall when Clinton tried it. It was a big failure!!

          I recall Obama quoted Kennedy (I think) ...about doing things "not because thay are easy...but because they are hard".

          Getting the customer log-on system fixed will be a massive step in slowing down his aging.
          The only time TRUTH will hurt you...is if you ignore it long enough



          • #6
            Originally posted by Islandman View Post
            It needs PR and a whole lot more than that.
            What? ...a well functioning web site?
            Agreed...but *please remember that Obama Care is not the Federal Exchanges web site.

            First of all it needs to function in the most basic way. Eventually that should happen.
            Why do you think the ACA=Obama care is not functioning?

            Second of all it needs to regain the confidence of those who fought for this thing and are now feeling like fools with all this ridicule.
            Who are these people?
            The 5 or 6 Dems who are representing 'red states'?

            If you include those 'red state Dems' you may be surprised to know they have full faith in Obama Care...but are pulling a sleight of hand to, they hope, preserve wins at the next polls....i.e. drown out or dampen the current GOP noise=buying time!

            I fully expect them to be running FULL BLAST on Obama Care come 2014.

            I don't think you will get too many elected Democrats sounding the trumpet for Obamacare until they have some confidence it will not cost them their seats.
            The GOP noise is currently loud...but look for a full pull back by most and many claiming they were for Obama care all along and were only speaking of fixing same!!! ...and that before the 2014 elections!!!

            Obama is looking like he has aged 5 years in the last 6 months. Must be a tough time for him. I really hope he can turn this around or it is going to be a long 3 years ahead.
            You are correct on his looking weary. He is bamboozled as to why he is getting such a fight by the GOP on every single last thing. He has tried everything to meet them half-way and is worn out.

            Take it from me next he is going become angry - still looking cool but full of wrath - and shall attack with venom!!!

            *Obama Care is a law!
            It does not provide Health Insurance coverage or sells Health Insurance coverage.

            It does not provide Health Care.

            It expands the affordability, quality, and availability of private and public health care insurance...through consumer protections, regulations, subsidies, taxes, insurance exchanges, and other reforms.

            It is a Law that provides -
            a) for 250 million Americans access to improved Health Care Insurance...and that translates into better care for all save those who already pay e.g like the $10,000 per month policies who already provide every conceivable service at their beck and call;

            b) It provides access to Health Care Insurance by all others.

            Already 90+% of the US population is already reaping benefits made available by this Obama Care Law.

            Regardless of how the GOP and its allies cut and carve the less than 10% others...it is misleading to claim Obama Care is not working.

            It will be merely a relative few months for those less than 10% having the ability to get plan comparisons (...and I may add PRIVATE SECTOR Insurance comparisons) via easy navigation through the State and or Federal web sites.

            When that happens and those who having never left their village (i.e. knew only the small environs of their old health insurance plan) wander outside (to their State and Federal web sites) and discover 'girls (health insurance plans) more beautiful (better plans) than they ever knew...what then?
            "Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed citizens can change the world. Indeed, it is the only thing that ever has."


            • #7
              Islandman: Let me stick my head out!

              Look for the Dems to increase their noise level.
              - Start quoting facts and figures on %ages who are currently receiving benefits because of Obama Care law;

              - Using actual numbers rather than %ages. (The GOP has already beaten the Dems to this by often quoting number like 17 million through - 1 million).

              Expect the Dems to start using the facts that HUNDREDS of MILLIONS (not that phrase but actual numbers) gained this, HUNDRED of MILLIONS (not that phrase but actual numbers) gained that...and challenging family, friends and acquaintances to share info and compare with each other.

              Then they shall attack with a smile by using the Republicans claims to turn it back on the GOP...often followed with "Why is the GOP working to deny the American people Health Insurance?"...changing to "Why is your Congressman/Senator/Governor, named 'whatever' denying you Health Insurance when he or she has it?"...etc., etc.

              The Dems are not worried about the benefits not having already kicked in and increasingly more finding that truth!!!!

              ...the mutterings are on trying to think on 'what will the GOP do when the s!@#$%$$# hits the fan'? ...and being readi to nail them even more...!!!

              Besides thinking the GOP doing a 180 and trying to take claim for the change of climate as growing awareness of benefits kick in...no one on the Dems side can think of possible GOP action/acts?
              "Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed citizens can change the world. Indeed, it is the only thing that ever has."


              • #8
                You are getting into semantics which are not going to make a difference in the long run one way or the other.

                The rollout of major portions of Obamacare to the public has been a mess. Is not me say so, Obama say so himself.

                Lets not argue about the small, affordable, and easy to implement parts of the ACA that are already in place. Those are likely here to stay and by themselves will not make or break the ACA as we know it. Obama surely will not be declaring victory for the ACA because of the parts that are already in place. Those are nice features but hardly transformational.

                What will make or break the law is whether there is political support to enforce the individual mandate, and without the individual mandate the ACA is on very shaky ground. That is the reason why it was challenged in Supreme Court, because without it the ACA is on the ropes as the costs will spiral out of control.
                "‎It is easier to build strong children than to repair broken men" - Frederick Douglass


                • #9
                  It is very massive and would be difficult even if there was bipartisan support the whole way. In the current political climate it is that much more difficult.

                  My family has put some major life decisions for 2014 on hold which were made on the assumption that the ACA as promised would be firmly in place by then. As things stand now I will have to wait and see how things play out.
                  "‎It is easier to build strong children than to repair broken men" - Frederick Douglass


                  • #10
                    Originally posted by HL View Post
                    I hope Obama end up among the famous presidents--like Lincoln, Washington , Roosevelt....

                    This healthcare initiative is a massive undertaking!

                    I clearly recall when Clinton tried it. It was a big failure!!

                    I recall Obama quoted Kennedy (I think) ...about doing things "not because thay are easy...but because they are hard".

                    Getting the customer log-on system fixed will be a massive step in slowing down his aging.
                    It was a big failure when Clinton tried it because Hillary was the"author" of it and the Repugs couldn't stand her either. They did not give it a chance.

                    Still trying to figure it how American seem unable to figure out the failure of the website from the failure of the act itself. Even for those losing the plans that they liked, the net effect is a huge plus!

                    BLACK LIVES MATTER


                    • #11
                      The act itself has not failed, it has just failed to be implemented up to this point. And it is not just the public-facing website, that is just what is visible.

                      It is a big blow considering that it has never been politically popular from the outset.
                      "‎It is easier to build strong children than to repair broken men" - Frederick Douglass

