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Lazie it looks like Chris Christie is galloping to a

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  • #16
    Originally posted by Islandman View Post
    Nutten special bout Jersey situation. Give some of these school districts twice as much money and the outcomes will be no different. The problem is the system which is little changed from 50 years ago, save for a few computers and white boards.

    Bad teachers and school administrators should be FIRED, not shuffled around from school to school screwing up more and more children. Good teachers should be REWARDED accordingly. Unions make both of these near impossible to do.

    There is enough money put into public education to have a decent system. So fix the system, don't reinforce it.
    ... isn't it the same 'bad teacher' we all pass through that caused us all to read, write (and think not everyone thinking)? All of a sudden a 'bad teacher' everybody a talk bout? So after unuh give the teachers basket fi carry water unuh ago label them 'bad teacher"? So what about those that eat away the funding from the sector? School have 3 2nd grade classes but the state only provide 2 books for teacher, and you a talk bout 'bad teacher'? The state is giving tests with questions on stuff that the teachers haven't provided instructions on as yet, but you a talk bout "bad teacher." You have teachers working without a contract for 4 years, have not received a raise in 4 years .... yet you a talk bout bad teacher? You need to get real I-Man.

    Because we go through all pass through the gate, we gonna lock the gate behind we? Kinda hypocritical isn't it?
    "Jamaica's future reflects its past, having attained only one per cent annual growth over 30 years whilst neighbours have grown at five per cent." (Article)


    • #17
      Anybody who know me at my former workplace that you know they can tell you one of my job was to dig the IT budget and find things that were costing too much, what can be replaced or could be reduced. My evaluation reflected that. When I move to GA, I was laid of in 2008 from a school district because of recession cut and last in first out, so don't take it personal.

      We all have to find a way to do more with less. If you so concern about your youth school district, go and give sometime in the classroom and spend more parent time with your kid. It is better to have one good teacher in the classroom than two bad teachers. I have seen so many money wasted in the name of education so you don't get much empathy for me.

      show me the result that the cuts ended up with worst results for the state and then maybe we can talk.
      • Don't let negative things break you, instead let it be your strength, your reason for growth. Life is for living and I won't spend my life feeling cheated and downtrodden.


      • #18
        Originally posted by Lazie View Post
        This is what unuh want fi president? Clearly y'all nuh know what in store fi unuh.

        Hillary safe. Christie will not get the approval of the Tea Party for President. His best hope is a VP ticket on a more right wing Presidential Candidate.
        The same type of thinking that created a problem cannot be used to solve the problem.


        • #19
          Tea Party starting to **** off the big money Republicans who know that extremists cannot win the White House. Lets see how they will fight back.

          But if the Tea Party does win the Republican civil war then maybe Christie would consider a run as an independent if he gets the financial backing.
          "‎It is easier to build strong children than to repair broken men" - Frederick Douglass


          • #20
            Lazie, what a gwaan? Funding is not the end all, the higher dollar spent per student does not necessary have an impact on student performance.
            Winning means you're willing to go longer, work harder, and give more than anyone else - Vince Lombardi


            • #21
              There have always been bad teachers. I have had some in my time. Not many but a few. This idea that every teacher is a good teacher is ridiculous. Some are bad, a few are horrible.The administrators are sometimes even worse.

              How badly are Jersey teachers paid? Well let us look at the facts:

              New Jersey’s teachers are the fourth-highest-paid in the country, behind California’s, New York’s and Connecticut’s, and make nearly $10,000 more than the national average. A study of teacher salaries shows the average pay for New Jersey teachers is $63,154, and the median salary is $57,467.
              What about the school administrators?

              Administrators are pulling down much bigger paychecks, with 235 making more than the governor’s $175,000 salary.
              Maybe unoo need fe have a talk with the administrators?

              "‎It is easier to build strong children than to repair broken men" - Frederick Douglass


              • #22
                lower budget doesn't necessarily means less teachers. It may mean you have to wait a little longer for a new school, or a year later to update computers, cut travel, and some workshop, and study budgets etc. Can Lazie tell us how many teachers have been laid off in NY? He can do the research on other states and see why many people in other states won't chastise Christie for that as they have seen worst.
                • Don't let negative things break you, instead let it be your strength, your reason for growth. Life is for living and I won't spend my life feeling cheated and downtrodden.


                • #23
                  Originally posted by Islandman View Post
                  There have always been bad teachers. I have had some in my time. Not many but a few. This idea that every teacher is a good teacher is ridiculous. Some are bad, a few are horrible.The administrators are sometimes even worse.

                  How badly are Jersey teachers paid? Well let us look at the facts:

                  What about the school administrators?

                  Maybe unoo need fe have a talk with the administrators?

                  Iman, tell that to the teacher who is facing foreclosure. It is clear you people are fascinated with Christie. Again, Zukerburg pumped MILLIONs into Newark because of Booker. Many of those teacher got big increase, of course it's gonna let the average salary for teachers in the state look high. The reality is there are teachers that are not making anything close to what you using as gospel.

                  Secondly, cutting funding for education is not just salary. What about resources that assist the bad teachers to provide instruction? We all rejoice when funds are cut, but then blame teachers cannot turn water into wine.
                  "Jamaica's future reflects its past, having attained only one per cent annual growth over 30 years whilst neighbours have grown at five per cent." (Article)


                  • #24
                    So raising the taxes more, to fund education is not going to push more people into foreclosure and bills???

                    Jersey have been running taxes up for the longest time, that is not Christie's fault. Jersey have been voting for bad governors for the longest time and in a recession someone had to step in and make some cuts, and Christie did.

                    Lazie please look at the cuts in other states, even democratic ones. Detroit had to cut their Education Budget by more than a 1/4. Here in Georgia we had Furlough, and teacher layoffs and education worker and many other states went through it so be grateful there was just no cut, that is not the reality of most states in the USA.
                    • Don't let negative things break you, instead let it be your strength, your reason for growth. Life is for living and I won't spend my life feeling cheated and downtrodden.


                    • #25
                      Nobody rejoices when fund are cut. However some of us realize that when a system is out of control with spending and still not delivering results, maybe more funding is not the solution.

                      Bill Clinton reformed a dysfunctional welfare system and all the liberals was bawling blood how poor people a go starve inna the streets. Did it happen? No, actually the opposite did. But tell a typical teachers union leader about education reform and it is like you talking to a statue.

                      That's why as much as charter schools are not the final solution I will continue to support the concept. At least many of them trying something different based on scientific research and are not stuck in the 1960s. God bless the Harlem Childrens Zones and the Kipp Schools of the world.

                      No its not just the unions and administrators. It is the whole public education system that is dysfunctional. I weep for the children who have to attend these failure factories pretending to be schools.
                      "‎It is easier to build strong children than to repair broken men" - Frederick Douglass


                      • #26
                        Originally posted by Islandman View Post
                        Nobody rejoices when fund are cut. However some of us realize that when a system is out of control with spending and still not delivering results, maybe more funding is not the solution.

                        Bill Clinton reformed a dysfunctional welfare system and all the liberals was bawling blood how poor people a go starve inna the streets. Did it happen? No, actually the opposite did. But tell a typical teachers union leader about education reform and it is like you talking to a statue.

                        That's why as much as charter schools are not the final solution I will continue to support the concept. At least many of them trying something different based on scientific research and are not stuck in the 1960s. God bless the Harlem Childrens Zones and the Kipp Schools of the world.

                        No its not just the unions and administrators. It is the whole public education system that is dysfunctional. I weep for the children who have to attend these failure factories pretending to be schools.

                        Failure Factories? Oh really? So, after y'all advocate and support sucking the funding out of the sector, deny the 'bad teachers' the resources they need to provide instructions, drive competent teachers out of the classroom, unuh gonna turn round and talk bout failure factories? Clap yuhself Islandman, you can spell "dysfunctional" thank a teacher. Oh wait, nuh the same failure factories with bad teachers helped with your education? How hypocritical?

                        When people that are fortunate to work in other sectors, that allow them to turn around and turn up their noses at teachers .... remember that when unuh done work you can relax and kickback until you're back on the clock. The so called bad teachers in the failure factories you talk bout have to be doing lesson plans, doing hours of SGOs, marking papers, inputting grades etc. Explain to me how the test scores improved in one district, the sup got a 20,000 raise, yet the people that are actually doing all the work can't get a flipping contract?

                        What I do find amusing though is that many of the hypocrites that act as if they're better than teachers will gladly drive to school in the morning and hand over their beloved children to these bad teachers at these failure factories. Comical.
                        "Jamaica's future reflects its past, having attained only one per cent annual growth over 30 years whilst neighbours have grown at five per cent." (Article)


                        • #27
                          Actually, no I did not go to a failure factory. I went to a traditional Jamaican high school which performed creditably then and does even better now. I continue to play my part in helping the school, I visit them multiple times a year, donate equipment, support teachers with extra-curricular activities, among other things.

                          Unfortunately I cannot say the same for most of my Jamaican peers. Most went to failure factories and that continues to this day. You check CSEC results recently?
                          "‎It is easier to build strong children than to repair broken men" - Frederick Douglass


                          • #28
                            Originally posted by Islandman View Post
                            Actually, no I did not go to a failure factory. I went to a traditional Jamaican high school which performed creditably then and does even better now. I continue to play my part in helping the school, I visit them multiple times a year, donate equipment, support teachers with extra-curricular activities, among other things.

                            Unfortunately I cannot say the same for most of my Jamaican peers. Most went to failure factories and that continues to this day. You check CSEC results recently?
                            Oh, I forgot, since I attended school in JA just follow the crowd? sorry, that was never me, furthermore I have 2 daughters that I have to be concerned about their future.

                            Maybe it's your friends and not the school. Let's see, is there anyone that attended the failure factory that is making their way today? went to Newark failure factories, but now him want to such the funding out of it, so him friend dem charter school can get more enrollment.
                            "Jamaica's future reflects its past, having attained only one per cent annual growth over 30 years whilst neighbours have grown at five per cent." (Article)


                            • #29
                              You not making much sense. I have a child in public school as well as does Assassin and many others. Probably not the worst of the lot but they have problems nonetheless and are affected by public policy.

                              Some of those schools in places like like Newark, Chicago and DC are just tragic and have been that way for decades. If I had the power I would bulldoze them and use the money spent there to fund the children to attend other schools, preferably charter schools where there is some accountability and record of performance.

                              Nuff schools in JA need to be bulldozed too.
                              "‎It is easier to build strong children than to repair broken men" - Frederick Douglass


                              • #30
                                Originally posted by Islandman View Post
                                Tea Party starting to **** off the big money Republicans who know that extremists cannot win the White House. Lets see how they will fight back.

                                But if the Tea Party does win the Republican civil war then maybe Christie would consider a run as an independent if he gets the financial backing.

                                Looks like Romney did not bother with him a VP because he has too much baggage. Clinton has baggage too (for example the Bebgazi thing) but she has Bill to help her to get the nomination.
                                The same type of thinking that created a problem cannot be used to solve the problem.

