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  • Black

    Hartley Neita

    Up to the first half of the last century, black Jamaicans secretly wished

    they were born white. Little girls never knew black dolls, playing instead

    with Shirley Temple dolls and wishing they were Sleeping Princesses and

    Cinderellas, and little boys saw the Princesses Elizabeth and Margaret-Rose

    as the ideals of beauty. Young ladies in their late teens and over read Seventeen

    and Vogue magazines, and powdered their faces thick with Pond's (face powder),

    while young men in that age group cut slim paths in their hair to coiffeur it

    like screen stars Tyrone Power and Alan Ladd and smeared it with Vaseline

    and other pomades which would give their hair the sheen they saw in the

    photographs of these movie idols.

    Jamaican young women who were educated at secondary schools went afterwards

    to Duff's and other secretarial training institutes. Those who were brown

    and white joined the staff of the commercial banks and firms such as Bryden

    and Evelyn and organisations such as the Jamaica Tourist Board and the

    Jamaica Chamber of Commerce. Those who were black joined the Civil Service.

    Other girls who only received elementary education went to Carron Hall

    Vocational School, Shortwood and Bethlehem Training Colleges for teachers,

    and the Kingston Public Hospital to be trained as nurses. Some were

    employed as sales clerks and cashiers.

    Young men with an elementary education either joined the Police Force or

    went to Mico College for training as teachers. Those with a secondary

    education, and were brown or white, were articled to solicitors and

    surveyors. Brown and white young men who joined the Civil Service were

    placed in the Colonial Secretary's Office while those of a darker shade

    were posted to the Treasury, Collector-General or Public Works departments.

    The Jamaican theatre was dominated by expatriates. Black Jamaicans were not

    welcome guests in our hotels so they went to guesthouses when they had to

    visit our tourist areas on business.

    Members of some churches did not want black parsons and the bishops were

    "white as driven snow". Captains of the Jamaica cricket teams were brown

    and white, and the teams themselves had more salt than pepper.

    The 1940s and 1950s saw a number of young rebels who felt the need to

    change the old order. Roger Mais painted a black portrait of Cain, the son

    of Adam and Eve, and stirred society's wrath. Vic Reid and Roger Mais began

    to write short stories and novels about black courage. Poets like George

    Campbell began to glorify black beauty, and playwrights like Archie Lindo,

    A.E.T. Henry and Frank Hill told stories on stage of black Jamaican life.

    Journalist Evon Blake got a white friend to pay the fee for swimming at the

    Myrtle Bank hotel and dived in the pool, and was soon swimming in lonely

    splendour as other guests hurriedly left it. Editor Theodore Sealy promoted

    a beauty contest for black Jamaican girls and made them see themselves as

    beautiful for the first time.

    The 1950s saw the first step by Jamaicans into international politics when

    Norman Manley banned trade with South Africa. Trade with that country was

    not much but the significance of that decision was not lost on the South

    African Government when they sought to demand that England, our Imperial

    masters, should overturn the decision. Ten years later it was Hugh

    Shearer's turn when he refused to provide funds to the Jamaica Cricket

    Board of Control for a visit of South African cricketers to play here, and

    later led the non-white Commonwealth countries in their demand that Britain impose its

    authority on the Rhodesian Government who had seceded from British rule and

    imposed a white-led authority over the black population of that country.

    Leila Robinson's fight to get South Africa expelled from world netball,

    Sandra Kong's withdrawal from the Miss World beauty contest when it was

    brought to her attention that a Miss South Africa was a contestant, and

    Michael Manley's relentless assault on the apartheid policies of that

    country, also helped black Jamaicans to see black as beautiful.

    There are some today, among them men who leap-frogged from the canefields

    to the corporate boardrooms, who ask why celebrate a month devoted to black

    history. Well, I can remember, ­and it was not long ago,­ when the announcers on

    Radio Jamaica had alien accents. I can remember the pride Jamaicans of all creeds

    felt with the elevation of Percival Gibson and S.U. Hastings, two black men, as Bishops

    of the Anglican and Moravian churches, and of Samuel Carter, of Indian descent, to

    become Roman Catholic Archbishop. Today, the managers of our banks can be black,

    and when I go to my doctor's office I can see my women on the covers of international

    fashion magazines.

    Man, I feel good every February.
    The only time TRUTH will hurt you...is if you ignore it long enough


  • #2
    Good one HL

    "Good things come out of the garrisons" after his daughter won the 100m Gold For Jamaica.

    "It therefore is useless and pointless, unless it is for share malice and victimisation to arrest and charge a 92-year-old man for such a simple offence. There is nothing morally wrong with this man smoking a spliff; the only thing wrong is that it is still on the law books," said Chevannes.


    • #3
      Father told me when he was a boy he went to the beach with one of his darker skin friends, and a cop slapped his friend for swimming in the beach that was reserved for whites & nearly whites. A lot of us "forget" about those days.
      Winning means you're willing to go longer, work harder, and give more than anyone else - Vince Lombardi


      • #4
        Out of Many, One People...an effort to perpetuate the nonsense!



        • #5
          Originally posted by Mosiah View Post
          Out of Many, One People...an effort to perpetuate the nonsense!
          Some misguided souls use it that way but to the more evolved it's aspirational

          Recognizing the victims of Jamaica's horrendous criminality and exposing the Dummies like Dippy supporting criminals by their deeds.. or their silence.

          D1 - Xposing Dummies since 2007


          • #6
            remember the days of slavery !?

            A real doozy !


            • #7
              Is it only chiny supporting Tessanne ?


              • #8
                What kinda eediat question dat? Of course!

                BLACK LIVES MATTER


                • #9
                  Nice piece. Some of this caste system still exists today in Ja.


                  • #10
                    Yapping itinually bout dat cyaan guh a supamarket.. eiddah duh sumting bout it or get to wuk !

