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Dont touch Santuary!

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  • Dont touch Santuary!

    Cant tek nuh more Samfie:


  • #2
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    Ainsworth Cole • 6 hours ago
    Very good suggestions it seems like this writer took the time to study the map of Jamaica and drive along the Salt River main rd from Free Town in Clarendon. This is the only area I see also that could contained a development of the magnitude envisage by the Chinese. I had previously proposed a short wide ship canal into the inverness area going as far as near Sandy Bay. This area the writer speaks about is ideal. The other part of Clarendon coast Jackson bay has the most wonderful white sand beaches and coral reefs better than Negril and the North Coast that stretches from Jackson bay to the Rocky Point fishing Beach and should be develop with hotels etc and eco tourism parks etc. There is 2 Rocky Point in Clarendon, one nearer Salt River bay, where the Jamalco port is, and the other on the southwestern coast of the pan handle which is a fishing beach and small town. The area of the white sand beaches has attracted interest from Spanish hotel owners, I believe RIU bought 500 acreas of beach front property some years ago. The railway is good we can electrify the lines to use electric as well as new type desiell locomotive. I am glad to see the old railway Map with the branch lines to Frankfield and Vernamfield in Clarendon. I regularly see the retired train driver that drove the last train from Frankfield to May Pen before the lines were closed.
    1 •Reply•Share ›


    • #3
      By far the best idea, ok Omar...


      • #4
        The writer has some interesting ideas...I looked at the same coastline west of Port Esquivel on Google Earth last week and did like the stretch just west of Jackson Bay to Rocky Point which had a big plot of undeveloped land to the north. She seems to be speaking of the same area.

        That coastline is not a natural harbor but is completely open to the sea and would need a huge artificial harbor built it seems.
        Is the investor willing to spend a couple hundred million building that? Is the sea floor contour suitable for shipping?? Who knows... but I'm sure she doesn't

        But let's get real:

        1. She acts as if Jamaica is negotiating from a position of strength and can direct the investor to do this or that.... even down to what they should produce..LOL. Sorry...NO!!! It nuh werk suh.

        Jamaica is as weak as a kitten economically and the WORLD knows this. Plus Jamaica does have a nice location but the investor can easily go elsewhere... nuh feel seh wi ave di ting lock....we don't

        2. So we should instruct the investors to put in 2 power plants of 700 megawatts total?? Is she crazy?? Jamaica's TOTAL average consumption is LESS than that @ ~600MW.
        Who is to buy this power? At US$2 Million/MW build cost... that power is costing ~US1.5 Billion. Where is the return on that??

        She's on crack with that proposal

        3. We are to instruct investors to build a rail line from the area to Kingston and build industrial facilities in townships along the way... using an inducement of rent free land.
        Is she crazy?? The rent Jamaica could charge for open, undeveloped land is relative peanuts... no investors will be induced to spend hundreds of millions to save peanuts. Investors would do as she proposes IF the project is viable and more rewarding than the alternatives

        Nice try by the lady but it doesn't pass the smell test

        Last edited by Don1; September 29, 2013, 11:42 PM.

        Recognizing the victims of Jamaica's horrendous criminality and exposing the Dummies like Dippy supporting criminals by their deeds.. or their silence.

        D1 - Xposing Dummies since 2007


        • #5
          Willi, I'm going to be honest with. I doubt you would be saying all this had it been the JLP that was involved in this project. Just pull some of your post two years back on China and my point will bear fruit.

          Now it juss cyaan werk for you.


          • #6
            I doubt very much that Willi is being partisan on this issue

            Recognizing the victims of Jamaica's horrendous criminality and exposing the Dummies like Dippy supporting criminals by their deeds.. or their silence.

            D1 - Xposing Dummies since 2007


            • #7
              Really now. Yuh check the back post them


              • #8
                Originally posted by Willi View Post
                Not bad starting point!
                ...again the fleshing out on associated infrastructure development needs as practical matter - organization of physical layout of industrial plants and complexes (cutting edge? Yes!) and supporting residential areas, arterial transportation routes, water needs, etc...and again that necessary to preserve the long term 'life' of our beloved Jamaica - e.g. safe, reliable disposal of industrial and residential waste, protection of the environment - all that entails...even additional concomitant private agricultural produce development in surround areas, etc., etc.

                Coal as source of electricity?

                The most important thing the article does is introduction of path along which thinking must travel and must lead to ---> ----> arrival at best of worlds.

                Hell such development could cause all-encompassing new approach to the country's development...(impacts entire island).

                "Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed citizens can change the world. Indeed, it is the only thing that ever has."


                • #9
                  U just dont get it, do you?

                  U still inna party mode when likkle from this there will be no Jamaica to fight over.

                  THEY have both failed Jamaica and the one inna power longer fail us even more. Mi nuh see any "party" solution, unless is the party Mo talking about fi guh shell dung di place.

                  But gwaan live inna yuh futile hope. I have long seen all I needed to.
                  Trust, but verify.


                  • #10
                    Steeeupps. Listen when big man talk. LoL

                    Anju nuh look ready neidah.

                    Maybe if you string the best of both parties together you might get a passable crew.

                    Mi stop powdah!

