Two die in Spur Tree crash
published: Thursday | May 3, 2007

The mangled wreck of the Honda CRV that was involved in yesterday's fatal crash along the Spur Tree Hill main road. - Photos by Angelo Laurence
Angelo Lawrence, Gleaner [COLOR=orange! important][COLOR=orange! important]Writer[/COLOR][/COLOR]
MANDEVILLE, Manchester:
Two men were killed in a four-vehicle crash along the Spur Tree Hill main road about 5:30 p.m. yesterday. The two [COLOR=orange! important][COLOR=orange! important]trucks[/COLOR][/COLOR] - a trailer and a flatbed - and two [COLOR=orange! important][COLOR=orange! important]sport [COLOR=orange! important]utility [/COLOR][COLOR=orange! important]vehicles[/COLOR][/COLOR][/COLOR] (SUVs) that were involved in the collision, were reduced to mangled wrecks.
According to eyewitness reports, the Kenworth flatbed truck, which was transporting tiles, got out of control and slammed into a Honda CRV that was travelling in the opposite direction. The entire top of the [COLOR=orange! important][COLOR=orange! important]Honda [COLOR=orange! important]CRV[/COLOR][/COLOR][/COLOR] was ripped off and its driver thrown from the vehicle.
The truck then swerved into an oncoming Toyota van and pushed it into the trailer that was reportedly laden with cane on its way to the Appleton Estate from Clarendon. Sandwiched between the two trucks, the Toyota van was crushed almost beyond recognition.
Confirmed dead
According to the police, two males were confirmed dead and three persons were taken to the Mandeville Hospital where they were admitted. The police were unable to say in which vehicles the victims were travelling as they were all found on the ground among the wreckage.
As a result of the accident, traffic in both directions came to a halt for up to two miles while hundreds of persons converged on the scene. The latest crash has moved the parish's death toll to 13 since the start of the year, with six persons losing their lives within the last two weeks.
Hundreds of curious onlookers converge on the scene ofthe four-vehicle crash.
published: Thursday | May 3, 2007

The mangled wreck of the Honda CRV that was involved in yesterday's fatal crash along the Spur Tree Hill main road. - Photos by Angelo Laurence
Angelo Lawrence, Gleaner [COLOR=orange! important][COLOR=orange! important]Writer[/COLOR][/COLOR]
MANDEVILLE, Manchester:
Two men were killed in a four-vehicle crash along the Spur Tree Hill main road about 5:30 p.m. yesterday. The two [COLOR=orange! important][COLOR=orange! important]trucks[/COLOR][/COLOR] - a trailer and a flatbed - and two [COLOR=orange! important][COLOR=orange! important]sport [COLOR=orange! important]utility [/COLOR][COLOR=orange! important]vehicles[/COLOR][/COLOR][/COLOR] (SUVs) that were involved in the collision, were reduced to mangled wrecks.
According to eyewitness reports, the Kenworth flatbed truck, which was transporting tiles, got out of control and slammed into a Honda CRV that was travelling in the opposite direction. The entire top of the [COLOR=orange! important][COLOR=orange! important]Honda [COLOR=orange! important]CRV[/COLOR][/COLOR][/COLOR] was ripped off and its driver thrown from the vehicle.
The truck then swerved into an oncoming Toyota van and pushed it into the trailer that was reportedly laden with cane on its way to the Appleton Estate from Clarendon. Sandwiched between the two trucks, the Toyota van was crushed almost beyond recognition.
Confirmed dead
According to the police, two males were confirmed dead and three persons were taken to the Mandeville Hospital where they were admitted. The police were unable to say in which vehicles the victims were travelling as they were all found on the ground among the wreckage.
As a result of the accident, traffic in both directions came to a halt for up to two miles while hundreds of persons converged on the scene. The latest crash has moved the parish's death toll to 13 since the start of the year, with six persons losing their lives within the last two weeks.

Hundreds of curious onlookers converge on the scene ofthe four-vehicle crash.