Is Maudib('s thinking) good example of how the typical JLP convert thinks?
Have you ever listened to a USA person explaining why he/she hates (football) soccer?
It goes something like this; it is a long boring game no one in the USA watches it.
Then if asked have you ever watched the game?
The answer comes roaring back - No! Why would I?
It is striking that the hater expounds on his/her perceived view of the topic without ever 'taking a look' such that a (rational) view could be given.
Maudib and Ted...???
Aaaah, bwoy!!!
Friend Ted ranted and raved on his perceived reasons why ObamaCare is and would be terrible for the USA...but ObamaCare has not been fully implemented and the little we know of it points to great benefits for the USA citizen population even if as Ted admits there is great logic in increased numbers lowering unit risk is spread....that is, full implementation provides increasing greater efficiency and thus benefits to the entire USA citizenry.
..but listen to Ted Cruz - he makes his arguments on "why no ObamaCare"...and at times directly sends the message and at others subliminal sends the message "why Obamacare" -
a - 1) The costs to implement the Affordable Care Act shall be astronomical as more persons come on board. That cost will be additional burden on the tax-payer and therefore a terrible thing.
a - 2) The costs associated with providing health care benefits to the uninsured is not worth addressing while I make the point on "why no ObamaCare"...
Of course this second immediately has the aware listener wondering on that cost to the taxpayer. ...and a thinking on how the tax-payer comes out ahead - Implementing Obamacare or continuing payment (subsidizing the uninsured)...and the; why is Ted not giving the cost on the present tax-payer provision of those (hidden?) subsidies to the uninsured?
b - 1) The healthcare system will be overwhelmed. The numbers the medical professionals will have to attend to will 'break our system'!!!
b - 2) mmmm? Greater numbers needing care?
Could there be investment opportunities here?
c - 1) It kills jobs as companies will put off employing to minimize health care costs they provide to their employees?
c - 2) mmmm? So some companies will either reduce or eliminate employer given healthcare benefits?
So Ted you are saying some companies will pay the fines and avoid giving employees health insurance coverage because it makes sense cutting back on company production and thus earnings? makes sense increasing inefficiencies...increasing openings in the marketplace for other companies or new entities to fill that demand gap?
Strange there is never these examples of viable private-sector companies working at limiting efficiencies or encouraging competition or not trying to take greater market share...
...and are you also asking us to believe that where it is possible to cut costs and improve profitability (inclusive of cutting back on level of employer health benefits) companies were not already engaged in that process or will only now engage in such a process because of the arrival of ObamaCare? ...that makes sense Ted?
In any business would there not already be looking to raise profits? takes ObamaCare for businesses to become sensible about/on need to raise profits using cost savings as option?
Give us a break...
d - 1). It kills jobs!!!
d - 2) ..but you just keep saying more 'customers' seeking health care services will enter the market place - What was the number you gave us? Somewhere around 17,000,000+ or an even higher number if usage of services is the measurement used?
Does that not mean tremendous investments in training & education to fill the tremendously high new job opportunities...
...and just plain old hundred of thousands of new jobs right across the health sector - administrators, technical experts, suppliers of equipment and other goods and services, construction of new facilities, expansion of and modernization of others and the associated jobs in associated supplier entites...etc., etc?
Cho Ted man mek hup yuh mine nuh?
e - I) Ted you acknowledge elsewhere that as we age demands for health services increase and there is corresponding tremendous increased costs to the individual and to families...
You did somewhere acknowledge the toll it takes on households and increasingly so on seniors? ...and that it touched your heart and made you cry for the poor citizens?
e - 2) Are you asking the citizen to disassociate that your former peeve on rising health care costs (inclusive of the devastating effect it has on seniors) from this your focus on ObamaCare? has nothing to do with the other?
I could go on and on looking at your "on the one hand" but "on the other hand"...I could even remind you of your recent words on need to provide health insurance coverage for the vast numbers of uninsured and the burdens it presents to the taxpayers...but...
...bwoy Ted yuh his a r@@@@#$%^&^%$$$ man, sah?
...and btw for anyone who could bear to watch your entire 'sly speech' on 'defunding ObamaCare'...I am wondering were you trying to slyly sell ObamaCare by awakening the citizens need to question or take a look at your sometimes direct and at other times subtle "on the hand"

Have you ever listened to a USA person explaining why he/she hates (football) soccer?
It goes something like this; it is a long boring game no one in the USA watches it.
Then if asked have you ever watched the game?
The answer comes roaring back - No! Why would I?
It is striking that the hater expounds on his/her perceived view of the topic without ever 'taking a look' such that a (rational) view could be given.
Maudib and Ted...???
Aaaah, bwoy!!!
Friend Ted ranted and raved on his perceived reasons why ObamaCare is and would be terrible for the USA...but ObamaCare has not been fully implemented and the little we know of it points to great benefits for the USA citizen population even if as Ted admits there is great logic in increased numbers lowering unit risk is spread....that is, full implementation provides increasing greater efficiency and thus benefits to the entire USA citizenry.
..but listen to Ted Cruz - he makes his arguments on "why no ObamaCare"...and at times directly sends the message and at others subliminal sends the message "why Obamacare" -
a - 1) The costs to implement the Affordable Care Act shall be astronomical as more persons come on board. That cost will be additional burden on the tax-payer and therefore a terrible thing.
a - 2) The costs associated with providing health care benefits to the uninsured is not worth addressing while I make the point on "why no ObamaCare"...
Of course this second immediately has the aware listener wondering on that cost to the taxpayer. ...and a thinking on how the tax-payer comes out ahead - Implementing Obamacare or continuing payment (subsidizing the uninsured)...and the; why is Ted not giving the cost on the present tax-payer provision of those (hidden?) subsidies to the uninsured?
b - 1) The healthcare system will be overwhelmed. The numbers the medical professionals will have to attend to will 'break our system'!!!
b - 2) mmmm? Greater numbers needing care?
Could there be investment opportunities here?
c - 1) It kills jobs as companies will put off employing to minimize health care costs they provide to their employees?
c - 2) mmmm? So some companies will either reduce or eliminate employer given healthcare benefits?
So Ted you are saying some companies will pay the fines and avoid giving employees health insurance coverage because it makes sense cutting back on company production and thus earnings? makes sense increasing inefficiencies...increasing openings in the marketplace for other companies or new entities to fill that demand gap?
Strange there is never these examples of viable private-sector companies working at limiting efficiencies or encouraging competition or not trying to take greater market share...
...and are you also asking us to believe that where it is possible to cut costs and improve profitability (inclusive of cutting back on level of employer health benefits) companies were not already engaged in that process or will only now engage in such a process because of the arrival of ObamaCare? ...that makes sense Ted?
In any business would there not already be looking to raise profits? takes ObamaCare for businesses to become sensible about/on need to raise profits using cost savings as option?
Give us a break...
d - 1). It kills jobs!!!
d - 2) ..but you just keep saying more 'customers' seeking health care services will enter the market place - What was the number you gave us? Somewhere around 17,000,000+ or an even higher number if usage of services is the measurement used?
Does that not mean tremendous investments in training & education to fill the tremendously high new job opportunities...
...and just plain old hundred of thousands of new jobs right across the health sector - administrators, technical experts, suppliers of equipment and other goods and services, construction of new facilities, expansion of and modernization of others and the associated jobs in associated supplier entites...etc., etc?
Cho Ted man mek hup yuh mine nuh?
e - I) Ted you acknowledge elsewhere that as we age demands for health services increase and there is corresponding tremendous increased costs to the individual and to families...
You did somewhere acknowledge the toll it takes on households and increasingly so on seniors? ...and that it touched your heart and made you cry for the poor citizens?
e - 2) Are you asking the citizen to disassociate that your former peeve on rising health care costs (inclusive of the devastating effect it has on seniors) from this your focus on ObamaCare? has nothing to do with the other?
I could go on and on looking at your "on the one hand" but "on the other hand"...I could even remind you of your recent words on need to provide health insurance coverage for the vast numbers of uninsured and the burdens it presents to the taxpayers...but...
...bwoy Ted yuh his a r@@@@#$%^&^%$$$ man, sah?
...and btw for anyone who could bear to watch your entire 'sly speech' on 'defunding ObamaCare'...I am wondering were you trying to slyly sell ObamaCare by awakening the citizens need to question or take a look at your sometimes direct and at other times subtle "on the hand"
