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Same crap again - Students murdered by minibus driver

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  • Same crap again - Students murdered by minibus driver

    How do we put an end to this? Better education of drivers who failed high school courses?

    Update: Holmwood students among Manchester crash fatalities

    Published: Wednesday September 25, 2013 | 9:16 am 0 Comments

    Dave Lindo, Gleaner Writer

    Reports reaching our newsroom are that two students from the Holmwood Technical High School have been confirmed dead following a three vehicle collision along the Chudleigh Main Road in Manchester.

    Reports indicate that the two mini buses transporting students were allegedly racing.

    It is understood that the driver of one of the buses overtook several vehicles and was attempting to get back in line when it ran into the back of a truck.

    Reports received indicate that two students have been confirmed dead, while two are in hospital in critical condition, bringing the total to twenty six currently in hospital seeking treatment.

    The police and fire brigade are now on the scene.

    More details to come.
    The same type of thinking that created a problem cannot be used to solve the problem.

  • #2
    I never understood how operators of PPVs seem to not appreciate their function and the supposed trust that society places in their hands. Me do when yuh a trek people pickney go a school! Drivers who recklessly cause such losses should face stiff penalties.

    And, of course, what of the passengers, the children, who don't realise...I mean, every Holmwood student should be extra vigilant about making sure that these drivers obey the law and the conditions.




    • #3


      • #4
        Yeah friggin driver saved himself!



        • #5
          Schoolers just are not mature enough to take on that kind of responsibility. When you are that age you feel immortal.

          I say that as someone who for years in school used to run and jump on buses that did not want to stop to pick up passengers because they were racing. Then you would have to jump off while the bus slowed down, and keep running to keep your balance.

          I think about it often today and shake my head at the stupidity of it.
          "‎It is easier to build strong children than to repair broken men" - Frederick Douglass


          • #6
            Originally posted by Islandman View Post
            Schoolers just are not mature enough to take on that kind of responsibility. When you are that age you feel immortal.

            I say that as someone who for years in school used to run and jump on buses that did not want to stop to pick up passengers because they were racing. Then you would have to jump off while the bus slowed down, and keep running to keep your balance.

            I think about it often today and shake my head at the stupidity of it.

            ...but hit was hex-cite-hin, doh?
            Used to do the same nonsense back innah di days!!! pan bus, truck...*faarmal (tractors with long line of carts. The carts were used for carrying 'cut-cane' ).

            "Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed citizens can change the world. Indeed, it is the only thing that ever has."


            • #7
              Never found that exciting. Then again, never took bus to school but certainly was never gleeful when a minibus driver acted the fool. I do my own chupidness when I drive. That's excitement enough and its never as reckless as what these taxi/bus drivers do.

              BLACK LIVES MATTER


              • #8
                Perhaps they are not mature enough. But yuh mean to tell me that after the yearly unnecessary deaths of Holmwood students on those roads, nothing registers in these young minds? What about the adults/teachers who should be guiding them. I'm sure they take those buses too or see them racing on the roads. What's done about it?

                Come on, man! They may not be mature but they sure are dead!

                BLACK LIVES MATTER

