Germany gets its 1st black members of Parliament

Sunday's election in Germany ushers in the first two black lawmakers to Parliament as well as its first Muslim member in the Bundestag.
BERLIN — A chemist and an actor — both with family roots in Senegal — have become Germany's first black federal lawmakers, according to official election results released Monday.
They were among 34 lawmakers with immigrant backgrounds to win seats in Sunday's election, up from 21 in the previous term, said the Migration Media Service, a group that provides facts and figures on immigration in Germany.

Sunday's election in Germany ushers in the first two black lawmakers to Parliament as well as its first Muslim member in the Bundestag.
BERLIN — A chemist and an actor — both with family roots in Senegal — have become Germany's first black federal lawmakers, according to official election results released Monday.
They were among 34 lawmakers with immigrant backgrounds to win seats in Sunday's election, up from 21 in the previous term, said the Migration Media Service, a group that provides facts and figures on immigration in Germany.