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Empowered by Driva ouster, JA Civil Society tun it up again

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  • Empowered by Driva ouster, JA Civil Society tun it up again

    Civil society groups join calls for Azan to step down
    7:20 am, Fri September 20, 2013

    Richard Azan

    As the country awaits a statement from Richard Azan, Member of Parliament and Minister of State in the Ministry of Transport and Works, regarding his involvement in the Spalding Market affair, he is expected to come under more pressure this Friday to resign.

    Andrew Holness, Leader of the Opposition, has called a press conference for 9:00 o'clock to, among other things, address growing calls for Mr. Azan to step down.

    Under immense public scrutiny and pressure, Mr Azan earlier this week said he would address the findings of the probe by the Office of the Contractor-General (OCG).

    However, some civil society members have extended the criticism towards Prime Minister Portia Simpson Miller. Nadiya Figueroa, deputy director of National Integrity Action (NIA) stated that Mrs. Simpson Miller needs to address the matter as Prime Minister and president of the People's National Party.

    “If I’m thinking about the legitimacy of my political party, then I would come out to condemn the actions of Minister Azan, because it is in the interest of my party to be seen as coming down strongly on anything that would bring into disrepute not only the public office but also the political office,” said Ms Figueroa.

    Government’s leadership

    However, Ms Figueroa said the bigger issue is the government’s leadership and the Prime Minister’s refusal to speak publicly on the matter, particularly because of her stated commitment to zero tolerance on corruption. Ms Figueroa was speaking Thursday on RJR’s Beyond the Headlines.

    Jeanette Calder, co-executive director of the Jamaica Civil Society Coalition, also on Beyond the Headlines, said that, based on the Prime Minister's commitment to fight even the perception of corruption, drastic action needs to be taken.

    “If Mrs Simpson wants to fight the perception of corruption, there is more than enough. Of course, they can wait to hear what the criminal charges - how that will play out later on down the road,” said Ms Calder.

    However, Ms Calder said Mrs Simpson Miller, on the grounds of good governance and accountability and the perception of corruption, is in a position to tell the nation that she has asked Mr. Azan to step down.

    Vigorous challenge

    And, the attorney representing head of the Clarendon Parish Council, Scean Barnswell, is planning to vigorously challenge aspects of the Contractor-General's report concerning his client. Seymour Stewart is taking issue with sections of the report, but is not saying much about it at this time. Mr. Barnswell's credibility was challenged in the report, based on his account of the construction of shops at the Spalding Market.

    With the report recommending a probe to examine the possibility of criminal sanctions, the attorney said he did not want to prejudice the pending actions of the Director of Public Prosecutions (DPP) and the Auditor-General.

    Recognizing the victims of Jamaica's horrendous criminality and exposing the Dummies like Dippy supporting criminals by their deeds.. or their silence.

    D1 - Xposing Dummies since 2007

  • #2
    Well maybe he needs to just go to prison if he won't step down.



    • #3
      Originally posted by Mosiah View Post
      Well maybe he needs to just go to prison if he won't step down.

      Recognizing the victims of Jamaica's horrendous criminality and exposing the Dummies like Dippy supporting criminals by their deeds.. or their silence.

      D1 - Xposing Dummies since 2007


      • #4
        He chose to walk away. Good!

        Azan Quits - Embattled Junior Minister Walks, PM Accepts His Resignation
        Published: Saturday | September 21, 2013 0 Comments

        Richard Azan - File
        Tyrone Reid, Senior Staff Reporter

        Richard Azan yesterday resigned from his post of junior minister, a day after saying he had no regrets over his role in the messy Spaldings Market saga.

        Azan, the former state minister in the Ministry of Transport, Works and Housing, delivered his resignation, dated September 20, 2013, to Prime Minister Portia Simpson Miller yesterday. The prime minister accepted Azan's resignation.

        While Azan yielded to vociferous and sustained calls from civil society and the Opposition for him to resign, the one-time junior minister has vowed not to go quietly.

        "In the circumstance, I wish to stand down from my ministerial position. I will, in the meantime, vigorously fight to clear my name, which has been defamed by the contractor general's characterisation of corruption and by utterances in sections of the media," read a section of Azan's one-page resignation letter.




        • #5
          Reacting to Azan's resignation, Opposition Leader Andrew Holness said good sense had prevailed. "The situation with Mr Azan was untenable. The Opposition was not prepared to stand by and allow a minister of Government to thumb his nose at the people of Jamaica with statements made in the press," he said.

          "The situation threatened to turn Jamaica into a laughing stock and, therefore, we took the move to send a strong message to the Government that we would not be sitting in Parliament or any other fora with them until or unless Mr Azan either resigned or was dismissed by the prime minister," Holness added.
          So what did Holness think of the whole Manatt-Dudus affair?!?

          Best him STFU!



          • #6
            LOL. Politician ah di said ting all ova

            Recognizing the victims of Jamaica's horrendous criminality and exposing the Dummies like Dippy supporting criminals by their deeds.. or their silence.

            D1 - Xposing Dummies since 2007

