Don Drummond "The Genius and Tragedy of the Worlds Greatest Trombonist "
By Heather Augustyn
It gives a brutal picture of the Jamaican psyche ,misogyny and in no way is it reserved for Don , more so Anita Mahfood father, also the classism and racism of the era, fertile ground for rasta and the rude boys to flourish.
To show the extent of the popularity and power of Don D , he had a song banned called the message ,he entered the Carib theatre from the top deck and walked down blazing horns unto the stage driving the audience into a frenzy.
This man made men cry , had musicians and composers at his feet, he studied and wrote music with a piano score sheet "upside down" Randy Chin among others testified to this.
The man got his ratings from international Jazz musicians.The music elders in the book say that Bob Marley music is rooted in Don Drummonds work,such is the man.
Jamaica at the time was a classist society(some would argue still is ) where clubs were segregated along class lines and music lines , its understandalble how some not acquainted with our history would rate Byron Lee as some leader in the ska era,without having the knowledge of the true history.
I dont believe Don intentionally killed Anita , in any fit of madness, if any madness was at play , it would stand to be from her history of abuse starting with her father and husband exploding onto the quiet , reserved Don who reacted.Yes a recipe for disaster.
Updates to come , get the book
By Heather Augustyn
It gives a brutal picture of the Jamaican psyche ,misogyny and in no way is it reserved for Don , more so Anita Mahfood father, also the classism and racism of the era, fertile ground for rasta and the rude boys to flourish.
To show the extent of the popularity and power of Don D , he had a song banned called the message ,he entered the Carib theatre from the top deck and walked down blazing horns unto the stage driving the audience into a frenzy.
This man made men cry , had musicians and composers at his feet, he studied and wrote music with a piano score sheet "upside down" Randy Chin among others testified to this.
The man got his ratings from international Jazz musicians.The music elders in the book say that Bob Marley music is rooted in Don Drummonds work,such is the man.
Jamaica at the time was a classist society(some would argue still is ) where clubs were segregated along class lines and music lines , its understandalble how some not acquainted with our history would rate Byron Lee as some leader in the ska era,without having the knowledge of the true history.
I dont believe Don intentionally killed Anita , in any fit of madness, if any madness was at play , it would stand to be from her history of abuse starting with her father and husband exploding onto the quiet , reserved Don who reacted.Yes a recipe for disaster.
Updates to come , get the book