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Soo.. let me work out the Math for certain

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  • #31
    Well the minute an insane person knows he or she is mad is the moment that person has recovered.
    Ignorance is bliss,and Singapore success has to be transcended to the natives;it is not the eye catching glitters,the stats riped for misinterpretations-etc....


    • #32
      What norm?

      Right now US counties a gi weh such big tax breaks that EU countries investing there is droves as the new tax efficient, high productivity zone.

      Yuh a follow propoganda. Every country play dem tax games.

      Cuba U ah compare to Singapore? Steeeuuuups


      • #33
        Which area of social services is Singapore weak in, using Global Standards..

        Healthcare ?
        Security ?
        Education ?


        • #34
          Rocky attacked your faulty reasoning but you were able to side track him in arguments of mere opinions.

          I think you should answer Rocky's fundamental question: Cuba would score higher than 13% in Math. why shouldn't Ja copy Cuba's present economic model? You are the one that hinged economy on the math score of a nation; hence the above question is prudent.


          • #35
            Oh BTW N.Korea just came fifth in the International Mathematical competition (4 is Russia, 3 USA, 2 Skorea 1China) should the N. Korean economy be a model also? Thanks.


            • #36
              There are several reasons why Jamaica should not follow Cuba's economic model.. I am not sure what this has to do with the recommendation that they follow Singapore's Economic Model.

              Just because Cuba might have a higher rate of Math passes than Jamaica does not put them in the same league as Singapore.. MANY countries have a better Math pass rate than Jamaica and are nowhere near the level of Singapore.. why single out Cuba ????


              • #37
                Why are you tying Math scores to Economic model ???

                When I herald Singapore's Economic model I use the recorded and spectacular Economic data... twit.

                lol !

                Rockman was denigrating Singapore as a country that has little interest for its citizens..

                I highlighted the Math score as a reflection of their overall excellent Education system which serves to exemplify their philosophy that a country's population is its greatest potential resource...

                Unlike a country like Jamaica where the population is treated like dirt and seen as merely a voting pool to maintain rule.. well not so high since dem value red dirt down here quite a bit..


                • #38
                  Maybe I was the one that spoke of Ja's 13% passes then went on to tout Singapore.Yes? Now that the holes in your little canoe (on the vast ocean) are now being exposed. You are now slowly refining your song.


                  • #39
                    lol ! you are insane.

                    I have been touting Singapore and its Economic model WELL BEFORE the pathetic Jamaican Math stats came out.

                    The education stat comparative was not an economic model argument.. merely a reflection on the disparity between each country's Education Model..

                    Are you well ?


                    • #40
                      Do you really understand what is circular reasoning?

                      Okay N.Korea is in the top 5 of the IMO should Ja look at N. Korea?

                      I hope the fallacy of your initial argument comes to you quickly.


                      • #41
                        Look at N. Koreas Education Model ?

                        Gwaan nuh.. cyaan hurt !

                        Meanwhile can you answer why A.J. would not want to look at Singapore's business development model ?

