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This is a serious analysis of Ja coming

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  • This is a serious analysis of Ja coming

    from one of her brightest minds:
    (Chris Burns is deep; there is hope for Ja when you read , liten and learn from the likes of Chris Burns)
    Yes and no, Mr Chairman
    Christopher Burns
    Monday, April 30, 2007

    It is always thrilling to hear the passion with which Gordon 'Butch' Stewart speaks of Jamaica. His revolutionary foray into the hotel industry, his skilful development of brand "Sandals" and establishment of the prestigious Jamaica Observer newspaper speaks volumes about his keen business acumen. In addition, we are at one on the irrefutability that Jamaica is the most beautiful place on earth.
    Butch Stewart has contributed immensely to community development projects and recently affirmed this commitment to the Flankers community. The very young would not know that it was Butch Stewart who played the lead role in driving government efforts, through the "dollar initiative" to improve the country's foreign exchange supplies in the early 1990s. Although Mr Stewart's views on national issues conflict sometimes with those held by others, I am sure he remains committed to and positive about Jamaica.
    There should be no surprise that there are many divergences in views between us on some national issues. I disagree with him that "The best thing that you can give a human being is a job." Undoubtedly, Mr Stewart's declaration will continue to resonate well among the unemployed, many of whom are struggling to make ends meet. To them, a job could provide sufficient financial benefits to help them provide for their families. Mr Stewart's position can only be absolute if one assumes that a job, however unrewarding, oppressive, or restrictive always provides the greatest source of happiness and satisfies most human needs. The truth is we do not live in Utopia, and other variables are constantly at play that may hinder the things we do.
    Consequently, a job by itself may not foster the environment for meaningful advancements or self-actualisation. I believe that it is better to give individuals the opportunity to unleash their potential, to develop and tap into their intellectual capital, and to harness their God-given talents and entrepreneurial skills; sufficient enough to allow them to go on to create their own employment. This is the type of paradigmatic shift and strategic thinking that is needed to encourage more Jamaicans to lead lives which are not so much dependent on the efforts or generosity of others, but on the premise and promises of their own ingenuity.
    However, because Mr Stewart's comments were made within the context of Jamaica's high unemployment and low economic growth rates, the discussions must also be extended to examine some of the causal factors behind both. The economic blight in Jamaica is attributable to a potpourri of internal and external factors that we must not overlook in this discussion.
    Needless to say, we have to look beyond governmental inertia to examine the other issues that may affect employment levels and by extension stymie economic growth, generally. Issues such as technology, which in some instances may increase employment and in other instances may decrease it. In the case of a decrease, the displacement manifests itself in consumption patterns which go on to affect the supply side of the economic cycle.
    While it's reasonable to apportion blame to the government, we have to also look at the owners of capital and their role in the economic development process. The discussions must similarly review the risk-averse culture of our private sector, its refusal to broaden ownership and raise additional capital through programmes such as employee-share options and public offerings, its lack of innovative thinking, its unwillingness to reinvest in both plant and people instead of using profits to acquire luxury items.
    So, one may be wondering how other countries, faced with similar challenges survive, yet we are struggling to achieve a growth rate of three per cent. Other countries have managed because their cultural, social, economic and political arrangements are different from ours. Some countries have very structured and strategic human resource and manpower models that allow them to design and align their educational and vocational training policies in tow with global trends and niches that allow them to produce those goods and services for which they have the requisite comparative and competitive advantages, and do not have to struggle with some of the cultural prejudices that we have to contend with here. Our experience with the 807 garment factories and the shifting of these jobs to other countries with different labour and employment arrangements should cause us to rethink our management of the labour economy.
    One would not find, for example, an overabundance of management studies graduates, as is the case in Jamaica, when the market is demanding computer programmers, technicians, architects, doctors, etc. Jamaica now finds itself in a situation where it cannot fill some of the jobs being created locally and cannot accept some of those being exported by other countries, because these jobs fall outside the scope and capabilities of the average unemployed. We have to recalibrate our human capital development plans to focus on producing more of what consumers want. India has a strategy that we could learn from, in this regard.
    This brings me to another issue; the issues of social partnerships, consensus building and bi-partisanship on which I share a convergence of views with Mr Stewart. He is right in calling for dialogue between the state and the owners of capital to find solutions to the problems that beset us.
    However, I would go a step further to expand the circumference of the partnership circle to include labour and civil society. I also agree with him that "we can't keep on exporting all the youngsters that come out of school". But we also have to find a way to educate them on risk-taking, with the hope that they will understand the relationship between risks and wealth, and then take steps to empower themselves. In order to achieve these things, we must take steps to build social capital, and it begins with the establishment of trust.

  • #2
    Re: This is a serious analysis of Ja coming

    Venture Capital only works in an environment that encourages it... I posit the Govt has prime responsiblity on creating this environment..

    Alcoa wants to invest over 1Billion US.. all the Govt has to do is deliver LNG.. somehow the Govt is able to bungle this.. so Chris Burns can talk about its 'reasonable' to aportion blame..


    • #3
      Re: This is a serious analysis of Ja coming

      I would like to see your thoughts on
      his arguments about "jobs". These arguments are in red. Thanks in advance.


      • #4
        Re: This is a serious analysis of Ja coming

        "One would not find, for example, an overabundance of management studies graduates, as is the case in Jamaica, when the market is demanding computer programmers, technicians, architects, doctors, etc. Jamaica now finds itself in a situation where it cannot fill some of the jobs being created locally and cannot accept some of those being exported by other countries, because these jobs fall outside the scope and capabilities of the average unemployed. We have to recalibrate our human capital development plans to focus on producing more of what consumers want. India has a strategy that we could learn from, in this regard."

        In Jamaica, dung to di coke-nat jelly man have a management degree!

        Butch might not have a choice when it comes to Flankers. It flanks his ATL Mobay store and is across the road from Sandals Mobay. Many of his workers come from Flankers. Many of his badmind detractors come from Flankers too!



        • #5
          Re: This is a serious analysis of Ja coming

          Mo how does this relates to
          what Chris is saying about human capital and copying some of what India does? Please explain, thanks.


          • #6
            Re: This is a serious analysis of Ja coming

            One must first reach a point where you able to provide A job and a skilled worker before advancing to a more ideal state of producing entrepenuerial wealth creation paradigm amongst the masses..

            Look like seh yuh nuh hunnastan how far behind we are afer 18 years of irresponsible, criminal negligence..


            • #7
              Re: This is a serious analysis of Ja coming

              Alcoa wants to invest 1+ Billion.. your people cannot even negotiate the LNG required by 2009..

              Building Castles on Sand... talk all yuh want.. there are fools at the top so keep on spinning wheels..


              • #8
                Re: This is a serious analysis of Ja coming

                Where does the JLp stand in terms
                of It and its relation to education and the economy?


                • #9
                  Re: This is a serious analysis of Ja coming

                  Originally posted by Jawge View Post
                  Where does the JLp stand in terms
                  of It and its relation to education and the economy?
                  "Opposition! Who listens to them?" I see yuh into that tuh Jawge. If unuh naah listen how unuh ago hear?
                  "Jamaica's future reflects its past, having attained only one per cent annual growth over 30 years whilst neighbours have grown at five per cent." (Article)


                  • #10
                    Re: This is a serious analysis of Ja coming

                    You don't have a problem when everybody has a management degree? What will we all manage?

                    BLACK LIVES MATTER


                    • #11
                      Re: This is a serious analysis of Ja coming

                      Dem seh you cannot mek di horse drink.. I not going to try it.

                      You can read.. do so.. I don't have a direct line to the JLP.. I also don't have a phobia so I don't need a direct line..

                      Information gathering is an important part of the Critical Thinking process.. one has to be willing to gather information though and not be afraid of it..


                      • #12
                        Re: This is a serious analysis of Ja coming

                        Okay point taken. I
                        have always said that. Joshua believed in us as a nation, it seems that the masses of Jakans are just viewed as common labourers. What is astounding is that when these same "simple minded jakans" reach the states they become top scientists, leaders in politics and businesses. India caught on and tapped in their human capital, we on the other hand is channeling our people to basket weaving (one step above cutting canes and bananas). Well full circle.


                        • #13
                          Re: This is a serious analysis of Ja coming

                          The PNP policy is channelling people to basket weaving ?

                          I thought it was to hand middle rubbing, drug pushing, extortion, crime, phone card selling and route taxi running... ?


                          • #14
                            Re: This is a serious analysis of Ja coming

                            Jawge can fool himself bout Joshua! When did Joshua become PM? Bruce ask what other Caricom countries have that we don't? Obviously him asked the wrong question. What did Jamaica have that other Caricom countries didn't?

                            "The institute takes note of the successful policy of Jamaicanisation, which began in the JLP's administration of the 1960s. It brought about Jamaican ownership and control of banks, insurance companies and commercial and industrial entities.

                            Today, it should be cause for alarm that this programme is now in reverse and the trend indicates a retreat from national responsibility. The commanding heights are under siege and even the former Workers' Bank, built by the workers and peasants who put their faith and funds in the old Government Savings Bank, is now in the hands of foreigners.

                            After 45 years of self-government, Jamaica is unable by itself to control, operate and provide such essential services as electricity and telecommunications. We are heavily dependent on foreigners to control crime, to advise on the repairing of a defective justice system, to operate our 48-year-old airline and to regulate the collection of taxes. We have even reached the stage where our Minister of Finance is obliged to side-step our sovereignty to declare that he cannot share vital information with the Jamaican people and Parliament because of restrictions by Security and Exchange Commis-sion regulations laid down by the United States. "
                            "Jamaica's future reflects its past, having attained only one per cent annual growth over 30 years whilst neighbours have grown at five per cent." (Article)


                            • #15
                              Re: This is a serious analysis of Ja coming

                              Is it the PNP that is setting up
                              sting operations fire workers that get tip from tourists? Is it the PNP that is telling the tourists that all they need is right here on the compound, don't venture in the towns (hey it's all inclusive you don't need your wallet)? Bright boy (yuh go to the only good school in ja), how important is tourism to Js's economy?

