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Critical Thinking.. either yuh have it or

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  • Critical Thinking.. either yuh have it or

    yuh are a yappist:

    <After reports of billionaire Oprah Winfrey experiencing racism in Switzerland surfaced, the media mogul says she is "sorry" that a media frenzy emerged after her statement.

    "I think that incident in Switzerland was just an incident in Switzerland.

    I'm really sorry that it got blown up.

    I purposefully did not mention the name of the store.

    I'm sorry that I said it was Switzerland," Winfrey said Monday night at the Los Angeles premiere of "Lee Daniels: The Butler."

    "I was just referencing it as an example of being in a place where people don't expect that you would be able to be there," she continued.>

    It may not be too late to acquire the skill.. I strongly suggest some forumites enroll in some classes.

  • #2
    Sorry, too late for that to happen Maudib.

    Lots of 'us' walk around with a chip on our shoulders.

    Willi was taken to task for attempting to show that racism had nothing to do with Winfreys' incident. The forum pundits twisted themselves in knots--trying to prove an incident that had no factual bearing......

    Best of luck. Critical thinking??? Naaaahh, not with this set.
    The only time TRUTH will hurt you...is if you ignore it long enough



    • #3
      So HL let me run this by you. It's now time to trsde in your 2009 Range Rover. You march down to the dealer. You were greeted and asked if you can be helped. You promptly told the sales person that you want to take a look at the 2014 Range Rover (must be out now). The sales person responded by saying "sir that's a bit pricey and expensive" Why don't you take a look at some of our pre own models".What could have prompted the sales person to say this to you?

      BTW this happened to friend of mine at the Benz dealership.

      Quick question: Is there not a time when blacks are prejudged based on their race?


      • #4
        sales person can only see an hear yuh
        yuh nuh fit the profile, can be color, class, creed
        some people assume color
        some people assume class
        some people assume creed

        while some people assume that it could never be race


        • #5
          Birds of a feather flock together.It is typical of both you and Muadib to not adduce facts(in support of arguments)but instead introduce the ill-advised ad hominem attacks.To literally add insult to injury,you guys(without even a hint of shame) somehow claim the coveted position of moral authority.


          • #6
            and some people incorrectly assume it is race.. and persist even when advised otherwise..


            • #7

              Oprah has stood down on her racist claim..

              Accept it, repent, learn and move on...


              • #8
                King Jawge, I get your point.

                None of us was there to know exactly what happened.

                A persons prejudice or racist mentality is their own burden to bear.
                The only time TRUTH will hurt you...is if you ignore it long enough



                • #9
                  "Eediat" is confirming what I said about you.
                  Did she recant???


                  • #10
                    Exactly HL!
                    Nothing is conclusive.


                    • #11
                      Full time dem emancipate demselves from Mental Slavery..tyad fi post dis:

                      <Took a look back, and he was right before our face
                      He'd be in for a squabble no doubt
                      So I swung and hit the ***** in his mouth
                      He was goin' down, we figured
                      But this was no ordinary *****
                      He stood about six or seven feet
                      Now, that's the ***** I'd be seein in my sleep
                      So we triple-teamed on him
                      Droppin' them **********in' be 's on him
                      The more I swung the more blood flew
                      Then he disappeared and my boys disappeared, too
                      Then I felt just like a fiend
                      It wasn't even close to Halloween
                      It was dark as **** on the streets
                      My hands were all bloody, from punchin' on the concrete
                      God damn, homie
                      My mind is playin' tricks on me>

                      Dem have a few concrete tumpahs well pon di forum.. dem meet regular with the Windmill tilting posse and share stories..


                      • #12
                        ahm.. but unnuh never conclude seh is racism ??

                        lol ! woiee ! mi tripe !


                        • #13
                          No,we did not remove the possibility from the equation,gosh.


                          • #14
                            Now who is being the eediat ?

                            What is the purpose of her new statement ?

                            What is she apologizing for ?

                            Careful now...


                            • #15
                              lol ! woiee !! please stap !!

                              Stop being disingenuous.. it is not a good look.

