It seems Driva is still the Tallest Green Midget.....Gwaan Driva, Doan Tap Atall....woooiiieeee mi belly!!!
The Partnership for Jamaica requires all hands on deck
By Keith Collister
Friday, August 09, 2013
ON July 31, at King's House, the Prime Minister (on behalf of her government) and representatives of the private sector (Chris Zacca), trade unions (Lloyd Goodleigh) and civil society (Kemesha Kelley) signed the Partnership for Jamaica.
Although the prime minister should be congratulated for finally achieving Jamaica's first social partnership agreement, as the agreement acknowledges up front, the signing is merely the first step on a long road to deal with "the urgent national and economic crisis the country faces". The theme, as expressed by the extremely able chair of the event, Harvard-educated Professor Alvin Wint, corresponds to the governor general's "I Believe" campaign and its byline - "there is nothing wrong with Jamaica that cannot be fixed by what is right with Jamaica."
The agreement acknowledges that the levels of trust across the Jamaican society are extremely low. The critical issue of "trust amongst partners" is governed by the Partnership Code of Conduct, which was signed in late-2011 as one of the last acts of former Prime Minister Bruce Golding, who was the sole member of the Opposition attending the signing of the agreement.
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The Partnership for Jamaica requires all hands on deck
By Keith Collister
Friday, August 09, 2013
ON July 31, at King's House, the Prime Minister (on behalf of her government) and representatives of the private sector (Chris Zacca), trade unions (Lloyd Goodleigh) and civil society (Kemesha Kelley) signed the Partnership for Jamaica.
Although the prime minister should be congratulated for finally achieving Jamaica's first social partnership agreement, as the agreement acknowledges up front, the signing is merely the first step on a long road to deal with "the urgent national and economic crisis the country faces". The theme, as expressed by the extremely able chair of the event, Harvard-educated Professor Alvin Wint, corresponds to the governor general's "I Believe" campaign and its byline - "there is nothing wrong with Jamaica that cannot be fixed by what is right with Jamaica."
The agreement acknowledges that the levels of trust across the Jamaican society are extremely low. The critical issue of "trust amongst partners" is governed by the Partnership Code of Conduct, which was signed in late-2011 as one of the last acts of former Prime Minister Bruce Golding, who was the sole member of the Opposition attending the signing of the agreement.
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