stretching human capacity by teaching Adults how to read and plotting the redistribution of wealth and putting people first and logging on.. a country the size of St. James was dabbling in things of a deeper nature:
<In 2010, the ISA published a comprehensive assessment of the polymetallic nodule resources expected to occur in one of the most promising deep-sea areas under its control – the Clarion Clipperton Zone (CCZ) which spreads over five million square kilometres of the central pacific,
southeast of Hawaii.
The ISA assessment concluded that the seabed in the CCZ alone may have more than 27 billion tonnes of nodules, containing approximately 7 billion tonnes of manganese, 340 million tonnes of nickel, 290 million tonnes of copper, and 78 million tonnes of cobalt. The manganese estimate is nearly 43,000 times proven land-based reserves of the essential industrial metal, which is used as an additive in a wide range of steels, non-ferrous alloys, electronic components, and speciality chemical applications.
The estimate for cobalt is more than 10 times the proven reserves on land and for nickel, more than four times. Both minerals are also key corrosion- and heat-resistant alloys for modern manufacturing, but have other uses as well.
Cobalt, for example, is an important component of the magnets used in computer disc drives and electric motors, helping them run more efficiently at a wide range of temperatures.
However, the leading global use of cobalt is in rechargeable batteries for mobile phones, portable computers, and hybrid and electric-powered vehicles, to increase battery life and stability, and to reduce corrosion.>
<Keppel believes that Singapore now has the opportunity to gain a prime position in any future seabed mining of the oceans, which cover 71 per cent of Earth’s surface and are estimated to contain far greater reserves of industrial and precious minerals than exist on land.>
Certain people should not be allowed to even utter the words Lee Kuan Yew.. much less sink to the depravity of casting aspersions..
That is like a Monkey trying to criticize Einstein..
<In 2010, the ISA published a comprehensive assessment of the polymetallic nodule resources expected to occur in one of the most promising deep-sea areas under its control – the Clarion Clipperton Zone (CCZ) which spreads over five million square kilometres of the central pacific,
southeast of Hawaii.
The ISA assessment concluded that the seabed in the CCZ alone may have more than 27 billion tonnes of nodules, containing approximately 7 billion tonnes of manganese, 340 million tonnes of nickel, 290 million tonnes of copper, and 78 million tonnes of cobalt. The manganese estimate is nearly 43,000 times proven land-based reserves of the essential industrial metal, which is used as an additive in a wide range of steels, non-ferrous alloys, electronic components, and speciality chemical applications.
The estimate for cobalt is more than 10 times the proven reserves on land and for nickel, more than four times. Both minerals are also key corrosion- and heat-resistant alloys for modern manufacturing, but have other uses as well.
Cobalt, for example, is an important component of the magnets used in computer disc drives and electric motors, helping them run more efficiently at a wide range of temperatures.
However, the leading global use of cobalt is in rechargeable batteries for mobile phones, portable computers, and hybrid and electric-powered vehicles, to increase battery life and stability, and to reduce corrosion.>
<Keppel believes that Singapore now has the opportunity to gain a prime position in any future seabed mining of the oceans, which cover 71 per cent of Earth’s surface and are estimated to contain far greater reserves of industrial and precious minerals than exist on land.>
Certain people should not be allowed to even utter the words Lee Kuan Yew.. much less sink to the depravity of casting aspersions..
That is like a Monkey trying to criticize Einstein..