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Lou Dobbs of CNN on Immigration

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  • Lou Dobbs of CNN on Immigration

    Lou Dobbs has been quite shrill when discussing the topic of Immigration. He correctly advocates tight security at the US borders. Sure the percentage number of undocumented'/illegal immigrants as a percentage of the total population can be decreased over time...but, borders that will prevent entry through US Customs outposts only will never occur during our lifetime...if ever.

    Dobbs claims the 'undocumented/illegal immigrants are a drag on the US economy. I am not convinced. Comprehensive figures on 'costs' vs 'benefits' have never been presnted by Lou.

    I have this feeling that the undocument/illegal immigrants' stimulate economic activities. It may be just me, but in the absence of comprehensive figures, I have a 'gut feeling' that the contributions are on the plus side.
    "Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed citizens can change the world. Indeed, it is the only thing that ever has."