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Ferguson announces smoking ban review

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  • Ferguson announces smoking ban review

    Ferguson announces smoking ban review

    BY BALFORD HENRY Senior staff reporter balfordh@jamaicaobserver.com
    Wednesday, July 31, 2013

    MINISTER of Health Dr Fenton Ferguson bowed to increasing pressure from within and outside the ruling People's National Party (PNP), yesterday, agreeing to let Parliament review the ban on smoking he implemented on July 15.

    Dr Ferguson, who up to over the weekend had been defiant that the ban would remain intact, told the House of Representatives that he had accepted the proposal from the Opposition Jamaica Labour Party (JLP) to refer the regulations, which he finally tabled yesterday, to the Human Resource and Social Development Committee (HRSDC), which is chaired by his predecessor Rudyard Spencer.
    FERGUSON... regulations will remain in place while the dialogue continues

    FERGUSON... regulations will remain in place while the dialogue continues

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    Ferguson also announced that he would remove sections 3(3) and 8 of the regulations, which deal with the labelling of individual sticks of cigarette.
    Some definitions under Section 2, including the definition of "public place", "enclosed space" and "work place" will be amended, and private residences or home and private conveyances such as vehicles that are not being used to provide services will be exempt from the requirements of public enclosed spaces or workplaces under the regulations, he said.
    The minister also committed to reducing the very controversial fines specified in the regulations and consider the imposition of non-criminal sanctions, and pointed out that he was in discussions with the tourism industry on how to implement the regulations "in a practical way".
    However, he said that the regulations will remain in place while he continues dialogue with the police and other groups and individuals.
    He said that his ministry would continue to work with the police to ensure that there is an insistence on compliance, "but with sensitivity, care and the recognition that nicotine is addictive".
    "During this period of consultations, I have had the assurance that there will be restraint on the part of the police," he said in response to the issues surrounding the arrests of persons smoking in public places, including entertainment venues.
    But, Ferguson insisted that smoking would not be allowed in areas specifically used by children; nor in workplaces, including restaurants, bars and clubs, and that persons who choose to smoke in these venues must ensure that they do so away from the entrance, exit and ventilation intake of these establishments.
    The minister also insisted that he would not endorse the establishment of smoking rooms in business places, and that smoking would not be allowed in sports, athletic and recreational facilities used by the public nor in places of collective use, such as bus tops.
    "Compliance should be order of the day and the responsibility of every citizen," he said.
    Opposition spokesman on Health, Dr Kenneth Baugh, welcomed the health minister's acceptance of the Opposition's proposals, including the suggestion to remove sections 3(3) and 8, as well as to refer the substantial issues to the HRSDC, which was the main proposal in Dr Baugh's motion.
    However, Dr Baugh insisted that the only real remedy for the current smoking crisis would be for the minister to table a substantive Bill to address all the issues surrounding the use of tobacco, and including regulations agreed to by Parliament.
    "That is the only way we can address all the issues," Baugh said.
    Prior to Dr Ferguson's statement, Government members rejected a proposal from Leader of Opposition Business Delroy Chuck that the House should debate Dr Baugh's motion instead of making a statement.
    The compromise was to allow both Baugh and Opposition colleague Everald Warmington to respond to the minister's statement, followed by usual questions and answers.

    Read more: http://www.jamaicaobserver.com/news/...#ixzz2aeTpMaQ9
    • Don't let negative things break you, instead let it be your strength, your reason for growth. Life is for living and I won't spend my life feeling cheated and downtrodden.

  • #2
    Peter R read carefully.
    • Don't let negative things break you, instead let it be your strength, your reason for growth. Life is for living and I won't spend my life feeling cheated and downtrodden.


    • #3
      Apparently you never read my posts carefully

      What you remember from my posts is my total lack of sympathy for the smokers. I don't have a problem with any amendments that make this type of legislation workable. I do hope that the amendment to the private residence as a workplace addresses the hapless and often helpless domestic worker. I don't agree necessarily with lowering fines.

      I still don't see that there is anything wrong with the arrest of the people at Sumfest who were given warnings according to the report.

      Like any new legislation some fine tuning and tweaking is necessary, but this type of law is way overdue and people like KD have to start learning that his right o smoke doesn't supersede my right to breathe... just like some drivers need to undestand is not only dem one driving car on the road. These types of laws that govern how we behave when in public need to be implemented and more importantly, enforced.
      Peter R


      • #4
        "I still don't see that there is anything wrong with the arrest of the people at Sumfest who were given warnings according to the report."

        I don't see anything wrong with that, by the way this is my first comment on that. On the the fines, make them as big as you want but I don't know about a criminal offense that is going to be with people for the rest of their lives. We have to be careful with that.

        My main concern is the shabbiness of the implementation and no concern for business including hotels and others. Now they have to backtrack one week after. A lot of that could have been taken care of with consultation.
        • Don't let negative things break you, instead let it be your strength, your reason for growth. Life is for living and I won't spend my life feeling cheated and downtrodden.

