FAMOUS GUEST: Nobel Peace Prize recipient Wole Soyinka is greeted at Piarco International Airport yesterday by protocol officer of the Emancipation Support Committee (ESC) Hazel Simonette on his arrival for Emancipation Day celebrations, which take place tomorrow. Soyinka, a Nigerian, was presented with the Nobel Prize in 1986 for Literature and is in Trinidad and Tobago as the guest of the ESC. He will also participate in today’s 15th Annual Trans-Atlantic Trade and Investment Symposium, titled “Focus on Nigeria”, at the Hilton Trinidad and Conference Centre, St Ann’s. —Photo: AYANNA KINSALE
FAMOUS GUEST: Nobel Peace Prize recipient Wole Soyinka is greeted at Piarco International Airport yesterday by protocol officer of the Emancipation Support Committee (ESC) Hazel Simonette on his arrival for Emancipation Day celebrations, which take place tomorrow. Soyinka, a Nigerian, was presented with the Nobel Prize in 1986 for Literature and is in Trinidad and Tobago as the guest of the ESC. He will also participate in today’s 15th Annual Trans-Atlantic Trade and Investment Symposium, titled “Focus on Nigeria”, at the Hilton Trinidad and Conference Centre, St Ann’s. —Photo: AYANNA KINSALE
