The Editor, Sir:
I listened to Mr. Golding's Budget presentation and was made even more cynical by the plethora of 'unkeepable' promises. What bothers me about the presentation is that it displayed such a gnawing lack of credibility. How does he propose to finance hospitals, schools, diagnostic centres and the many other wonderful promises? How quickly does he plan to have all those well-paying jobs available?
I hope in the upcoming election debates someone pins down Mr. Golding to real numbers. For example - how much will it cost to set up diagnostic services and how much will it take to maintain them?
He promises that he will create a Social Security Tax by pooling NIS, NHT and education tax. How much per annumdoes he expect to get from these sources (with many more people earning) and how much will go to finance hospitals since he will abolish hospital fees? How much will go to schools since secondary fees will be abolished?
The public should demand specifics and not leave Mr. Golding and other persons seeking public office to promise these excitement-raising pies in the sky that disappear the morning after!
I am, etc.,