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Golding's lack of credibility

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  • #16
    Re: Golding's lack of credibility

    When you even have people like John Maxwell talking much sense then you know there is no excuse for Jamaica Not to be laying the foundation for robust, sustainable growth. I would encourage everyone to read his latest column.

    Jamaica needs a green revolution in Agriculture. Our fruit locally grown and ripened is incomparable. Our tourism product is NOT maximized and aimed too much at the low end of the market. Crime can be solved and that would lay the synergistic groundwork for economic explosion. Why the hell was McMillan fired when EVERYONE acknowledged that he did a good job???

    There are many things unique to Jam. and we fail to capitalize on them, just as we fail to capitalize on the goodwill that the world offers up to us. Do we realize how popular and LOVED Jamaica is by many many many nations and individuals? Even now? Do Jam. people know how our Govt does nothing with this goodwill, even rebuffing offers of kindness?

    Do we realize how strategically located Jamaica is or how influential we are in geo-political matters. How do we use these things to our material advantage?

    The PnP is clueless about this stuff and I am unsure that the JLP is much better. Too many of the old dinosaurs there. Jamaica too America focussed, especially now that America bruk! Are we playing off the historical ties with the UK to get a foothold in the EU??? Do we know that the Azores trying to get EU membership??? Their econ. is EXPLODING!!!

    What about our relationship with Japan and China. What we getting? A soft loan for a stadium is a JOKE!!! Hell back when China was bruk, we got a textile Mill for free and now we not even getting a free stadium. What come out of the visit in Feb 2005 of the Deputy Premier of China? Imagine the 2nd most powerful man in China tek time out of his demanding schedule to mek a 2 day visit to Jam. The man pldge US $10b to tek over and expand Kgn Harbour, mekking light manufacturing freezone, amusement park and China's entire logistical Western hemisperic hub!!!

    We playing the azzzz. How come we nuh jump pon dat and sew it up already??? And we deh yah a debate less than 10% growth???

    Mi seh gimme di country fi 5 years and we will again become the jewel of the Caribbean. I have not once stitch of doubt in my mind.

    Last point, Jamaica needs to fully utilize the diaspora. Not so much about qualifications...a sociology professor in Chicago is not the one to deliver the econ benefits. I mean the Jakan people in business abroad. They can be our agents in the geographies all around the world. We have influential Jakans in India, chinese Jakans with ties to billionaires in South Asia, Jakans in business or with business skills in Europe and other places. How unno think Singapore of Cayman did it. One has to LEVERAGE every access or advantage. We have lost the plot...big time!


    • #17
      Re: Golding's lack of credibility

      What can I say? you are right on point.

      It hurt when I see all the money wasted over the years in projects that will not turn a cent like the good year IT center, the Cricket World cup(could it have been less than 9 billion?) just to mention two.

      GDP growth, productivity and training workers must be primary. In today's day you can't have machete as your main farm tool. Yes we need to do more to attract more Asians. The problem is we always seems to be begging people and not putting proper proposals on the table.

      When you take over I have a plan for eastern Jamaica which will result in more than 5% growth a year. It is specific to eastern Jamaica because I know every inch and know the people and what is needed. Willi it is a busy time for me now but sooner or later I would like to exchange a few thoughts. I am in the middle of some studies and a very young family.
      • Don't let negative things break you, instead let it be your strength, your reason for growth. Life is for living and I won't spend my life feeling cheated and downtrodden.


      • #18
        Re: Golding's lack of credibility

        Unfortunately Willi, personality in today's Jamaica is very important. Jamaica is a divided country, a tribal, fractious nation. If you don't have someone at the helm who can unite the country to buy into a vision and work towards that vision, you can come with the best plans, it will fail! Of course, I'm not saying that just having charisma will do the trick, but you have to be able to get beyond the massive boundaries we have built up against each other before any meaningful growth can occur.

        Let's see how many ways Lazie can twist my argument.



        • #19
          Re: Golding's lack of credibility

          We could easily find hundreds more Jakans with more financial qualifications than either.


          • #20
            Re: Golding's lack of credibility

            I hear wht you are saying but Charima is NOT a short supply among Jakans. It may be on Duke Street, but in real Jakan life it abounds.

            People can recognize honesty and sincerity when they see it. The key is to appeal to their emotions!


            • #21
              Re: Golding's lack of credibility

              Originally posted by Mosiah View Post
              Unfortunately Willi, personality in today's Jamaica is very important. Jamaica is a divided country, a tribal, fractious nation. If you don't have someone at the helm who can unite the country to buy into a vision and work towards that vision, you can come with the best plans, it will fail! Of course, I'm not saying that just having charisma will do the trick, but you have to be able to get beyond the massive boundaries we have built up against each other before any meaningful growth can occur.

              Let's see how many ways Lazie can twist my argument.
              I don't attempt to twist anything you say Mosiah. The reality is, Manley had the personality ... we should have learnt our lesson. But then, Jamaicans simply love to focus on the wrong things. Luckily for me, I realized that during the 1999 gas riots.
              "Jamaica's future reflects its past, having attained only one per cent annual growth over 30 years whilst neighbours have grown at five per cent." (Article)


              • #22
                Re: Golding's lack of credibility

                Originally posted by Willi View Post
                I hear wht you are saying but Charima is NOT a short supply among Jakans. It may be on Duke Street, but in real Jakan life it abounds.

                People can recognize honesty and sincerity when they see it. The key is to appeal to their emotions!
                Why is it these 'good' persons with charisma are not stepping forward?

                Willi we have to work with what we are given. True some who would serve for one term would go in with the aim to 'rip-off' all they can in that one term...but, I think the other 'one termers(?)' would be hell bent on defending their legacy. Unlike the situation among the current MPs where inefficient, incompetent and in some cases less than honest MPs hang around, they would be exposed. The 'rip-off artists' would enjoy swift carting off to enjoy 'Her Majesty's hospitality'. Eventually those who had no intention of putting in hard honest work and those in the 'rip-off business' would leave running as MPs alone.
                "Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed citizens can change the world. Indeed, it is the only thing that ever has."


                • #23
                  Re: Golding's lack of credibility

                  See, you are doing it already.

                  Your post implies that I said that all we need is someone with personality.

                  And that's why I refuse to be drawn into any discussion with you. Your penchant for weird implications, half-truths and omissions amount to straight up LIES!

                  Good day, Lazie!

                  BLACK LIVES MATTER


                  • #24
                    Re: Golding's lack of credibility

                    Originally posted by Lazie View Post
                    "...but, looking at what the alternative has had us reap over the years"

                    Karl, stop acting the fool. This gov't of almost 2 decades is yet to achieve what a gov't of 8 years accomplished. Then again, it appears Jamaicans like you nuh know the criteria on which to judge a gov't performance.
                    I honsestly at times think you are mad.

                    Lazie: What did Willi suggest - 'one term'? Right?

                    Are we not in using the alternative to 'one term'?


                    ...to move on - Willi: Giving what you think is possible, has it ever crossed you mind...even fleetingly...that politicians on both sides either consciously or otherwise work at keeping things the way they are?

                    I have thought of it - both for our football...but that is another matter...and our political process. My answer is always - Naaaaah! ...but...???
                    "Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed citizens can change the world. Indeed, it is the only thing that ever has."


                    • #25
                      Re: Golding's lack of credibility

                      It appears yuh forget the posts yuh mek! People want to make statements then get upset when people set dem straight. Better yet, who said this? "I don't care who say it, 5% growth will not happen with the Jamaica we have today. Portia, by her sheer popularity, could have achieved it"

                      You can get upset all yuh want. The most popular leader we've had todate was a disaster. We need to start electing people with ideas instead of popularity. How about objectively evaluating what is being put forward, instead of assuming it will not work cause Portia couldn't do it?
                      "Jamaica's future reflects its past, having attained only one per cent annual growth over 30 years whilst neighbours have grown at five per cent." (Article)


                      • #26
                        Re: Golding's lack of credibility

                        Originally posted by Karl View Post
                        I have 'loved' the idea of "one term" for a long time.

                        However, one of the cons would be the loss of valuable experience gained. ...but, looking at what the alternative has had us reap over the years I am for the MPs serving for one term. Finding 60 great persons to fill the posts of sitting MPs every 5 years should not be difficult.

                        The big plus I think that "one term" service would bring is increased competition to leave good lasting legacy by each succeeding MP and thus receipt from those "one term" servers of tremendous effort at delivery of 'mind' and 'physical' effort to produce at highest possible levels.
                        Tek time nuh.. the PNP nuh lose the election yet.. yuh ah talk like seh dem a guh lose...


                        • #27
                          Re: Golding's lack of credibility

                          Whey Mosiah with the cold water to douse these 'pie in the sky' concepts ?

                          It pain me everyday to see the vast potential of Jamaica going to WASTE sake of something called the PNP.. I mean really.. what the #*&^ is their purpose ? Wi nuh cyan walk pon beach and get job inna bank as black man/woman now ? (Black Americans can vote too and apartheid done in South Africa)

                          What purpose dem serve ?


                          • #28
                            Re: Golding's lack of credibility

                            Was Greenspan a Republican or a Democrat.. I don't even know..


                            • #29
                              Re: Golding's lack of credibility

                              Any Govt that produces above 5% growth clearly does not want to keep things they way they are..

                              A Govt that after 18 years has cummalative less than 5% growth.. well. mi cyaan speak fi dem.

                              Is only one party mi hear ah talk bout fundamental changes.. PJ seh a corrupt police force cannot fix itself.. I think the same can be applied to a Party.. PNP need a big shakeup, unfortunately dem not in a position to do it so wi haffi help put them in a position to do it..


                              • #30
                                Re: Golding's lack of credibility

                                And it's because I know "we have lost the plot", why I don't see 5% in 5 years.

                                I have long said that Jamaica has no bizniz being a poor country, so 5% is nothing for us to achieve, "all things being equal" (what the hell does that mean?). But given our leaders and their ineffectiveness to rein in tribalism (see Godon-Webley and Min of Agriculture), and to rein in runaway crime, it will not happen!!!

                                BLACK LIVES MATTER

