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Lifetime DPP must go Brothers Freed In Irwin Point Rape Case

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  • Lifetime DPP must go Brothers Freed In Irwin Point Rape Case

    Christopher Thomas, Gleaner Writer

    Brothers Kerron and Sheldon Brissett, who were arrested and charged in connection with the 2012 Irwin Point rape case of five females, today walked free from the Western Regional Gun Court after they were found not guilty.

    Attorney-at-Law Lambert Johnson, who represented the men, said that the presiding judge, Justice Evan Brown, acquitted the brothers after the prosecution’s two eyewitnesses were unable to positively identify them.

    The brothers were arrested following the much-publicised rape case, in which five females, including an eight-year-old girl, were taken from their home and raped in an open lot on September 24, 2012.

    READ: 8-y-o among five raped

    The brothers pleaded their innocence and voluntarily offered DNA samples for testing, the results of which failed to place them at the scene of the rape.

    READ: DNA bombshell in Irwin Point rape case


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  • #2
    Police accused of using ‘professional witness’ to secure conviction
    Judge refers ‘professsional witness’ issue to DPP
    BY PAUL HENRY Co-ordinator — Crime/Court Desk henryp@jamaicaobserver.com
    Monday, July 22, 2013

    THE integrity of the justice system is again facing the possibility of further erosion, in light of allegations that the police have used a socalled “professional witness” in order to secure convictions.
    The matter has been referred to Director of Public Prosecutions (DPP) Paula Llewellyn after the allegations were made on Friday by senior attorney Valerie Neita-Robertson, who also complained that she had since last year tried, but to no avail, to get information from the Office of the DPP on a previous case involving the said professional witness who is now deceased.
    LLEWELLYN… asked to make decision on matter
    The person, according to Neita-Robertson, was used by the police to act as an eyewitness in situations where actual eyewitnesses do not come forward or in cases where there was no witness at all.
    The issue came to the fore in the Home Circuit Court in the case of Omar Nicholson and his nephew Oniel, who are accused of murdering Detective Sergeant Desmond Carter during the robbery of a food establishment in Spanish Town, St Catherine, in 2006.
    During Friday’s hearing, Neita-Robertson, who is representing Omar Nicholson, alleged in court that the late Dylan Millanaise — the witness being relied on by the prosecution — was a “professional witness”.
    She said that Millanaise had been the main witness in more than one murder case — including the murder of a policeman in Clarendon — and requested the prosecution disclose to the defence Millanaise’s statement in that case.
    The attorney complained to the court that she had previously sent letters to the prosecution requesting this and other information regarding Millanaise. She also presented a similar letter to the prosecution on Friday.
    The case has been before the Circuit Court since 2007.
    Following the airing of Neita-Robertson’s concerns, Justice Gloria Smith said that the director of public prosecutions will have to make a decision on the “next step” in light of the fact that the main witness is dead, in addition to the allegations being made by the defence.
    The men’s bails were extended until October 4, when the case will again be mentioned.
    Following the adjournment of the case, Neita-Robertson showed the Jamaica Observer copies of letters she sent to the prosecution, complaining that there had been no response to her previous letters, dated July 31, August 31 and October 1, 2012, requesting disclosure.
    “At this stage we are beyond disturbed as to the treatment of our client, Mr Nicholson,” she wrote in a letter dated January 31.
    “If the Crown does not intend to fulfil its fair-trial obligations toward Mr Nicholson, or is unable to proceed any further with this matter, then we ask that, in the interest of justice, you formally discontinue this prosecution and allow Mr Nicholson to begin putting the pieces of his life together again,” the letter added.

    Read more: http://www.jamaicaobserver.com/news/...#ixzz2ZpBliI5j


    • #3
      DPP doesn't vette or check witnesses?

