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NSA WhistleBlower Rings di Alarm on Secret US Govt

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  • NSA WhistleBlower Rings di Alarm on Secret US Govt

    March 26, 2013
    Abby Martin – Indy Media’s Rising Star

    March 26, 2013. Washington. Each year, fewer and fewer Americans trust their TV sets to bring them their daily news. Owned and operated by multi-national corporations with profit-driven agendas, people began noticing that the ‘news’ was suddenly missing from ‘the news’. But hidden among the landscape of establishment network and cable news programs is a diamond in the rough – Abby Martin of RT America.

    Abby Martin, host of RT's Breaking the Set.

    This column first stumbled across Abby Martin last year when RT America began promoting a new show titled, ‘Breaking the Set’. Anchored by an extraordinarily beautiful woman like most RT shows, the promotional spot seemed like any other on cable or network TV. But it only took two or three minutes of watching the new show before it became apparent that something rare, unique and amazing was happening. It was a genuine news program. And best of all, it was honest, informative and intelligent – and it was on TV. After one episode, this author realized he was witnessing something special – the future of independent media.

    RT America

    For those not familiar, Russia Today, also called RT for short, is a Russian-based news organization with networks, outlets and stations all over the world. Originally created in 2005, the parent company of RT – ANO TV-Novosti – was created to help the Russian Federation repair its image in the eyes of the world and present its side of every story instead of just the West’s. RT America would be Russia’s first global, English-speaking news outlet. On day one, they began with 300 journalists, 70 of which were stationed outside Russia.

    Now, Russia Today broadcasts in a number of languages in countries around the world. It is registered and copyrighted as ‘Autonomous Nonprofit Organization TV-Novosti’. To translate, that should mean ‘Independent Media’, at least in the US. In Russia, it’s not so independent.

    A 24-hour news network, RT now airs on over 500 cable and 30 satellite channels in over 100 countries. In the US, it is the second-most watched foreign news channel, second only to the longtime leader BBC News. According to Wikipedia, in five urban US markets, RT has already passed BBC to become the most-watched foreign news network.

    Breaking the Set

    The first time this author watched Abby Martin’s Breaking the Set, her half-hour daily news show on RT, three reactions immediately came to mind. The first was simply, “Wow!” The second was the realization that she was reporting all the subjects blacked-out and censored by the rest of the media. The final reaction was an understanding of the show’s title – Breaking the Set – as in breaking your TV set and stopping it from saturating your brain with pro-government, pro-multi-national corporation propaganda and lies.

    Bringing the show’s title to life at the beginning of each episode, the camera follows the amazingly attractive Abby Martin as she puts on her lipstick, seductively puckers her lips, and struts out of her dressing room. In her pink stiletto heels, she picks up a giant sledge hammer and proceeds to single-handedly smash a TV set to smithereens. Pink spiked heels and a sledgehammer – this author’s dream girl.

    A quick visit to Breaking the Set’s website finds the show’s description, ‘Breaking the Set is a show that cuts through the false Left/Right paradigm and pre-established narrative set in the corporate news and political establishment.’ Whiteout Press readers might notice that’s exactly the same goal this independent publication set out with when we launched two years ago. It’s no wonder we like the show so much.

    When President Obama campaigned for office, he promised he would, “name names” in his quest to root out corruption and national betrayal inside government. But he never did. For our part here at Whiteout Press, we liked the idea so much we wrote and published a four-part series titled just that, ‘Naming Names’. And now, Breaking the Set host Abby Martin adds her voice to the effort. As the website explains, ‘Host Abby Martin undermines the mainstream media propaganda while calling out the real players behind the scenes.’

    Last edited by Don1; July 13, 2013, 11:54 AM. Reason: Abby Martin Breaks the Set - and TV Brainwashing

    Recognizing the victims of Jamaica's horrendous criminality and exposing the Dummies like Dippy supporting criminals by their deeds.. or their silence.

    D1 - Xposing Dummies since 2007

  • #2
    Oops...si di link yah


    Obama revealed as a puppet...Courtesy of Abby Martin...the best presenter on "TV"

    Recognizing the victims of Jamaica's horrendous criminality and exposing the Dummies like Dippy supporting criminals by their deeds.. or their silence.

    D1 - Xposing Dummies since 2007


    • #3
      CIA strikes back!


      • #4
        Originally posted by Willi View Post
        CIA strikes back!
        Nat juss dem.... di entire USA Military Industrial Complex whe Eisenhower di warn di Whirl bout 60 years ago

        Story come to bump now as di frog dem ah gwaan bwile... while watching "reality" show pon dem flat scream

        Recognizing the victims of Jamaica's horrendous criminality and exposing the Dummies like Dippy supporting criminals by their deeds.. or their silence.

        D1 - Xposing Dummies since 2007


        • #5
          Holding di pretty skin baby wid meninjarightus?



          • #6
            Food fight between CIA and NSA.

            Pass di popcawns.

