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MoBay UDC playing field in shambles

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  • MoBay UDC playing field in shambles

    MoBay UDC playing field in shambles

    Published: Saturday | July 13, 2013 0 Comments

    WESTERN BUREAU:The Urban Development Corporation (UDC) playing field in Montego Bay which was upgraded at a cost of J$2.3 million in 2006, is fast becoming an eyesore again, through a combination of overuse, lack of proper maintenance and vandalism."The field is in a terrible state. I passed there recently and I could not believe my eyes, it has deteriorated beyond belief," said former football administrator Craig Oates.
    "The saddest part of it is that is the field that the parish uses for youth football, so you can readily see one of the reasons for the lack of development."
    In the 2006 upgrading exercise, which was carried out by the Sports Development Foundation (SDF) in collaboration with the St James Football Association, the playing area was completely resurfaced, re-grassed and a new irrigation system put in place. In addition, a perimeter fence was erected to secure the playing area from unauthorised users.
    "Vandals have taken away a section of the perimeter fencing, a section of the playing surface is covered in bushes and other sections are devoid of grass," said Oates. "Based on what I am seeing, there are no maintenance plans for the facility."
    In addition to being an eyesore, the UDC playing field is also a symbol of broken promises, as none of the follow-up plans announced in the aftermath of the 2006 upgrading have taken place. In fact, it would appear that the worst fears of the then SDF boss, Saleem Lazarus, has come to pass.
    "We are delighted to be handing back this facility to you as it is a big improvement on what you had here before," Lazarus said at the handover ceremony. "I am asking that it be properly maintained or all the good work that went into its development would have been futile."
    Facing further deterioration
    However, with the facility now in shambles and looking to face further deterioration on account [COLOR=blue !important][COLOR=blue !important][/COLOR][/COLOR] of constant use (official and unofficial), St James FA president, Gregory Daley, whose association is one of the primary users of the facility, says he is unaware of any development plans.
    "Presently, we have no control over who use the facility so I don't think it would be wise to invest[COLOR=blue !important][COLOR=blue !important][/COLOR][/COLOR] any money in either maintenance or upkeep until systems for control can be instituted," said Daley. "It would be a waste of resources to effect repairs and then leave it to be destroyed again."
    Back in 2006 when the facility was handed over to the St James FA in a pristine state, the SDF, through its then general manager[COLOR=blue !important][COLOR=blue !important][COLOR=blue !important][/COLOR][/COLOR][/COLOR] Ludlow Watt, had promised that if the facility was properly maintained the foundation would consider providing assistance to further upgrade the facility.
    "Once the SDF is satisfied that the facility is being kept in a satisfactory condition, we would certainly consider offering further assistance for future development," said Watt. "The onus is now on you to ensure that proper upkeep is treated as a priority matter."
    Oates said: "A maintenance plan needs to be initiated immediately and other facilities must be developed so as to prevent the continued overuse of this facility."
    He added: "Personally, I believe that unless immediate steps are taken to halt the destruction of the facility, we are going to lose it totally."
    In the first two years after it was upgraded, there were efforts at maintenance, especially in regards to watering and protecting the playing surface.
    However, after it was substantially damaged after its use as a car park[COLOR=blue !important][COLOR=blue !important][/COLOR][/COLOR] for the rain-drenched 2010 staging of Reggae Sumfest, things have steadily been getting worse.
    • Don't let negative things break you, instead let it be your strength, your reason for growth. Life is for living and I won't spend my life feeling cheated and downtrodden.