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Cops: We Won't Be Carfooled

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  • #16
    I'm all for any kind of strategy to combat illegal activity; don't get me wrong... I am not proposing that police stop every car that has more than two people in it but, if a vehicle is stopped and there is a question I don't see the problem with asking the question...

    ...and even for JA what seems like a simple solution (like CCTV) may not be simple as all that... what maudib say? "it takes cash to care" ...
    Peter R


    • #17
      here is a foolproof strategy. Broadcast the fact that only the illegal taxi will be prosecuted and thus the passengers will quickly denounce the driver if dem near the destination and so can get off without paying the fare! LoL


      • #18
        All of that is not needed...any jackass can spot a robot taxi on the road...they aren't hiding...driver have him arm out the window with folded bills wrapped around his fingers...Police not even bodda wid dem...


        • #19
          The "problem" is not actually spotting them but having proof that can stand up in court... LOL... if it even reach that far.

          What is simple is to stop, charge AND PROSECUTE to the full extent of the law, people who litter, drive illegal taxi, break red lights, run unlicensed business etc. etc. etc. maybe people would think twice about doing it whatever "it" is.

          But, alas our police are too busy solving major crimes...
          Peter R


          • #20
            Put in the mix that some of those Robots are owned by police or some police look aside on some for some reason or another. I have seen that.
            • Don't let negative things break you, instead let it be your strength, your reason for growth. Life is for living and I won't spend my life feeling cheated and downtrodden.

