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Llewellyn's lifetime job

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  • Llewellyn's lifetime job

    When will they remove this lady from this post..she doesn't get along with anyone...how the hell we expect justice..it's all ego's...She was in fights with Judges, INDECOM, Commisioner, OCC, Christie before him left and a host others, some of who she should be on the same team with..Jamaica and the crab inna barrell mentality....U seriously a tell me that INDECOM and DPP can't sit and work out differences and get the people's job done instead of quarrelling in public? Aren't their goals the same...go after people who break the law? Except that INDECOM goes after police? And all the leaders sit by and watch this bein played out in the public......no leadership and people will do whatever it is that they want....

    See Commissioner sey him a guuh ignore court decision and duh him own ting...Him don't have a boss or the government advising him about his approach from a legal perspective...Either Bunting, Golding, or one of them should be hiving a meeting wid him long time.....
    Where are our leaders.....look to the snow

    DPP blasts INDECOM over Keith Clarke murder trial delay

    Published: Monday July 1, 2013 | 12:50 pm with audio | 2 Comments
    Paula Llewellyn – FileBarbara Gayle, Justice Coordinator

    Director of Public Prosecution DPP Paula Llewellyn is blasting the Independent Commission of Investigations (INDECOM) for the setback in the Keith Clarke murder case.

    The matter could not proceed in the Home Circuit Court this morning after it was disclosed that INDECOM acted without the directive of the prosecution and requested the retesting of bullet fragments.

    DPP Llewellyn stressed that the action of INDECOM has hampered the progress of the case.

    Speaking with our news centre she explained that INDECOM wanted to have the fragments retested by the Bureau of Special Investigations.

    She says prosecutors advised the agency that there was no need for that as the matter was appropriately dealt with and was now before the court.

    The DPP says her office was surprised to receive word from BSI raising concern that INDECOM requested a retesting of the fragments.

    Llewellyn says in the principle of full disclosure the matter was brought to the attention of the defence, which has now raised concerns.

    She says the defence has since requested that its own forensic expert retest the bullet fragments as it believes the investigation into the Clarke’s murder is incomplete.

    She stressed that out of the principle of fairness and respecting the right of the accused she had no other recourse but to grant the request.

    Ms Llewellyn says she has written to INDECOM asking the agency to desist from making requests without the prosecutions knowledge.

    The matter was been put for a plea and case management hearing on Friday before the presiding judge Justice Bryan Sykes.

    The defence has appealed the ruling denying its request for a change of venue.

    The lawyers contend that the impending Commission of Enquiry into the May 2010 Tivoli operation by the security forces will touch on certain areas which may impact the court proceedings.

    Lance corporals Greg Tinglin, Odel Buckley, and private Arnold Henry are before the courts for the shooting death of businessman Keith Clarke.

    Clarke was shot all over his body by members of the security forces at his East Kirkland Heights home in St Andrew in May 2010.