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It's Babylon vs Babylon in SpyGame Showdown

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  • It's Babylon vs Babylon in SpyGame Showdown

    EU politicians demand probe into US bugging

    US security agency spied on EU computer networks in Washington and at UN, according to German magazine Der Spiegel.
    Last Modified: 30 Jun 2013 14:32

    Senior European Union politicians say they are shocked at reports that United States intelligence agents bugged EU offices on both sides of the Atlantic.

    The president of the European Parliament, Martin Schulz, said he was "deeply worried and shocked about the allegations of U.S. authorities spying on EU offices'' made in a report published Sunday by German news weekly Der Spiegel.

    Schulz said if the reports were confirmed "it would be an extremely serious matter which will have a severe impact on EU-US relations".

    "On behalf of the European Parliament, I demand full clarification and require further information speedily from the US authorities with regard to these allegations," he said in an emailed statement.

    German Green Party leaders in the European Parliament, Rebecca Harms and Daniel Cohn-Bendit, called for an investigation and called for existing US-EU agreements on the exchange of bank transfer and passenger record information to be cancelled.

    Der Spiegel's article quoted a September 2010 "top secret" document that outlined how the National Security Agency bugged offices and spied on EU internal computer networks in Washington and at the United Nations, not only listening to conversations and phone calls, but also gaining access to documents and emails.

    The document, which was leaked by whistleblower Edward Snowden, explicitly called the EU a "target".

    If these reports are true, it's disgusting.

    Luxembourg Foreign Minister Jean Asselborn

    The NSA also targeted telecommunications at the Justus Lipsius building in Brussels, home to the European Council, the collective of EU national governments, according to the magazine.

    German prosecutors on Sunday said they were deciding whether German laws were broken by the spy programme before considering a formal investigation.

    Snowden, a former NSA contractor, earlier this month revealed the existence of the so-called PRISM programme operated by the the US security agency.

    Luxembourg Foreign Minister Jean Asselborn told Der Spiegel: "If these reports are true, it's disgusting."

    "The United States would be better off monitoring its secret services rather than its allies. We must get a guarantee from the very highest level now that this stops immediately."

    US officials could not immediately be reached for comment.

    Snowden's disclosures in foreign media about US surveillance programmes have ignited a political furore in the United States and abroad over the balance between privacy rights and national security.

    Snowden fled to Hong Kong in May, a few weeks before the leaks. He has been holed up in a Moscow airport transit area since last weekend.

    The leftist government of Ecuador, which is reviewing his request for asylum, said on Saturday that the US has asked them to refuse the request.
    Last edited by Don1; June 30, 2013, 12:31 PM.

    Recognizing the victims of Jamaica's horrendous criminality and exposing the Dummies like Dippy supporting criminals by their deeds.. or their silence.

    D1 - Xposing Dummies since 2007