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The Multilateral Debt Trap in Jamaica

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  • The Multilateral Debt Trap in Jamaica

    The Multilateral Debt Trap in
    Jamaica’s economy has long suffered from low growth and high debt.
    Over the past 20 years, average annual per capita GDP growth has been
    negative 0.1 percent, the lowest in the Caribbean outside of Haiti. The
    world recession caused even greater economic hardships in Jamaica, with
    GDP falling in four of the last five years. Unemployment has increased
    to 14.2 percent, from less than 10 percent in 2008. The poverty rate has
    nearly doubled. The gap between rich and poor has gotten larger.
    Throughout this time, multilateral development banks, in particular the
    International Monetary Fund (IMF), World Bank and Inter-American
    Development Bank (IDB) have played a key role. In early 2010, in an
    effort to address its unsustainable debt burden, and as a pre-condition for
    an IMF agreement, Jamaica undertook a debt exchange that sought to
    lower interest rates and extend maturities but did not provide any haircut
    (a lowering of the debt principal). The subsequent IMF loan, worth $1.27
    billion, unlocked additional funding from the World Bank and IDB,
    together amounting to well over $2 billion.
    As part of the IMF agreement, Jamaica undertook severe austerity
    measures, freezing wages and cutting spending. Even after the debt
    exchange, Jamaica was left with the highest debt interest burden in the
    world; interest payments alone amounted to 11 percent of GDP.1
    The IMF agreement eventually broke down after a Jamaican court ruled
    that the government had to distribute back pay to public sector workers,
    against the wishes of the IMF. Nevertheless, Jamaica has largely
    continued the austerity measures from the first agreement. After a return
    to growth –albeit slow- in fiscal year 2011/12, Jamaica slipped back into a
    recession this past year, after the government cut non-interest
    expenditure by over 2 percentage points of GDP. Even some within the
    IMF warned that the fiscal consolidation efforts were going too far and
    could threaten “the fragile recovery and social cohesion.”2
    Three years after the IMF agreement was signed and the debt exchange
    completed, Jamaica once again turned to the IMF and undertook a new
    exchange. Once again, the exchange only affected domestically held debt
    and did not reduce the principal. Once again, the conditions may prove
    unsustainable. The IMF is requiring Jamaica to run primary surpluses
    (revenue minus expenditure, excluding interest costs) of 7.5 percent of
    Center for Economic and
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    BY JAKE JOHNSTON*CEPR The Multilateral Debt Trap in Jamaica2
    GDP, which according to the latest IMF World Economic Outlook, would mean Jamaica would
    have the highest primary surplus in the world outside of oil exporting countries in 2013 [Oilexporting countries that run large primary budget surpluses are doing so because of excess oil
    revenues, not budget tightening as in the case of Jamaica]. And even after the second debt exchange
    in three years, Jamaica is projected to have the highest average interest burden in the world over the
    next six years.
    The recently signed IMF agreement, together with funding from the World Bank and IDB, will give
    Jamaica access to some $2 billion dollars of loans over the next four-plus years. Crippled with
    devastatingly high debt levels and anemic growth for years, Jamaica is certainly in need of financing.
    But it is also the case that, after billions of dollars of previous World Bank, IDB and IMF loans,
    much of its debt is actually owed to the very same institutions that are now offering new loans.
    Figure 1 shows the share of external debt owed to multilateral institutions since 2006. As can be
    seen, while Jamaica has owed these multilaterals large sums for many years, in 2010, after Jamaica
    signed an IMF agreement, the share of debt owed to multilaterals increased greatly. As of December
    2012, Jamaica owed multilateral banks $3.26 billion, accounting for 39.5 percent of its total external
    debt. This is up from a low of 17.9 percent ($1.12 billion) in September 2008. Loans from
    multilaterals accounted for 70 percent of the total increase in external debt from 2006 to 2012.4
    FIGURE 1
    Multilateral Share of Total External Debt
    Source: Ministry of Finance and Public Servce: Debt Management Unit. 2013.
    Note: Data is reported as end of period totals. 1 and 2 refer to half years, so data corresponding to “2006:1” is from
    end of June 2006.
    Jamaica has twice restructured its debt in just the last three years, extending the maturity and
    lowering interest rates, but neither time has external debt been affected. Funds from the IMF, World
    Bank and IDB carry much lower interest rates than private loans and so are not necessarily as
    damaging, yet debt servicing to these institutions still eats up a large share of Jamaican finances.
    After the previous IMF agreement went off-track in 2011, financing from other multilaterals was
    also cut; after considering repayments, net cash flow from multilaterals actually turned negative in
    18.9% 18.9%
    38.3% 39.5%
    1 2 1 2 1 2 1 2 1 2 1 2 1 2
    2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012
    Percent of External Debt
    Other IMF World Bank IDB TotalCEPR The Multilateral Debt Trap in Jamaica3
    2012 and is projected to be negative again in 2013. Amazingly, Jamaica is actually paying more to the
    multilaterals than it is getting back this year, even after the approval of the IMF agreement.5
    FIGURE 2
    Net Flows from Multilaterals, 2010-2013
    Source: IMF, 2013
    Despite multilaterals offering up another $2 billion in loans over the next four years, the net cash
    flow to Jamaica will be drastically lower than this due to debt repayments. From 2013-2017 (the last
    IMF disbursement is projected to be in March 2017), Jamaica is projected to spend $1.6 billion on
    repayments, resulting in a net cash flow of $346.1 million or 0.4 percent of GDP over the period.6
    FIGURE 2
    Projected Net Flows From Multilaterals, 2013-2017
    Source: IMF, 2013. IDB, 2013. World Bank, 2013.
    What this shows is that simply by providing debt cancellation to Jamaica, the World Bank, IDB and
    IMF could leave the country with more available resources than through new loans. As compared to
    a net cash flow of $350 million, debt cancellation would free up $1.6 billion from 2013-2017, much
    needed resources for a country which is being forced to drastically cut spending as part of the IMF
    -2.9 -98.5
    2010 2011 2012 2013(p)
    Millions of USD
    IMF World Bank IDB Total Net Cash Flow
    Disbursement Repayment Net Flow
    Millions of USD
    IMF World Bank IDB
    1,952.3CEPR The Multilateral Debt Trap in Jamaica4
    The IMF-backed program aims to achieve a debt/GDP ratio of 126.5 percent by the end of the
    current program.7 While debt/GDP ratios can be a misleading target8
    , if this is truly the goal, it
    could be achieved virtually overnight. As mentioned previously, interest on multilateral loans is
    relatively low, and so while the debt cancellation would only reduce interest payments by a small
    margin, it would drastically reduce Jamaica’s overall debt load. With multilateral debt cancellation,
    Jamaica’s debt/GDP ratio would shrink from 146.9 percent of GDP to 123.4 percent.
    This would also have the added benefit of reducing the share of Jamaica’s debt that is denominated
    in dollars. Currently, since such a large portion of the debt is in dollars, as the Jamaican currency
    depreciates the burden of the debt increases. But Jamaica might have to depreciate its currency in
    order to have a sustainable current account deficit, thus placing the health of public finances at odds
    with Jamaica’s long-term economic development.
    Thus far, efforts to reduce Jamaica’s debt, supported by the IMF and other multilaterals, have
    focused exclusively on domestic debt, so as not to lock Jamaica out of foreign capital markets. At
    the same time, haircuts on the domestic debt have been ruled out because this would negatively
    affect local financial institutions. The result is that even after two debt restructurings, Jamaica’s debt
    burden remains unsustainable. The IMF’s country representative recently stated that “debt reduction
    will come from very tight government budgets” because “there is no alternative.” But clearly there
    is. By providing meaningful debt cancellation, as opposed to providing billions in new loans, the
    multilaterals could make a strong statement that they are serious about Jamaica’s development and
    the needs of its people.
    1 See Johnston, Jake and Juan Montecino. 2011. “Jamaica: Macroeconomic Policy, Debt and the IMF.” Washington,
    DC: Center for Economic and Policy Research. Available at
    and Johnston, Jake and Juan Montecino. 2012. “Update on the Jamaican Economy.” Washington, DC: Center for
    Economic and Policy Research. Available at http://www.cepr.net/index.php/public...maican-economy
    2 Johnston, Jake. 2012. “Austerian Dissent.” CEPR Blog, Center for Economic and Policy Research. June 18, 2012.
    Available at http://www.cepr.net/index.php/blogs/...ca-and-the-imf
    3 Johnston, Jake. 2013. “IMF Approves Jamaica Loan – Pain, No Gain.” The Americas Blog, Center for Economic and
    Policy Research. May 23, 2013. Available at http://www.cepr.net/index.php/blogs/...n-pain-no-gain
    4 Ministry of Finance and Public Service: Debt Management Unit. 2013. “External Debt Stock by Creditor (Various
    Years).” Jamaica: Ministry of Finance and Public Service. Accessed February 2013.
    5 International Monetary Fund. 2013. “Jamaica: Request for an Extended Arrangement Under the Extended Credit
    Fund Facility.” Washington, DC: International Monetary Fund. May. Available at
    6 For projected debt service payments to the IMF, see IMF 2013. For projected debt service payments to the World
    Bank see World Bank. 2013. “Jamaica: Estimated Debt Service Payments – Summary.” Accessed January


    "Good things come out of the garrisons" after his daughter won the 100m Gold For Jamaica.

    "It therefore is useless and pointless, unless it is for share malice and victimisation to arrest and charge a 92-year-old man for such a simple offence. There is nothing morally wrong with this man smoking a spliff; the only thing wrong is that it is still on the law books," said Chevannes.