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Brazil's protests raise fears for World Cup as a million

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  • Brazil's protests raise fears for World Cup as a million

    Brazil's protests raise fears for World Cup as a million take to the streets
    Football becomes focus of furious outcry against corruption, police brutality, dire public services, high prices and street crime
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    Jonathan Watts in Rio de Janeiro
    The Guardian, Friday 21 June 2013 13.02 EDT
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    A Brazilian protester in Sao Paulo wears a Guy Fawkes mask made famous by the film V for Vendetta and now seen in demonstrations across the world. Photograph: Brazil Photo Press/CON/LatinContent/Getty
    Football supporters fleeing rubber bullets, roads into stadiums blocked by angry crowds, mobs throwing stones at Fifa offices, Confederations Cup placards being ripped down and burned in the midst of mass protests.

    These are unlikely scenes in a football-mad country and the last thing organisers of the World Cup wanted to see in Brazil before next year's tournament, but for the past week they have become an almost daily occurrence as the country's favourite sport has become the focus of the biggest demonstrations in decades.

    More than a million people took to the streets on Thursday night in at least 80 cities in a rising wave of protest that has coincided with the Confederations Cup.This Fifa event was supposed to be a dry run for players and organisers before next year's finals, but it is police and protesters who are getting the most practice.

    The host cities have been the focus of furious demonstrations, prompting local authorities to request security reinforcements from the national government.

    The rallies, and the violence that has often followed, were not solely prompted by the tournament. The initial spark last week was a rise in public transport fares. Public anger has since been further stirred by police brutality. Longstanding problems such as corruption, dire public services, high prices and low levels of safety are also prominent among the range of grievances.

    But the mega-event has been the lightning conductor. Many protesters are furious that the government is spending 31bn reals (£9bn) to set the stage for a one-time global tournament, while it has failed to address everyday problems closer to home.

    "I'm here to fight corruption and the expense of the World Cup," said Nelber Bonifcacio, an unemployed teacher who was among the vast crowds in Rio on Thursday. "I like football, but Brazil has spent all that money on the event when we don't have good public education, healthcare or infrastructure."

    It was all very different in 2007 when Brazil was awarded the tournament. Back then, the crowds in Rio erupted with joy and Ricardo Teixeira, the president of the Brazilian Football Confederation, was bathed in adulation as he said: "We are a civilised nation, a nation that is going through an excellent phase, and we have got everything prepared to receive adequately the honour to organise an excellent World Cup."

    In the outside world, few doubted the wisdom of the decision. Football belonged in Brazil. In the home of carnival and samba, it would be a party like no other.

    But euphoria has steadily faded as preparations for 2014 have drawn attention to the persistent ills of corruption, cronyism, inequality and public insecurity. Those who appeared to have the Midas touch in 2007 now seem cursed.

    Teixeira was forced to resign last year amid accusations of bribery. Former president Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva has been tainted by revelations of massive vote-buying by the ruling Workers party. Fifa too is mired in a series of corruption scandals that have led to the resignations of several senior executives.

    The renovation and construction of most of the 12 World Cup stadiums has been late and over budget. Several have been pilloried as white elephants because they are being built in cities with minor teams. The new £325m Mané Garrincha stadium in Brasília – which hosted the opening game of the Confederations Cup – has a capacity of 70,000, but the capital's teams rarely attract more than a few hundred fans. Similarly, the lower-division sides in Cuiabá and Manaus will struggle to fill a fraction of their 40,000 plus-seater stadiums.

    The government downplays such concerns, saying the stadiums promote development and have been built for multi-purpose use so they do not have to rely on football for revenue.

    But suspicions that the construction companies – a main source of kickbacks for politicians – will be the main beneficiaries of the tournament have grown, particularly in Rio, where the Maracanã stadium has been refurbished for the second time in a decade at a cost of more than 1bn reals (£295m). It was rebuilt with public money, but the concession to run it has been offered to a private firm, covering barely a fifth of the costs.

    Meanwhile, Fifa has announced record revenues from broadcasting rights and corporate sponsorship for 2014 – none of which will go to Brazil's public coffers.

    With negative headlines also related to evictions and poor engineering quality, the growing public unease alarmed many in the sport even before the protests began.

    Former national team players Romário, Tostão and Zico have been warning for many months that something is amiss. "The population of Brazil seems distant from the World Cup because of what people see as corruption and the overspend on the stadiums and the lack of transparency," Zico told the Guardian.

    With public fury now on full display, football's leading lights also seem divided about how to respond. The Fifa president, Sepp Blatter, and Pelé – the superstar turned MasterCard ambassador – have drawn derision by calling on protesters to decouple the Confederations Cup and the demonstrations. Ronaldo has been lambasted for remarking: "A World Cup isn't made with hospitals, my friend. It's made with stadiums."

    Bruno Danna, a shop employee who joined the protests on Thursday, said: "I'm not against football. I will cheer the national team. But I'm mad at Ronaldo and Pelé." The current national team, in contrast, have been vocal in their support for the demonstrations. "I want a Brazil that is fair and safe and healthier and more honest!" wrote Neymar on his Instagram blog. The Chelsea defender David Luiz and the midfielder Hulk have also expressed solidarity with those on the street.

    What happens next is hard to predict. The government has backed down on the bus fare increase, but it will be harder to meet the protesters' demands about the World Cup. The funds are mostly spent and the stadiums cannot be unbuilt.

    The next potential flashpoints are the Brazil v Italy game in Salvador, and Japan v Mexico in Belo Horizonte ahead of more planned marches on Saturday, as well as the final on 30 June.

    Fifa has denied speculation that it will call off the Confederations Cup, and the authorities have beefed up security. But the tense situation is hurting the chances of a successful event next year.

    In a country where football is almost the national religion, people want to enjoy the World Cup, but for millions Fifa has become a tainted brand, associated with a distant global elite who profit at the expense of local people.

    As one banner, held aloft by a football-loving protester – Leandro Ferreir – said on Thursday: "We don't want a country that is beautiful only for gringos."

    "Good things come out of the garrisons" after his daughter won the 100m Gold For Jamaica.

    "It therefore is useless and pointless, unless it is for share malice and victimisation to arrest and charge a 92-year-old man for such a simple offence. There is nothing morally wrong with this man smoking a spliff; the only thing wrong is that it is still on the law books," said Chevannes.

  • #2
    The cost of development , I heard from a brazilian that the Flavelas are being uprooted abd trannsformed into prime real estate areas , under the banner of development.These Barios are mostly located on the hills .This is also a factor in these protest.What trigged the riots was a rise of bus fares by 25 cents.

    Thats what I heard.Anyway the current theme of it , is the rich getting richer and the middle and lower class want more of the pie in terms of infrastructure and social servies i.e health care and education.

    Growing pains.

    "Good things come out of the garrisons" after his daughter won the 100m Gold For Jamaica.

    "It therefore is useless and pointless, unless it is for share malice and victimisation to arrest and charge a 92-year-old man for such a simple offence. There is nothing morally wrong with this man smoking a spliff; the only thing wrong is that it is still on the law books," said Chevannes.


    • #3
      Spill over effects to OLY 2016?
      Life is a system of half-truths and lies, opportunistic, convenient evasion.”
      - Langston Hughes


      • #4
        Hopefully , dem learn by then , good timing too , as they would want to rectify the social imbalnce before then and i think they will , all the better for Brazil and Latin America.

        "Good things come out of the garrisons" after his daughter won the 100m Gold For Jamaica.

        "It therefore is useless and pointless, unless it is for share malice and victimisation to arrest and charge a 92-year-old man for such a simple offence. There is nothing morally wrong with this man smoking a spliff; the only thing wrong is that it is still on the law books," said Chevannes.


        • #5
          Sweeping Protests in Brazil Pull In an Array of Grievances

          Nadia Sussman
          Brazilian Students Dig for Corruption: Student protesters at a public university in Rio de Janeiro are teaching each other how to expose data about the city's transport system.


          Published: June 21, 2013 167 Comments
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          SÃO PAULO, Brazil — Just a few weeks ago, Mayara Vivian felt pretty good when a few hundred people showed up for a protest she helped organize to deride the government over a proposed bus fare increase. She had been trying to prod Brazilians into the streets since 2005, when she was only 15, and by now she thought she knew what to expect.


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          Protests Spread Across Brazil

          Speaking Out in São Paulo


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          Mauricio Lima for The New York Times

          Protesters blocked an intersection during a demonstration in São Paulo on Thursday night. More Photos »

          The New York Times

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          Mauricio Lima for The New York Times

          Protesters blocked an intersection during a demonstration in São Paulo on Thursday night. More Photos »

          Readers’ Comments
          "The Brazilian people must come to their senses. Protest, yes. But let your voices be heard at the ballot box."
          PJM, Florida

          But when tens of thousands of protesters thronged the streets this week, rattling cities across the country in a reckoning this nation had not experienced in decades, she was dumbfounded, at a loss to explain how it could have happened.
          “One hundred thousand people, we never would have thought it,” said Ms. Vivian, one of the founders of the Free Fare Movement, which helped start the protests engulfing Brazil. “It’s like the taking of the Bastille.”
          More than a million protesters marched in the streets late Thursday, according to Brazilian news reports, in the biggest demonstrations yet, and President Dilma Rousseff on Friday called an emergency meeting of her top Cabinet members.
          The mass protests thundering across Brazil have swept up an impassioned array of grievances — costly stadiums, corrupt politicians, high taxes and shoddy schools — and spread to more than 100 cities on Thursday night, the most to date, with increasing ferocity.
          All of a sudden, a country that was once viewed as a stellar example of a rising, democratic power finds itself upended by an amorphous, leaderless popular uprising with one unifying theme: an angry, and sometimes violent, rejection of politics as usual.
          Much like the Occupy movement in the United States, the anticorruption protests that shook India in recent years, the demonstrations over the cost of living in Israel or the fury in European nations like Greece, the demonstrators in Brazil are fed up with traditional political structures, challenging the governing party and the opposition alike. And their demands are so diffuse that they have left Brazil’s leaders confounded as to how to satisfy them.
          “The intensity on the streets is much larger than we imagined,” said Marcelo Hotimsky, a philosophy student who is another organizer of the Free Fare Movement. “It’s not something we control, or something we even want to control.”
          Even after politicians in São Paulo, Rio de Janeiro and other parts of Brazil ceded to the protesters’ initial demands by rolling back bus fare increases this week, the demonstrations continued to spread on Thursday night, and President Rousseff delayed a trip to Japan amid the crisis. The increasing number of cities, the intensity — and in a growing selection of places, the violence — could represent a turning point in the protests.
          In Brasília, the capital, the police used pepper spray and tear gas to block protesters from reaching Congress, but many marched on another Modernist landmark in the city, smashing windows at the Foreign Ministry, setting a fire in the entrance and scaling the Meteor, an iconic marble sculpture in a reflecting pool. Banners in the crowd carried slogans like “While you watch your nightly soap opera, we fight for you.”
          “I saw the youth taking to the streets and I wanted to support them,” said Raimundo Machado, 50, a public servant in Brasília worried about the beleaguered public health system. “I pay for a health plan, but I can pay. What about those who can’t?”
          In Ribeirão Preto, an 18-year-old protester was struck by a car and killed. Large turnouts shook other cities, with hundreds of thousands protesting in Rio de Janeiro, drinking beer and singing as they marched toward the city government.
          But after the sun set, the police used tear gas to disperse them, causing hundreds to run on an already packed street, scrambling not to be pushed into a dirty canal and using bandannas to cover their faces. Dozens were reported injured.
          “They don’t invest in education, they don’t invest in infrastructure, and they keep putting makeup on the city to show to the world that we can host the World Cup and Olympics,” said Jairo Domingos, 26, a technical support assistant in Rio, referring to the 2014 World Cup and 2016 Olympic Games. “We work four months of the year just to pay taxes and we get nothing in return.”
          In Salvador, Brazil’s third-largest city, clashes broke out between protesters and the police, while in Belém, the capital of Pará State in the Amazon, demonstrators threw stones at the mayor. Here in São Paulo, thousands flowed into Avenida Paulista, the city’s most prominent thoroughfare, with some protesters burning the flags of political parties in a repudiation of the political system.
          “Our taxes should not go to line the pockets of Neymar and Ronaldinho,” said Jean Moreira, 26, a business student, referring to the Brazilian soccer stars, as he gripped a sign that read, in English, “We won’t have World Cup because the giant woke up.”
          The ire has extended to Brazil’s established news media, which some see as tied to the elite and focused on portraying the violent minority of demonstrators. Protesters in São Paulo have burned a vehicle belonging to a television network covering the events, while in another episode, a prominent television reporter for Globo, the country’s largest television network, was assaulted while covering a protest in the city center.
          As an alternative, some protesters have begun covering the demonstrations themselves, distributing their reports though social media. One group, called N.I.N.J.A., a Portuguese acronym for Independent Journalism and Action Narratives, has been circulating through the streets with smartphones, cameras and a generator held in a supermarket cart — a makeshift, roving production studio.
          And while some protesters have taken pains to distinguish themselves from the Occupy movements that have sprouted elsewhere, others have embraced the title. One group of protesters from Complexo do Alemão — a patchwork of slums in Rio once seen as an epicenter of crime and drug trafficking — belonged to an organization called Occupy Alemão, created to demonstrate against police abuses.
          “We want a public security strategy that is made in dialogue with society,” said Raull Santiago, 24, a community organizer. “We have a high cost of living and precarious services. This is for basic rights. Look at how much is being spent on the Olympics.”
          The array of frustrations and demands has made it difficult for Brazil’s leaders to respond. Specific concessions, as on the bus fares, were not broad enough to placate the demonstrators. But the kind of sweeping, public acknowledgment of the legitimacy of the protesters’ anger and ambitions — a tactic employed by the president earlier in the week — did not work, either.
          “This is a remarkably diffuse movement; they don’t even use loudspeakers to get their message across with thousands of people on the street,” said Lincoln Secco, a history professor at the University of São Paulo who teaches several of the organizers in the Free Fare Movement.
          Asked why the protests were emerging now, he said, “Why not now? This isn’t something happening just in Brazil, but a new form of protesting, which is not channeled through traditional institutions.”
          Todd Gitlin, a professor of journalism and sociology at Columbia University who has studied social movements, including Occupy Wall Street and the Arab Spring, said it was hard to know exactly what sparks would set off a broader movement.
          “It’s similar to the way in which a certain kind of music suddenly is everywhere, and there’s no theory that can tell you which it’s going to be and when,” he said.
          But the activists at the heart of the movement — they refuse to call themselves leaders — insist that what is happening in Brazil did not burst out of nowhere.
          “It has a spontaneous element that is important when people start going to protests,” said Rafael Siqueira, 38. But he added, “It came out of a lot of work.”
          The Free Fare Movement was created in 2005, at a meeting in Pôrto Alegre, a southern city. Ms. Vivian, who is now 23, helped organize the event, which drew about 200 activists from around the country. Under a large tent at a campsite in a park, activists came up with a logo: a crude drawing of a stick figure kicking over a bus turnstile.
          Ms. Vivian, now a waitress and geography student who was bleary-eyed from lack of sleep after days of continuous protests, laughed when she thought about her early days as an organizer. “In 2005 we were a bunch of kids who had never organized any kind of demonstration,” she said.
          Without the organizing grunt work over the years, she and others said, the stage for the current wave of protests would not have been set. Still, Ms. Vivian and her fellow activists could not explain the change that had suddenly brought huge crowds into the streets all around the country.
          “People finally woke up,” Ms. Vivian said. Asked why it happened now, she shrugged and said, “We really don’t know.”

          Taylor Barnes contributed reporting from Rio de Janeiro, and Lucy Jordan from Brasília.


          "Good things come out of the garrisons" after his daughter won the 100m Gold For Jamaica.

          "It therefore is useless and pointless, unless it is for share malice and victimisation to arrest and charge a 92-year-old man for such a simple offence. There is nothing morally wrong with this man smoking a spliff; the only thing wrong is that it is still on the law books," said Chevannes.


          • #6
            yep the bus fare is a part of it as the people see injustice and corruption.

            Same inequality in China too. Growth is never stable. Some people going to get more, government have to play juggling act, but some growth is better than no growth at all.
            • Don't let negative things break you, instead let it be your strength, your reason for growth. Life is for living and I won't spend my life feeling cheated and downtrodden.

